Looking for VBA code to sort 3 paired columns ascending fromleft to right based on a total at the bottom ?
I have 6 columns, paired by 2 next to each other from A to F.
This means the A and B, C and D, E and F need to stay adjacent to each other.
At the bottom of the B, D and F column the totals (sum) are calculated of thevalues in these columns.
How can I sort these columns based on the totals in ascending order from leftto right and that the paired columns AB, CD and EF remain paired and in thesame order.
Eg. AB-CD-EF becomes EF-AB-CD after sorting
Thank you for your input and help
I have 6 columns, paired by 2 next to each other from A to F.
This means the A and B, C and D, E and F need to stay adjacent to each other.
At the bottom of the B, D and F column the totals (sum) are calculated of thevalues in these columns.
How can I sort these columns based on the totals in ascending order from leftto right and that the paired columns AB, CD and EF remain paired and in thesame order.
Eg. AB-CD-EF becomes EF-AB-CD after sorting
Thank you for your input and help