How to SUM / merge similar rows in Excel using VBA and save as each sheet to CSV ?

Mark Jo

New Member
Jun 28, 2023
Office Version
  1. 2016
  1. Windows
I'm trying to build a simplemacro in VBA for Excel that would SUM [merge] all the rows that have the same name (value in the first columns) and save as each sheet to CSV file. So for example :



the result should be like this :


and finnaly l want save as each sheet to CSV file :

Excel Facts

Highlight Duplicates
Home, Conditional Formatting, Highlight Cells, Duplicate records, OK to add pink formatting to any duplicates in selected range.
I gave this a try. This can be modified if necessary. The workbook is HERE.

VBA Code:
Option Explicit

' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Procedure Name: ProcessResults
' Purpose: Summarize items and quantities then export to a csv file.
' Procedure Kind: Sub
' Procedure Access: Public
' Author: Jim
' Date: 7/2/2023
' ----------------------------------------------------------------

Sub ProcessResults()

'   Worksheet containing the data to export.
    Dim wsData As Worksheet
'   Cell that is the "Anchor" for the data to process.
    Dim rAnchorCellData As Range
'   Cell that is the "Anchor" for the results.
    Dim rAnchorCellResults As Range

'   Used to iterate through data.
    Dim rCell As Range
'   Contains the name of the file to save
    Dim sFileNameLabel As String
'   Contains the name of the csv file.
    Dim sFileName As String

'   Contains the label for the data range.
    Dim sDataLabel As String
'   Contains the label for the results range.
    Dim sResultsLabel As String
'   Used with dictionary to keep track of each item.
    Dim sItemName As String
'   Used with dictionary to keep track of items' quantity.
    Dim iItemNextQuantity As Long
    Dim iItemExistingQuantity As Long
'   Count of rows of results
    Dim iResultsRowsCount As Long
'   Used to keep track of count of rows processed within Do Loop.
    Dim iDataRow As Long
'   Used to iterate through all entries in the dictionary
    Dim vKey As Variant
'   Create dictionary
    Dim dicData As Object
    Set dicData = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

'   Code looks for this word to know where the file name is located.
    sFileNameLabel = "File Name"
'   Code looks for this word to know where the data starts.
    sDataLabel = "Data"
'   Code looks for this word to know where the results start.
    sResultsLabel = "Results"
    Set wsData = ActiveSheet
'   Look for cell that is the row header label for the file name.
    Set rCell = FindCell(wsData, sFileNameLabel)
    If rCell Is Nothing _
        MsgBox "Could not find the label cell for the file name (" & sFileNameLabel & ").", vbInformation
        Exit Sub
'       File name is in the cell one tho the right of the cell where the file name label is found.
        sFileName = rCell.Offset(0, 1).Value
    End If
'   Get anchor cell for data. It is two cells below the cell whose label is in sDataLabel.
    Set rAnchorCellData = FindCell(wsData, sDataLabel)
    If rAnchorCellData Is Nothing _
        MsgBox "Could not find the label cell for data (" & sDataLabel & ").", vbInformation
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Set rAnchorCellData = rAnchorCellData.Cells.Offset(2)
'   Get anchor cell for results. It is two cells below the cell whose label is in sResultsLabel.
    Set rAnchorCellResults = FindCell(wsData, sResultsLabel)
    If rAnchorCellResults Is Nothing _
        MsgBox "Could not find the label cell for results (" & sResultsLabel & ").", vbInformation
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Set rAnchorCellResults = rAnchorCellResults.Cells.Offset(2)
'   Get count of DATA rows in the results range. Minus one to skip headers.
    iResultsRowsCount = rAnchorCellResults.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count - 1
'   Clear the existing results
    If iResultsRowsCount <> 0 _
     Then rAnchorCellResults.Offset(1).Resize(iResultsRowsCount, 2).Clear

    With rAnchorCellData
        iDataRow = 0
            sItemName = .Offset(iDataRow + 1, 0).Value
            iItemNextQuantity = .Offset(iDataRow + 1, 1).Value
            If Not dicData.Exists(sItemName) _
'               The item IS NOT in the dictionary so add it, with quantity.
                dicData.Add sItemName, iItemNextQuantity
'               Item IS in the dictionary. Get the existing value, add it to the
'               next quantity then put updated values into the dictinary.
                iItemExistingQuantity = dicData(sItemName)
                iItemNextQuantity = iItemNextQuantity + iItemExistingQuantity
                dicData(sItemName) = iItemNextQuantity
            End If
            iDataRow = iDataRow + 1

