I am not conversant with VBA so I want to use the =(HYPERLINK) feature to generate a list of links in Column A of my 'JOBLIST' worksheet with each row in Column A linking to Row 3 of every third column in a range of successive worksheets named 'Jobs_000_050'. 'Jobs_051_100', 'Jobs_101_151' etc, so the user can perform data entry into that cell. I wish to have only 50 Jobs on each of these worksheets to make the spreadsheet more manageable. The 'JOBLIST' worksheet will have 2000 Job Nos in Column A. In the worksheet 'Jobs_001_050' the data for each Job spans three columns per Job (Name, Date, Hours) with these headings in Row 2. Row 1 of the three columns for each Job (A1, B1, C1) will have 'Job No' (this is a text label), '1' (this is the Job No), '0.00' (this will be the SUM of the Hours entered in C3:C20 below). I would like the Job No displayed in the rows of Column A of my 'JOBLIST' worksheet, rather than the actual hyperlink address - I believe this is the 'friendly name' part of the =(HYPERLINK) syntax. Each successive Job No in the 'JOBLIST' worksheet would link to cells A3, D3, G3 etc of the relevant 'Jobs_###_###' worksheet. In addition to this, I would like each Job No in the 'Jobs_###_###' worksheet to link back to the relevant row in the 'JOBLIST' worksheet as it contains other data for each Job. Again, I would like these hyperlinks to display the Job No as the 'friendly name' rather than the hyperlink address'.
I have another 'LINKS' worksheet in the spreadsheet which contains columns with the worksheet name, the cell address for the hyperlink, and the friendly name, i.e. Column A would have fifty rows with Jobs_001_050 followed by fifty rows with Jobs_051_100 and so on. Column B would have B3, E3, H3, K3 etc. Column C would have 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. Can I build a formula to combine this data to create the hyperlinks with friendly names for Column A of my JOBSLIST worksheet? From what I understand, when I combine the elements from Columns A, B and C of my 'LINKS' worksheet (using =A1&B1&C1) I will also need to add sections of syntax to enclose the address in single quotes followed by an exclamation mark and to enclose the friendly name in square brackets. I would appreciate it a great deal if anybody can advise me, as it will otherwise take me weeks to manually create each link using 'Insert Hyperlink' and 'Text to Display'.
I have another 'LINKS' worksheet in the spreadsheet which contains columns with the worksheet name, the cell address for the hyperlink, and the friendly name, i.e. Column A would have fifty rows with Jobs_001_050 followed by fifty rows with Jobs_051_100 and so on. Column B would have B3, E3, H3, K3 etc. Column C would have 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. Can I build a formula to combine this data to create the hyperlinks with friendly names for Column A of my JOBSLIST worksheet? From what I understand, when I combine the elements from Columns A, B and C of my 'LINKS' worksheet (using =A1&B1&C1) I will also need to add sections of syntax to enclose the address in single quotes followed by an exclamation mark and to enclose the friendly name in square brackets. I would appreciate it a great deal if anybody can advise me, as it will otherwise take me weeks to manually create each link using 'Insert Hyperlink' and 'Text to Display'.