Hi, so I am a beginner to VBA and I got the code how to separate state, city, and zip code, but I don't know the code for how to do the street? Here's the code on how to separate city, state and zip code, and an image to show how I want to be separated in the textbox. I would appreciate if anyone can find the solution.
To test, create a form with four text boxes (txtAddress, txtCity, txtState, txtZip), and a command button. Add the following code:
Function CutLastWord (ByVal S As String, Remainder As String) _
As String
' CutLastWord: returns the last word in S.
' Remainder: returns the rest.
' Words are separated by spaces
Dim I As Integer, P As Integer
S = Trim$(S)
P = 1
For I = Len(S) To 1 Step -1
If Mid$(S, I, 1) = " " Then
P = I + 1
Exit For
End If
Next I
If P = 1 Then
CutLastWord = S
Remainder = ""
CutLastWord = Mid$(S, P)
Remainder = Trim$(Left$(S, P - 1))
End If
End Function
Sub ParseCSZ (ByVal S As String, City As String, State As String, _
Zip As String)
Dim P As Integer
' Check for comma after city name
P = InStr(S, ",")
If P > 0 Then
City = Trim$(Left$(S, P - 1))
S = Trim$(Mid$(S, P + 1))
' Check for comma after state
P = InStr(S, ",")
If P > 0 Then
State = Trim$(Left$(S, P - 1))
Zip = Trim$(Mid$(S, P + 1))
Else ' No comma between state and zip
Zip = CutLastWord(S, S)
State = S
End If
Else ' No commas between city, state, or zip
Zip = CutLastWord(S, S)
State = CutLastWord(S, S)
City = S
End If
' Clean up any dangling commas
If Right$(State, 1) = "," Then
State = RTrim$(Left$(State, Len(State) - 1))
End If
If Right$(City, 1) = "," Then
City = RTrim$(Left$(City, Len(City) - 1))
End If
End Sub
To test, create a form with four text boxes (txtAddress, txtCity, txtState, txtZip), and a command button. Add the following code:
Sub Command1_Click()
Dim City As String, State As String, Zip As String
ParseCSZ txtAddress, City, State, Zip
txtCity = City
txtState = State
txtZip = Zip
End Sub