Hi i wanted to know how to get the name of a named Cell using C#. I am able to assign a name to cell using C#. But i am not able to get the name Assigned to a named cell using C#.
We can get the name assigned to a cell in VBA like this..
Dim cltName As string
cltName = Range(Cells(SelRow, i), Cells(SelRow, i)).Name.Name
I also wanted to know how to Assign a range to a Named Range in C#.
In VBA it is like this..
Dim strtRng As Range
Set strtRng = Range("TmplateStart")
How is it done in C#?
With Regards
We can get the name assigned to a cell in VBA like this..
Dim cltName As string
cltName = Range(Cells(SelRow, i), Cells(SelRow, i)).Name.Name
I also wanted to know how to Assign a range to a Named Range in C#.
In VBA it is like this..
Dim strtRng As Range
Set strtRng = Range("TmplateStart")
How is it done in C#?
With Regards