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Is there a formula to repeat the field headings cars and bikes on the left hand side. I have currently entered them manually which are shaded bold on the left hand side. The formula would recognise that there is a record and pick up the field heading and put them on the left hand sided rather than me having to key them in manually. If there is no record, then it would return nothing/blank. please the layout of my report at work appears as exactly as shown above
I would be very grateful, if someone could please help me on this, as this would save me hours.
cars escort 50
cars focus 20
bikes triumph 10
bikes ducatti 5
Is there a formula to repeat the field headings cars and bikes on the left hand side. I have currently entered them manually which are shaded bold on the left hand side. The formula would recognise that there is a record and pick up the field heading and put them on the left hand sided rather than me having to key them in manually. If there is no record, then it would return nothing/blank. please the layout of my report at work appears as exactly as shown above
I would be very grateful, if someone could please help me on this, as this would save me hours.