How to get Multiples Match in one cell


New Member
Jul 30, 2021
Office Version
  1. 2019
  1. Windows
2UsuárioTempoCargosSeparadorHorasSeparadorQual a Equipe?IdsQual a Equipe?EquipeID
3MGL229456993373519872161 Horas 16 Minutos 49 Segundos869353363609899042, 869353363622494315, 869353363635073066, 869353363635073071, 869353363647651886, 869353363647651889, 869353363656020030, 869353363656020033, 869353363656020035, 869353363668598799, 869353363668598801, 869353363677020210, 869353363677020212, 869353363677020215, 869353363677020219, 869353363714744337, 869353363794444395, 869353363807010852, 869353363815411754, 869353363815411755, 869353363832180797, 869353363844780126, 869353363861536791, 869353764727947324, 879479435332579329, 892270088286273586, 896811812132110336, 917381741084295198, 923768995981697114, 934915112270188555, 941733727610998804, 963086806784565328, 970862133929730138, 987429669550850118, 989523321014079488, 992073031348400138, 869353363609899038|||161161|||Equipe Mov.Call<@229456993373519872>Equipe Mov.Call869353363815411757Equipe Eventos869353363815411757
4oyuric755287807337169017141 Horas 33 Minutos 9 Segundos869353363609899042, 869353363635073066, 869353363635073072, 869353363668598798, 869353363668598799, 869353363668598801, 869353363677020210, 869353363677020212, 869353363677020215, 869353363807010852, 869353363807010855, 869353363815411753, 869353363823816720, 869353363861536791, 869353764727947324, 879479406039531562, 892270088286273586, 896811812132110336, 934915112270188555, 970862133929730138, 978155147928674324, 869353363609899038|||141141|||Equipe Registro<@755287807337169017>Equipe Registro869353363815411758Auxiliar Eventos869353363815411758
5lais bianchessi960299650810794004133 Horas 28 Minutos 38 Segundos869353363609899042, 869353363635073066, 869353363635073072, 869353363647651883, 869353363647651889, 869353363656020029, 869353363656020030, 869353363656020032, 869353363668598798, 869353363668598799, 869353363668598801, 869353363668598804, 869353363677020212, 869353363677020215, 869353363807010852, 869353363815411754, 869353764727947324, 892270088286273586, 901201959556616212, 941733727610998804, 988969269536649246, 869353363609899038|||133133|||Equipe Mov.Call<@960299650810794004>Equipe Mov.Call869353363815411754Equipe Mov.Call869353363815411754
6! Ryo𝐾en961772149956309079127 Horas 41 Minutos 13 Segundos869353363609899040, 869353363609899042, 869353363609899044, 869353363635073066, 869353363635073068, 869353363635073069, 869353363647651889, 869353363656020029, 869353363656020031, 869353363656020034, 869353363668598798, 869353363668598799, 869353363668598802, 869353363677020210, 869353363677020212, 869353363677020214, 869353363677020215, 869353363731533894, 869353363807010852, 869353363815411754, 869353363815411757, 869353363874131972, 869353363886710784, 869353764727947324, 879479435332579329, 892270088286273586, 933510183257272321, 934915112270188555, 940077814516953088, 963086806784565328, 973715342046146590, 973715650528833598, 988969269536649246, 869353363609899038|||127127|||Equipe Eventos<@961772149956309079>Equipe Eventos869353363815411756Equipe Recrutamento869353363815411756
7Alves .мv858781483149819945124 Horas 40 Minutos 17 Segundos869353363609899040, 869353363635073068, 869353363647651880, 869353363656020033, 869353363668598799, 869353363677020210, 869353363677020212, 869353363677020214, 869353363677020215, 869353363794444395, 869353363807010852, 869353363815411758, 869353363832180800, 869353363886710784, 879479435332579329, 892270088286273586, 901201918481821697, 923768995981697114, 934915112270188555, 941733727610998804, 950958148557090836, 955288897632485427, 963086806784565328, 970862133929730138, 978155147928674324, 978779998502670416, 981030539815452672, 983118451012927518, 869353363609899038|||124124|||Auxiliar Eventos<@858781483149819945>Auxiliar Eventos869353363815411755Equipe Divulgação869353363815411755
8Gaguinho.lz931988559970332704122 Horas 10 Minutos 24 Segundos869353363609899040, 869353363609899042, 869353363635073066, 869353363635073071, 869353363668598798, 869353363668598799, 869353363668598801, 869353363668598804, 869353363677020212, 869353363677020215, 869353363807010852, 869353363807010855, 869353363815411754, 869353764727947324, 879479406039531562, 892270088286273586, 896811812132110336, 901201955903406171, 934915112270188555, 973019878900531271, 992073031348400138, 869353363609899038|||122122|||Equipe Mov.Call<@931988559970332704>Equipe Mov.Call869353363815411752Equipe CDC869353363815411752
9calango966333127716909118122 Horas 6 Minutos 11 Segundos869353363609899042, 869353363635073066, 869353363656020031, 869353363668598798, 869353363668598799, 869353363677020210, 869353363677020212, 869353363677020215, 869353363807010852, 869353363815411753, 869353363815411756, 869353363874131971, 869353764727947324, 892270088286273586, 934915112270188555, 963086806784565328, 973715650528833598, 978155147928674324, 991499849826578502, 869353363609899038|||122122|||Equipe Recrutamento<@966333127716909118>Equipe Recrutamento869353363815411753Equipe Registro869353363815411753
10! HUNTER370612816291561474121 Horas 7 Minutos 14 Segundos869353363647651886, 869353363656020032, 869353363656020033, 869353363668598797, 869353363668598798, 869353363668598802, 869353363668598804, 869353363677020212, 869353363677020214, 869353363677020215, 869353363714744338, 869353363807010852, 869353363815411754, 869353363823816722, 869353363844780126, 879479412733665312, 892270088286273586, 923768995981697114, 933510165607632906, 963086806784565328, 970862133929730138, 988969269536649246, 989523321014079488, 992073031348400138, 869353363609899038|||121121|||Equipe Mov.Call<@370612816291561474>Equipe Mov.Call973715650528833598Equipe Suporte973715650528833598
11! 𝘽𝙚𝙯𝙚𝙧𝙧𝙤👑906573722838761562120 Horas 4 Minutos 11 Segundos869353363609899042, 869353363635073066, 869353363656020031, 869353363656020035, 869353363656020037, 869353363668598797, 869353363668598798, 869353363668598799, 869353363668598802, 869353363677020210, 869353363677020212, 869353363677020214, 869353363677020215, 869353363794444395, 869353363807010852, 869353363815411754, 869353363815411759, 869353363823816720, 869353764727947324, 879479406039531562, 892270088286273586, 933510165607632906, 934915112270188555, 940077814516953088, 941733727610998804, 955288897632485427, 963086806784565328, 973715650528833598, 989523321014079488, 869353363609899038|||120120|||Equipe Mov.Call<@906573722838761562>Equipe Mov.Call869353363807010855Equipe Design869353363807010855
12! Sr.Natsuzinho667095822101512194118 Horas 41 Minutos 54 Segundos869353363609899042, 869353363635073066, 869353363668598801, 869353363668598804, 869353363677020212, 869353363677020214, 869353363677020215, 869353363807010852, 869353363807010855, 869353363815411754, 869353363844780126, 869353764727947324, 886458500862054470, 892138408418377730, 892270088286273586, 896811812132110336, 901201926312566845, 934915112270188555, 941733727610998804, 945458390333784146, 945790336070983750, 955288897632485427, 962805646099640340, 963086806784565328, 970207907369078784, 970862133929730138, 977985735317655552, 978155147928674324, 989523321014079488, 992073031348400138, 869353363609899038|||118118|||Equipe Mov.Call<@667095822101512194>Equipe Mov.Call869353363807010854Equipe Hot869353363807010854
13Guh ツ692180947990216725112 Horas 7 Minutos 58 Segundos869353363609899042, 869353363635073066, 869353363635073070, 869353363647651889, 869353363668598799, 869353363668598801, 869353363677020210, 869353363677020212, 869353363677020215, 869353363807010852, 869353363815411754, 869353764727947324, 892270088286273586, 896811812132110336, 901201926312566845, 934915112270188555, 935385249389608991, 978779998502670416, 989523321014079488, 992073031348400138, 869353363609899038|||112112|||Equipe Mov.Call<@692180947990216725>Equipe Mov.Call896811812132110336Equipe EXAFLIX896811812132110336
14! Tsuna 希78706865507034728794 Horas 21 Minutos 39 Segundos869353363609899040, 869353363609899042, 869353363622494314, 869353363622494315, 869353363635073066, 869353363647651883, 869353363647651886, 869353363647651889, 869353363656020029, 869353363668598798, 869353363668598799, 869353363668598802, 869353363677020210, 869353363677020212, 869353363677020217, 869353363731533902, 869353363794444395, 869353363807010852, 869353363832180800, 869353363886710784, 869353363886710791, 869353363895107672, 879479435332579329, 892270088286273586, 906937079194325092, 941733727610998804, 991499849826578502, 992073031348400138, 869353363609899038|||9494||| <@787068655070347287> 962805646099640340Equipe Jornalismo962805646099640340
15! bru 🍥79510791698985781281 Horas 11 Minutos 54 Segundos869353363668598801, 869353363677020210, 869353363677020212, 869353363677020217, 869353363807010852, 869353363815411753, 869353363832180797, 869353764727947324, 892270088286273586, 978155147928674324, 869353363609899038|||8181|||Equipe Registro<@795107916989857812>Equipe Registro993257880927076392Equipe Games993257880927076392
Cell Formulas

