I have made this program , I wanna parse webpage json data in excel rows and columns , I am getting error
I have imported json converter from file mentioned here : "Import Json to excel and export excel to Json (Updated 2022) - Coding is Love"
Please help me to parse this data
I have made this program , I wanna parse webpage json data in excel rows and columns , I am getting error
I have imported json converter from file mentioned here : "Import Json to excel and export excel to Json (Updated 2022) - Coding is Love"
Please help me to parse this data
VBA Code:
Public Sub exceljson()
Dim http As Object, JSON As Object, i As Integer
Set http = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
'original url = "https://www.crisilratings.com/en/home/our-business/ratings/rating-rationale.html"
sURL = "https://www.crisilratings.com/content/crisilratings/en/home/our-business/ratings/rating-rationale/_jcr_content/wrapper_100_par/ratingresultlisting.results.json?cmd=RR&start=0&limit=100&filters={}&_=1678267659258"
http.Open "GET", sURL, False
MsgBox http.responseText
Set JSON = ParseJson(http.responseText)
' ParseJson downloaded from
i = 2
For Each Item In JSON
Sheets("Output").Cells(i, 1).Value = Item("ratingDate")
Sheets("Output").Cells(i, 2).Value = Item("abstractTemp")
Sheets("Output").Cells(i, 3).Value = Item("companyCode")
Sheets("Output").Cells(i, 4).Value = Item("companyName")
Sheets("Output").Cells(i, 5).Value = Item("heading")
Sheets("Output").Cells(i, 6).Value = Item("ratingDate")
Sheets("Output").Cells(i, 7).Value = Item("showAbstarct")
Sheets("Output").Cells(i, 8).Value = Item("transDate")
i = i + 1
MsgBox ("complete")
End Sub