Public Sub Forecast_Macro(forecastname As String, forecastdirectory As String, originalforecast As String)
'Summary: Macro will take the forecast information from the new cash forecast layout for Auto or Credit and output
' it to a txt for later manual import into CMM
'/* *\
'/* *\
Dim answer As Integer 'So the analyst can decide if he/she still wants to run the macro after reading the
' macro instructions
Dim forecast_tab As String 'The forecast tab name which contains the CMM forecast layout
Dim MessageBox As String 'To contain the message box message
Dim WS As Worksheet 'The worksheet (CMM Input) which will contain the macro output before it is exported to the text file
' (1) Output Variables:
Dim amount As Double 'Variable used to only copy forecasting amounts from the forecast tab, otherwise, formats are
' copied as well
Dim payment_type As String 'Payment type: R = receipt, P = disbursement, dependent on whether the forecasted amount is in the
' Receipts category (R) or in the Disbursements category (P)
Dim entity_id As String 'Entity ID: business unit
Dim currency_code As String 'Currency code: currency of forecast
Dim input_date As Date 'Input Date: date the forecast file is submitted
Dim bank_id As String 'Bank ID: unique identifier for each forecasting entry
Dim bank_account As String 'Bank Account Number
' (2) Static Variables:
Dim firstrow As Integer 'Number of first row (hardcoded to 10 and modified depending on whether all or 1 bank account is run)
Dim lastrow As Integer 'Number of last row (from bottom of worksheet to the top based on column G if all entities are run
' or the last row of the individual forecast if only one entity is run)
Dim lastcol As Integer 'Number of last column (from right of worksheet to the left based on row 10)
Dim firstcol As Integer 'Number of first column (hardcoded to 7, as the macro loops on col G: as long as col G has
' a value, the macro will pull a number for the forecast, regardless if the daily
' forecast has a value or is blank
Dim foundentity As Boolean 'Boolean as to whether or not the single entity is found
'TRUE = found FALSE = not found
' (3) Counters:
Dim row_tracker As Integer 'Tracker variable, keeps track of the row the loop is on
Dim col_tracker As Integer 'Tracker variable, keeps track (relatively) of which column the loop is on
Dim newdirectorypath As String 'Stores the file path of the new csv workbook which contains the macro output (if the
' responsibility is given to a new analyst, the macro will still function as intended)
Dim myRow As Range 'For looping through rows when printing the macro output to the text file
Dim myColumn As Range 'For looping through columns when printing the macro output to the text file
Dim nFileNum As Long 'For printing the macro output to the text file
' - firstrow variable
' - firstcol variable
' - output variables (except payment_type & amount)
' - value of value date is fixed on row 10
'/* *\
'/* *\
'Workbooks(originalforecast).Close savechanges:=False
MessageBox = "1. If you would like to add or delete rows and columns, you can do so. The macro was created to "
MessageBox = MessageBox & "automatically adjust for changes to the format. "
MessageBox = MessageBox & "However, the first cashflow type must be on row 10 and the first forecast date must be "
MessageBox = MessageBox & "in column H." & vbCrLf
MessageBox = MessageBox & "2. If you wish to reforecast one or more days, please leave the remaining forecast "
MessageBox = MessageBox & "the same. The macro treats any blank amounts as $0." & vbCrLf
MessageBox = MessageBox & "3. The macro output file will be located in the same folder as the forecasting file." & vbCrLf
MessageBox = MessageBox & "4. BE CAREFUL! If you run the macro but the previous output file was not renamed, "
MessageBox = MessageBox & "the previous file will be overwritten by the new one. There is no way to undo this." & vbCrLf
MessageBox = MessageBox & vbCrLf
MessageBox = MessageBox & vbCrLf
MessageBox = MessageBox & "Do you still want to run the macro?" & vbCrLf
MessageBox = MessageBox & "YES = runs for all entities" & vbCrLf
MessageBox = MessageBox & "NO = runs for only 1 entity" & vbCrLf
MessageBox = MessageBox & "CANCEL = macro does not run" & vbCrLf
answer = MsgBox(MessageBox, vbYesNoCancel + vbQuestion, "MACRO INSTRUCTIONS")
If answer = vbCancel Then
Workbooks("3C_Macro.xlsm").Close savechanges:=False
End If
'/* *\
'/* *\
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
forecast_tab = ActiveSheet.Name
'/* *\
'/* *\
Set WS = Sheets.Add
ActiveSheet.Name = "CMM Input"
'/* *\
'/* *\
firstcol = 7 'This value is the first column - 1, so the col_tracker loop will be correct
