I have a recipe book spreadsheet with a navigation bar to different categories (ex. PREP or HOT etc.). When Selecting PREP, a second list appears with all HYPERLINKS to all of the prep items. The user clicks on the PREP item and the recipe appears. I CAN MAKE ALL OF THIS WORK, but it's a little clunky as I'm using hidden cells to ensure the right category list is showing. It's not the end of the world, but I would prefer to have one list update based on the category. I planned on doing this by referencing a table of named ranges based on the category, the link and the friendly name would update to reflect the proper items.
This seemed simple enough, I can type each link individually and it navigates as expected, but I can't seem to reference a cell to get the Named Range.
This works perfect.
But when I have "#PREP_1" stored in A1
This does not work. I have tried many iterations but can't seem to find a work around.
Am I just being dumb? ....probably shouldn't ask that in the internet!
This seemed simple enough, I can type each link individually and it navigates as expected, but I can't seem to reference a cell to get the Named Range.
This works perfect.
But when I have "#PREP_1" stored in A1
This does not work. I have tried many iterations but can't seem to find a work around.
Am I just being dumb? ....probably shouldn't ask that in the internet!