I am trying to send a reminder to outlook from a workbook. I want to have the reminder contain a hyperlink to a network file. I can get it to send the text of the link, but not a hyperlink. Here is the code I am using. Cell d1 contains the file location for the hyperlink and uses a formula to change this file each week when inventory is done..
Sub StoreReminders()
Dim appOL As Object
Dim objReminder As Object
Set appOL = GetObject(, "Outlook.application")
Set objReminder = appOL.CreateItem(1) ' olAppointmentItem
objReminder.Start = Range("a1") ' Date of reminder
objReminder.Duration = Range("b1") ' Time for reminder
objReminder.Subject = Range("c1") ' subject text
objReminder.body = "Remove Outdated Items." & vbCrLf & _
"d1")>" ' Body of reminder to be hyperlinked
objReminder.ReminderSet = True
End Sub
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.</file
Sub StoreReminders()
Dim appOL As Object
Dim objReminder As Object
Set appOL = GetObject(, "Outlook.application")
Set objReminder = appOL.CreateItem(1) ' olAppointmentItem
objReminder.Start = Range("a1") ' Date of reminder
objReminder.Duration = Range("b1") ' Time for reminder
objReminder.Subject = Range("c1") ' subject text
objReminder.body = "Remove Outdated Items." & vbCrLf & _

objReminder.ReminderSet = True
End Sub
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.</file