payment_type = "R" 'Defaulting to receipts because the first forecast data will always be a receipt
firstrow = 10 'First row of the first forecast
foundentity = False 'If the user chooses to search for a single entity, the default is that the entity is not found
'Used in determining the name of the output file:
' If the user runs for all entities, foundentity = False as it never changes
' If the user runs for one entity, foundentity = True if the entity is found
' If user selects Cancel or searches for one entity not in the file, the macro will exit with no output file
'Defining lastrow and lastcol
With ActiveSheet
lastrow = Sheets(forecast_tab).Cells(.Rows.Count, "g").End(xlUp).Row
lastcol = Sheets(forecast_tab).Cells(8, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
End With
'/* *\
'/* *\
If answer = vbYes Then
'Defining variables dependent on user clicking Yes
entity_id = Sheets(forecast_tab).Range("C1").Value
currency_code = Sheets(forecast_tab).Range("C2").Value
input_date = Sheets(forecast_tab).Range("D3").Value 'Static: changed C5 to D5, modified for month/day - day/month issue
bank_id = Sheets(forecast_tab).Range("C4").Value
bank_account = Sheets(forecast_tab).Range("C5").Value
'Master loop for all entities
For row_tracker = firstrow To lastrow
For col_tracker = 1 To lastcol - firstcol
'Reseting the Entity ID, Currency, Input Date, Bank ID and Bank Account Number for the new/next forecast
If Sheets(forecast_tab).Cells(row_tracker, 1).Value = "ENTITY ID" Then
entity_id = Sheets(forecast_tab).Cells(row_tracker, 3).Value
currency_code = Sheets(forecast_tab).Cells(row_tracker + 1, 3).Value
input_date = Sheets(forecast_tab).Cells(row_tracker + 2, 4).Value
bank_id = Sheets(forecast_tab).Cells(row_tracker + 3, 3).Value
bank_account = Sheets(forecast_tab).Cells(row_tracker + 4, 3).Value
payment_type = "R"
End If
If Sheets(forecast_tab).Cells(row_tracker, 1).Value = "DISBURSEMENTS" Then
payment_type = "P"
End If
'Writing the data to CMM Input tab
If Not Sheets(forecast_tab).Cells(row_tracker, firstcol).Value = "" Then
If Not Sheets(forecast_tab).Cells(row_tracker, firstcol).Value = "Long Name" Then
'Amount is the absolute value of the forecasted amount because in the forecast, all disbursements will be (-) and all receipts
' will be (+), as indicated by the payment type of P/R. When there is a refund issued to us, it will show up as a negative
' disbursement as there is no refund cashflow type in the receipts area. However, refunds will not be part of the forecast,
' and will only be part of the variance analysis.
amount = Abs(Sheets(forecast_tab).Cells(row_tracker, firstcol).Offset(0, col_tracker).Value)
'Displaying the values as required: Entity ID + Payment Type + Currency Code + Value Date + Amount + "Day"
' + Cashflow Type + Unique Identifier + Bank ID + Bank Account Number
'Unique Identifier = Last 18 digits of Bank Account + Cash Flow Type + Payment Type + Value Date
'Sheets(forecast_tab).Cells(6, firstcol): changed 10 to 6, modified for month/day - day/month issue
ActiveCell.Value = entity_id & "," & _
payment_type & "," & _
currency_code & "," & _
Sheets(forecast_tab).Cells(4, firstcol).Offset(0, col_tracker) & "," & _
amount & "," & _
"day" & "," & _
Sheets(forecast_tab).Cells(row_tracker, firstcol).Offset(0, -2).Value & "," & _
Right(bank_account, 18) & _
Sheets(forecast_tab).Cells(row_tracker, 5) & _
payment_type & _
Format(Sheets(forecast_tab).Cells(4, firstcol).Offset(0, col_tracker), "yyyymmdd") & "," & _
bank_id & "," & _
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
End If
End If
Next col_tracker
Next row_tracker
End If
'/* *\
'/* *\
If answer = vbNo Then
entity_id = InputBox("Please enter the entity for which you want to run this macro (CASE SENSITIVE):")
'If the user presses Cancel instead of typing an entity_id
If entity_id = "" Then
WS.Delete 'Deleting the CMM Input worksheet
Workbooks("3C_Macro.xlsm").Close savechanges:=False 'Closing the macro workbook
End 'Exiting the macro without creating an output file because entity was not found
End If
'Finding the first row of data of the intended entity's forecast
For row_tracker = 1 To lastrow
If Sheets(forecast_tab).Cells(row_tracker, 3).Value = entity_id Then
foundentity = True 'Setting foundentity = True because the entity is found
firstrow = row_tracker + 9 'Resetting the firstrow variable to the first row of the found entity's forecast instead of the
' first row of the first forecast
End If
If foundentity = True Then Exit For 'Exiting the loop
Next row_tracker
'Master loop for single entity
If foundentity = True Then
'Finding the last row of data of the intended entity's forecast