        Loop Until .Offset(iDataRow + 1) = ""
    End With
    iDataRow = 0
'   Put results into the result area in the worksheet.
    With rAnchorCellResults
        For Each vKey In dicData.Keys
            iDataRow = iDataRow + 1
            With .Offset(iDataRow, 0)
                .Value = vKey
            End With
            With .Offset(iDataRow, 1)
                .Value = dicData(vKey)
            End With
        Next vKey
    End With
'   Create the csv file
    Call ExportRangeToCSVFile(rAnchorCellResults.CurrentRegion, sFileName)
End Sub

VBA Code:
Option Explicit

' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Procedure Name: ExportRangeToCSVFile
' Purpose: Export the specified range to a csv file.
' Procedure Kind: Function
' Procedure Access: Public
' Parameter prDataRange (Range): Range to export as csv file.
' Parameter psFileName (String): Name of the csv file to create.
' Parameter psPath (String): Optional path for the new csv file.
' Parameter psDelimiter (String): Character used as the delimiter between range cells.
' Parameter pbIncludeFirstRow (Boolean): Optional flag indicating whether to include the first data row.
' Return Type: String
' Author: Jim
' Date: 7/2/2023
' ----------------------------------------------------------------

Function ExportRangeToCSVFile( _
    prDataRange As Range, _
    psFileName As String, _
    Optional psPath As String = "", _
    Optional psDelimiter As String = ",", _
    Optional pbIncludeFirstRow As Boolean = True) _
As String

'   Used to test for new row variable.
    Dim iHoldRow As Long

'   Used to hold the text to export including delimiter.
    Dim sExportString As String

'   Used to iterate through each cell in the range.
    Dim rCell As Range

'   Handle file name extension.
    If UCase(Right(psFileName, 4)) <> ".CSV" _
    Then psFileName = psFileName & ".csv"

'   Handle path. Add trailing slash if necessary.
    If psPath = "" Then psPath = ThisWorkbook.Path

    If Right(psPath, 1) <> "\" Then psPath = psPath & "\"

'   Check the path exists. If not, tell user then bail out.
    If Dir(psPath, vbDirectory) = "" _
        MsgBox "The path specified cannot be found." & Chr(10) & psPath, vbInformation
        Exit Function

    End If

'   If boolean flag parameter = false then do not include the first data row.
    If Not pbIncludeFirstRow _
        Dim iRows As Long

        Dim iCols As Long

        iRows = prDataRange.Rows.Count - 1

        iCols = prDataRange.Columns.Count

        Set prDataRange = prDataRange.Offset(1).Resize(iRows, iCols)
    End If

'   Get first row in the range.
    iHoldRow = prDataRange.Row

'   Loop through range variable.
    For Each rCell In prDataRange

        If iHoldRow <> rCell.Row Then

'       Add linebreak and remove extra delimeter
        sExportString _
            = Left(sExportString, Len(sExportString) - 1) _
            & vbCrLf & rCell.Text & psDelimiter

        iHoldRow = rCell.Row

            sExportString = sExportString & rCell.Text & psDelimiter
        End If

    Next rCell

'   Trim extra delimiter
    sExportString = Left(sExportString, Len(sExportString) - 1)

'   Kill the file if it already exists
    If Len(Dir(psPath & psFileName)) > 0 Then
        Kill psPath & psFileName
    End If

    Open psPath & psFileName For Append As #1    'write the new file
    Print #1, sExportString
    Close #1

End Function

VBA Code:
Option Explicit

Function FindCell( _
    ByVal pwsSearchSheet As Worksheet, _
    ByVal psSearchString As String, _
    Optional ByVal bByRows As Boolean = True, _
    Optional ByVal bMatchCase As Boolean = True, _
    Optional ByVal bDoPart As Boolean = False, _
    Optional ByRef iRow As Long = 0, _
    Optional ByRef iCol As Long = 0) _
As Range

'   Used to set the SearchOrder criterion.
    Dim xlOrder As Long

'   Used to set the LookAt criterion.
    Dim xlWholeOrPart As Long

'   Used to get the row # using Split and R1C1 addressing.
    Dim Cell_Split_R() As String

'   Used to get the column # using Split and R1C1 addressing.
    Dim Cell_Split_C() As String

'   Set the SearchOrder criterion based on boolean parameter bByRows.
    If bByRows Then xlOrder = xlByRows Else xlOrder = xlByColumns

'   Set the LookAt criterion based on boolean parameter bDoPart.
    If bDoPart Then xlWholeOrPart = xlPart Else xlWholeOrPart = xlWhole

    Set FindCell = Nothing

    With pwsSearchSheet.Cells

        Set FindCell = _
            .Find(What:=psSearchString, _
                  LookAt:=xlWholeOrPart, _
                  LookIn:=xlValues, _
                  MatchCase:=bMatchCase, _
                  SearchOrder:=xlOrder, _
    End With
    If Not FindCell Is Nothing Then
        Cell_Split_R = Split(FindCell.Address(ReferenceStyle:=xlR1C1), "R")
        Cell_Split_C = Split(Cell_Split_R(1), "C")
        iCol = CInt(Cell_Split_C(0))
        iRow = CInt(Cell_Split_C(1))
    End If

End Function
Upvote 0
I gave this a try. This can be modified if necessary. The workbook is HERE.

