Looks like you're well on your way. I'm pretty sure you'll keep visiting the work for the next several days to "fix" parts of it. Well, that's the way I work.
Here's a bubble chart. Or is it a bingo card?
I organized the data into six different tables:
The spreadsheet may be downloaded from:
I selected the data for the first series, the lowest row, and inserted a bubble chart using the ribbon. From the chart right-click context menu, "Select Data..." >> "Edit", I fixed the series name by pointing it to the correct cell. Then I used that same "Select Data.." dialog box to add each series, one by one. Only mildly tedious work.
I changed the chart size to 5-inches by 5-inches so I had enough room for sloppy mouse handling. I also deleted the chart title.
The horizontal axis is a category axis; the bubble centers were aligned to the whole numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. I changed the horizontal axis scale to 0.5 minimum, 5.5 maximum, and 1.0 as the major unit. The vertical axis is a value axis. Minimum is zero, maximum is zero, and the major unit is 2. These changes centered the circles within each grid rectangle. I then deleted both axes.
The largest bubbles spilled out over the gridlines. I wanted them contained within the grid squares. To fix that, I selected a series and using the format pane, I changed the "Scale bubble size" from 100 to 56.
It's easiest if you format the series markers before adding the data labels. I selected the first series and changed the color to a light blue. I immediately selected the second series and pressed Ctrl+y (for repeat) and the second series was colored light blue. I then continued the Ctrl+y action with each series.
I added the data labels by clicking the check box from the chart's plus-icon menu. Each series labels had to be set. I set the label to show "Bubble Size" and all other label check boxes were unset.
I deselected the last set of series labels and selected the entire chart. Since there was no text except for the labels, I went to the "Home" tab and changed the font for the entire chart to Calibri Light, 20 point.
That was it. I was done.