I've just installed Xl 2013. Before, for years I used xl 2010 and utilized MrExcel HTML Maker AddIn.
In my new 2013 program I have the same addin autoloading when I open xl2013, but I do not have the changes
necessary to my Menu - the new Add Option at the end (as before).
What should I do to in order to become functional with MrExcel HTML Maker?
How are you, or have you tried to Install it. The usual way …
1>> downloading the Zipped Folder with the Add.In .xla File and MrExcerlHtml Guide Instruction Word File ( in Link
2>> possibly necessary then to restart the computer once done.
I did this recently for Excel 2007 and 2010 and was very surprised how well behaved it was. That it to say how it simply “Appeared straight away in the Mouse Right click options after downloading. (I did not even need to “Unzip anything?”)
I did however have problems with the similar MrExcelVBHTML Maker (The one that allows you to paste a Code in Mr Excell Forum and keeping all the Color Code formats (
http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/about-board/785192-html-maker.html )
. In this case the Add-In was “there”,(In the VBA Project Window) but for some reason was not “Checked”, (And so did not appear as a Mouse right Click Option). Once I managed to get it “checked” the right mouse click options appeared.
To do this I had to
1>> unzip the file, , (Simply copying the .xla file in the zip Folder and pasting it somewhere )
2>> then find that file, once in the Add-In bit of the Excel Options.
3>> Then I had to “Go to” it and check it.
(Sorry I cannot give more precise instructions, but my Excel Version is In German, so I am not sure of the exact translation for Words and commands in English!
Note again that The whole downloading thing and its success seems to be dependent on which Browser you use. I have got in the habit of always trying these things in different Browsers.