Hi Guys,
I have two vlookup formulas in two columns of a sheet which validates the value whether it is "Pass" or "fail" from another sheet of the same workbook.
Here are the below 2 formulas :-
1) =IF(VLOOKUP(BY2&G2&BG2,Sheet2!A:I,9,0)>=BV2,"Pass","Fail")
2) =IF(VLOOKUP(BY2&G2&BG2&CB2,Sheet2!B:J,9,0)>=BV2,"Pass","Fail")
I would like to combine the two formulas using AND or OR operator to one column, however when i evaluate the formula using AND or OR operator i receive #N/A error from 2nd formula.
Kindly help me in correcting the below formula
Also I have to run the formula using below code please help me in the same :-

I have two vlookup formulas in two columns of a sheet which validates the value whether it is "Pass" or "fail" from another sheet of the same workbook.
Here are the below 2 formulas :-
1) =IF(VLOOKUP(BY2&G2&BG2,Sheet2!A:I,9,0)>=BV2,"Pass","Fail")
2) =IF(VLOOKUP(BY2&G2&BG2&CB2,Sheet2!B:J,9,0)>=BV2,"Pass","Fail")
I would like to combine the two formulas using AND or OR operator to one column, however when i evaluate the formula using AND or OR operator i receive #N/A error from 2nd formula.
Kindly help me in correcting the below formula
Also I have to run the formula using below code please help me in the same :-
Sub runtheformula()
Dim RowNo As Long
'update formulas
RowNo = Sheet1.Range("A1048576").End(xlUp).Row
Sheet1.Range("CI2:CI" & RowNo).FormulaR1C1 =
Sheet1.Range("CI2:CI" & RowNo).Value = Sheet1.Range("CI2:CI" & RowNo).Value
Sheet2.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden
MsgBox "Validation done"