Hello everyone, I have build a long formula in a cell that creates a hyperlink to send an email to certain contact who is searched by using a VLOOKUP, then it adds the Subject, the CC and the body. It runs perfectly on my computer. It took my gmail default email address. Then I sent it by email to my wife so she can use it within her Santander Bank laptop & corporate outlook profile settings. I assumed that when sent it, the Outlook settings on my wife's employee bank profile would take place instead. But my surprise was that, when she tested the hyperlink, it opened the new mail outlook template filling her personal YAHOO email address instead automatically!
Anyone who can help to set her Bank's personal email address in the "FROM :" field as default when clicking the hyperlink?
Anyone who can help to set her Bank's personal email address in the "FROM :" field as default when clicking the hyperlink?
Excel Formula:
=IFERROR(HIPERLINK("mailto:"&SIFERROR(IF(VLOOKUP([@Perito],Email,5)=1,VLOOKUP(J579,Email,2),SI(VLOOKUP([@Perito],Email,5)=2,VLOOKUP(J579,Email,2)&"; "&VLOOKUP(J579,Email,3),VLOOKUP(J579,Email,2)&"; "&VLOOKUP(J579,Email,3)&"; "&VLOOKUP(J579,Email,4))),"")&"?subject="&SI([@[Avance (%)]]<=0.2,"Visita 1",IF([@[Avance (%)]]<=0.4,"Visita 2",IF([@[Avance (%)]]<=0.6,"Visita 3",IF([@[Avance (%)]]<=0.8,"Visita 4","Visita 5"))))&" Cliente "&[@SOLICITANTE]&"&cc="&"abc@xyz.com"&"&body="&"Estimado "&LEFT([@Perito],SEARCH(" ",[@Perito]))&","&"%0A%0AFavor de programar visita e indicar fecha acordada.%0ASaludos. ","Enviar Email"),"")
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