I have set up a formula, =IF(T74="1/2Dry Stack",0.1,IF(T74="DryMortar Joint",-0.1,0)) , Linked to a drop down list on another sheet.
How can I keep the value of the formula after making another selection on the list?
i.e: if "dry sand" is selected on the drop down list, add 0.1 to total. then if "wet mortar" is selected, subtract 0.2 from total.
I'd like both to remain while switching through choices.
How can I keep the value of the formula after making another selection on the list?
i.e: if "dry sand" is selected on the drop down list, add 0.1 to total. then if "wet mortar" is selected, subtract 0.2 from total.
I'd like both to remain while switching through choices.