VBA Code:
Option Explicit

' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Procedure Name: ProcessResults
' Purpose: Summarize items and quantities then export to a csv file.
' Procedure Kind: Sub
' Procedure Access: Public
' Author: Jim
' Date: 7/2/2023
' ----------------------------------------------------------------

Sub ProcessResults()

'   Worksheet containing the data to export.
    Dim wsData As Worksheet
'   Cell that is the "Anchor" for the data to process.
    Dim rAnchorCellData As Range
'   Cell that is the "Anchor" for the results.
    Dim rAnchorCellResults As Range

'   Used to iterate through data.
    Dim rCell As Range
'   Contains the name of the file to save
    Dim sFileNameLabel As String
'   Contains the name of the csv file.
    Dim sFileName As String

'   Contains the label for the data range.
    Dim sDataLabel As String
'   Contains the label for the results range.
    Dim sResultsLabel As String
'   Used with dictionary to keep track of each item.
    Dim sItemName As String
'   Used with dictionary to keep track of items' quantity.
    Dim iItemNextQuantity As Long
    Dim iItemExistingQuantity As Long
'   Count of rows of results
    Dim iResultsRowsCount As Long
'   Used to keep track of count of rows processed within Do Loop.
    Dim iDataRow As Long
'   Used to iterate through all entries in the dictionary
    Dim vKey As Variant
'   Create dictionary
    Dim dicData As Object
    Set dicData = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

'   Code looks for this word to know where the file name is located.
    sFileNameLabel = "File Name"
'   Code looks for this word to know where the data starts.
    sDataLabel = "Data"
'   Code looks for this word to know where the results start.
    sResultsLabel = "Results"
    Set wsData = ActiveSheet
'   Look for cell that is the row header label for the file name.
    Set rCell = FindCell(wsData, sFileNameLabel)
    If rCell Is Nothing _
        MsgBox "Could not find the label cell for the file name (" & sFileNameLabel & ").", vbInformation
        Exit Sub
'       File name is in the cell one tho the right of the cell where the file name label is found.
        sFileName = rCell.Offset(0, 1).Value
    End If
'   Get anchor cell for data. It is two cells below the cell whose label is in sDataLabel.
    Set rAnchorCellData = FindCell(wsData, sDataLabel)
    If rAnchorCellData Is Nothing _
        MsgBox "Could not find the label cell for data (" & sDataLabel & ").", vbInformation
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Set rAnchorCellData = rAnchorCellData.Cells.Offset(2)
'   Get anchor cell for results. It is two cells below the cell whose label is in sResultsLabel.
    Set rAnchorCellResults = FindCell(wsData, sResultsLabel)
    If rAnchorCellResults Is Nothing _
        MsgBox "Could not find the label cell for results (" & sResultsLabel & ").", vbInformation
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Set rAnchorCellResults = rAnchorCellResults.Cells.Offset(2)
'   Get count of DATA rows in the results range. Minus one to skip headers.
    iResultsRowsCount = rAnchorCellResults.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count - 1
'   Clear the existing results
    If iResultsRowsCount <> 0 _
     Then rAnchorCellResults.Offset(1).Resize(iResultsRowsCount, 2).Clear

    With rAnchorCellData
        iDataRow = 0
            sItemName = .Offset(iDataRow + 1, 0).Value
            iItemNextQuantity = .Offset(iDataRow + 1, 1).Value
            If Not dicData.Exists(sItemName) _
'               The item IS NOT in the dictionary so add it, with quantity.
                dicData.Add sItemName, iItemNextQuantity
'               Item IS in the dictionary. Get the existing value, add it to the
'               next quantity then put updated values into the dictinary.
                iItemExistingQuantity = dicData(sItemName)
                iItemNextQuantity = iItemNextQuantity + iItemExistingQuantity
                dicData(sItemName) = iItemNextQuantity
            End If
            iDataRow = iDataRow + 1

        Loop Until .Offset(iDataRow + 1) = ""
    End With
    iDataRow = 0
'   Put results into the result area in the worksheet.
    With rAnchorCellResults
        For Each vKey In dicData.Keys
            iDataRow = iDataRow + 1
            With .Offset(iDataRow, 0)
                .Value = vKey
            End With
            With .Offset(iDataRow, 1)
                .Value = dicData(vKey)
            End With
        Next vKey
    End With
'   Create the csv file
    Call ExportRangeToCSVFile(rAnchorCellResults.CurrentRegion, sFileName)
End Sub

