Greeting everyone !
As title, I have a mdb file at local storage, the url to the file is: D:\CanTauHoa2012\database.mdb, the password is: cantauhoaadi2008
I would like to have a real time connection to googlesheet so that each time mdb file get update, the google sheet also get update.
As title, I have a mdb file at local storage, the url to the file is: D:\CanTauHoa2012\database.mdb, the password is: cantauhoaadi2008
I would like to have a real time connection to googlesheet so that each time mdb file get update, the google sheet also get update.
I want to get column 3, 5, 7 and 10 from mdb file to google sheet.var resultSet = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT GrossDT, CarNumber, GoodsType, CarNetWeight FROM tblBillData");