Hi all,I was hoping someone could help me improve my script of adding a date to a cell (limited to 2 columns). I have created a custom form for data input.1. The form monitors vehicle deliveries from a start location to an end location. 2. When a job starts, the user should be able to double click on the cell and it populates using Now (current date and time). 3. They should only be allowed to do this once for the cell (but I have not quite figured that part out yet). 4. The whole spreadsheet is locked. The only way to update those cells in a particular column is by either initially entering it in the custom form (which they can do once only), or by double clicking the cell.This is the script I am using:Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)Dim MyRange As RangeDim IntersectRange As RangeSet MyRange = Range("K1:L3000")Set IntersectRange = Intersect(Target, MyRange)If IntersectRange Is Nothing ThenExit SubElseActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="pip15"Application.ScreenUpdating = FalseTarget = Format(Now)ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=TrueActiveSheet.EnableSelection = xllockedCellsEnd IfEnd SubThe main problem I am facing is that is takes quite some time to open the file when using this script, and then when the user double clicks, it take a few seconds to populate the cell. Please can you propose a better method (bearing in mind I am quite new to programming and VBA) Many thanks for any support re. this.Fray
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