VBA Code:
Option Explicit

' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Procedure Name: ExportRangeToCSVFile
' Purpose: Export the specified range to a csv file.
' Procedure Kind: Function
' Procedure Access: Public
' Parameter prDataRange (Range): Range to export as csv file.
' Parameter psFileName (String): Name of the csv file to create.
' Parameter psPath (String): Optional path for the new csv file.
' Parameter psDelimiter (String): Character used as the delimiter between range cells.
' Parameter pbIncludeFirstRow (Boolean): Optional flag indicating whether to include the first data row.
' Return Type: String
' Author: Jim
' Date: 7/2/2023
' ----------------------------------------------------------------

Function ExportRangeToCSVFile( _
    prDataRange As Range, _
    psFileName As String, _
    Optional psPath As String = "", _
    Optional psDelimiter As String = ",", _
    Optional pbIncludeFirstRow As Boolean = True) _
As String

'   Used to test for new row variable.
    Dim iHoldRow As Long

'   Used to hold the text to export including delimiter.
    Dim sExportString As String

'   Used to iterate through each cell in the range.
    Dim rCell As Range

'   Handle file name extension.
    If UCase(Right(psFileName, 4)) <> ".CSV" _
    Then psFileName = psFileName & ".csv"

'   Handle path. Add trailing slash if necessary.
    If psPath = "" Then psPath = ThisWorkbook.Path

    If Right(psPath, 1) <> "\" Then psPath = psPath & "\"

'   Check the path exists. If not, tell user then bail out.
    If Dir(psPath, vbDirectory) = "" _
        MsgBox "The path specified cannot be found." & Chr(10) & psPath, vbInformation
        Exit Function

    End If

'   If boolean flag parameter = false then do not include the first data row.
    If Not pbIncludeFirstRow _
        Dim iRows As Long

        Dim iCols As Long

        iRows = prDataRange.Rows.Count - 1

        iCols = prDataRange.Columns.Count

        Set prDataRange = prDataRange.Offset(1).Resize(iRows, iCols)
    End If

'   Get first row in the range.
    iHoldRow = prDataRange.Row

'   Loop through range variable.
    For Each rCell In prDataRange

        If iHoldRow <> rCell.Row Then

'       Add linebreak and remove extra delimeter
        sExportString _
            = Left(sExportString, Len(sExportString) - 1) _
            & vbCrLf & rCell.Text & psDelimiter

        iHoldRow = rCell.Row

            sExportString = sExportString & rCell.Text & psDelimiter
        End If

    Next rCell

'   Trim extra delimiter
    sExportString = Left(sExportString, Len(sExportString) - 1)

'   Kill the file if it already exists
    If Len(Dir(psPath & psFileName)) > 0 Then
        Kill psPath & psFileName
    End If

    Open psPath & psFileName For Append As #1    'write the new file
    Print #1, sExportString
    Close #1

End Function

VBA Code:
Option Explicit

Function FindCell( _
    ByVal pwsSearchSheet As Worksheet, _
    ByVal psSearchString As String, _
    Optional ByVal bByRows As Boolean = True, _
    Optional ByVal bMatchCase As Boolean = True, _
    Optional ByVal bDoPart As Boolean = False, _
    Optional ByRef iRow As Long = 0, _
    Optional ByRef iCol As Long = 0) _
As Range

'   Used to set the SearchOrder criterion.
    Dim xlOrder As Long

'   Used to set the LookAt criterion.
    Dim xlWholeOrPart As Long

'   Used to get the row # using Split and R1C1 addressing.
    Dim Cell_Split_R() As String

'   Used to get the column # using Split and R1C1 addressing.
    Dim Cell_Split_C() As String

'   Set the SearchOrder criterion based on boolean parameter bByRows.
    If bByRows Then xlOrder = xlByRows Else xlOrder = xlByColumns

'   Set the LookAt criterion based on boolean parameter bDoPart.
    If bDoPart Then xlWholeOrPart = xlPart Else xlWholeOrPart = xlWhole

    Set FindCell = Nothing

    With pwsSearchSheet.Cells

        Set FindCell = _
            .Find(What:=psSearchString, _
                  LookAt:=xlWholeOrPart, _
                  LookIn:=xlValues, _
                  MatchCase:=bMatchCase, _
                  SearchOrder:=xlOrder, _
    End With
    If Not FindCell Is Nothing Then
        Cell_Split_R = Split(FindCell.Address(ReferenceStyle:=xlR1C1), "R")
        Cell_Split_C = Split(Cell_Split_R(1), "C")
        iCol = CInt(Cell_Split_C(0))
        iRow = CInt(Cell_Split_C(1))
    End If

End Function
Hi OaklandJim, thanks a lot for the answer, you're the best
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