' It doesn't matter if this row is not the exact last row, as long as all rows between this one and the actual last row are blanks. The loop
' excludes blank rows. However, this row must be blank as well
For row_tracker = firstrow To lastrow
If Sheets(forecast_tab).Cells(row_tracker, 1).Value = "ENTITY ID" Then
lastrow = row_tracker - 1 'Resetting the lastrow variable to the last row of the found entity's forecast so the masterloop will
' only loop within the intended entity's forecast, instead of to the bottom of the worksheet
End If
If lastrow = row_tracker - 1 Then Exit For 'Exiting the loop
Next row_tracker
'Core of the master loop
For row_tracker = firstrow To lastrow
For col_tracker = 1 To lastcol - firstcol
'Defining variables dependent on user clicking No
entity_id = Sheets(forecast_tab).Cells(firstrow - 9, 3).Value
currency_code = Sheets(forecast_tab).Cells(firstrow - 8, 3).Value
input_date = Sheets(forecast_tab).Cells(firstrow - 7, 4).Value
bank_id = Sheets(forecast_tab).Cells(firstrow - 6, 3).Value
bank_account = Sheets(forecast_tab).Cells(firstrow - 5, 3).Value
'Changing the payment type if moving into the Disbursements section
If Sheets(forecast_tab).Cells(row_tracker, 1).Value = "DISBURSEMENTS" Then
payment_type = "P"
End If
'Writing the data to CMM Input tab
If Not Sheets(forecast_tab).Cells(row_tracker, firstcol).Value = "" Then
If Not Sheets(forecast_tab).Cells(row_tracker, firstcol).Value = "Long Name" Then
'Amount is the absolute value of the forecasted amount because in the forecast, all disbursements will be (-) and all receipts
' will be (+), as indicated by the payment type of P/R. When there is a refund issued to us, it will show up as a negative
' disbursement as there is no refund cashflow type in the receipts area. However, refunds will not be part of the forecast,
' and will only be part of the variance analysis.
amount = Abs(Sheets(forecast_tab).Cells(row_tracker, firstcol).Offset(0, col_tracker).Value)
'Displaying the values as required: Entity ID + Payment Type + Currency Code + Value Date + Amount + "Day"
' + Cashflow Type + Unique Identifier + Bank ID + Bank Account Number
'Unique Identifier = Last 18 digits of Bank Account + Cash Flow Type + Payment Type + Value Date
'Sheets(forecast_tab).Cells(6, firstcol): changed 10 to 6, modified for month/day - day/month issue
ActiveCell.Value = entity_id & "," & _
payment_type & "," & _
currency_code & "," & _
Sheets(forecast_tab).Cells(4, firstcol).Offset(0, col_tracker) & "," & _
amount & "," & _
"day" & "," & _
Sheets(forecast_tab).Cells(row_tracker, firstcol).Offset(0, -2).Value & "," & _
Right(bank_account, 18) & _
Sheets(forecast_tab).Cells(row_tracker, 5) & _
payment_type & _
Format(Sheets(forecast_tab).Cells(4, firstcol).Offset(0, col_tracker), "yyyymmdd") & "," & _
bank_id & "," & _
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
End If
End If
Next col_tracker
Next row_tracker
MsgBox ("Entity was not found. No output file will be processed.")
WS.Delete 'Deleting the CMM Input worksheet
Workbooks("3C_Macro.xlsm").Close 'Closing the macro workbook
End 'Exiting the macro without creating an output file because entity was not found
End If
End If
'/* *\
'/* *\
'Format: C-US-9100 USD 10242014 Forecast Input.txt for single entity
'Format: 10242014 Forecast Input.txt for all entities
If foundentity = True Then 'Single entity was run
newdirectorypath = forecastdirectory & "\" & entity_id & " " & bank_id & " " & bank_account & " " & currency_code & " " & Format(input_date, "yyyymmdd") & _
" " & "Forecast Input.txt"
ElseIf foundentity = False Then 'All entities were run
newdirectorypath = forecastdirectory & "\" & Format(input_date, "yyyymmdd") & " " & "Forecast Input.txt"
End If
nFileNum = FreeFile
'So there are no windows popping up if the output file overwrites a previous output file, or when the WS tab is deleted
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
'Opening the text file for the printing of the output, and printing the output to the text file
Open newdirectorypath For Output As #nFileNum
For Each myRow In Range("A1:A" & Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
For Each myColumn In Range(myRow.Cells, Cells(myRow.Row, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft))
Print #nFileNum, myColumn.Text
Next myColumn
Next myRow
Close #nFileNum
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
MsgBox "Macro is finished."
'Making sure nothing changes on the Macro workbook from Sharepoint
Workbooks("3C_Macro.xlsm").Close savechanges:=False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Workbooks(forecastname).Close savechanges:=False
End Sub