Tryind to use INDEX - MATCH and IFERROR to find in a location X results. The results im trying to find is " ID " that will result in " Equipe " and it will match from "Cargos" , but i dont know how to make it show multiple matchs, so how can i do it? tryed googling but i dont know the right terms for in english and in my language (pt-br) it doesnt has that much info
Last edited:
So I need help getting iferror, index/match to find more than one answer. Example:
When iferror/index/match is executed it just shows one result and even if there is another one after that it stops there.
When it points to just "" for example, it can also point to "eventos" if there is also this match

in simpler terms: the search in the parameter "abcde" I'm looking for b-e, but it just shows me the "b" ignoring the "e" and I would like it to show all (being these 2 or more based on an index)
(just using a better explanation if the one in the post is confuse)
Upvote 0
Can you clarify something, please? For the first row of data, is this the expected result you want?
Equipe Eventos, Auxiliar Eventos, Equipe Mov.Call, Equipe Recrutamento, Equipe Divulgação, Equipe CDC, Equipe Registro, Equipe Design, Equipe Hot, Equipe EXAFLIX​
Cell D3 contains 38 different numeric "text" strings (each consisting of 18 characters). It appears that you have a lookup table in columns T:U, and if we extract the first 15 characters of all of the ID's shown in column U and look for whether they can be found in cell D3, we discover that 10 of them match. Those are the 10 shown above. Is this what you want? If so, INDEX/MATCH will not work because MATCH returns only the first match. With your version of Excel (2019), an approach using INDEX/AGGREGATE is probably the best way, but there are some limitations that need to be addressed. Excel versions 2019 and prior do not have a convenient way to concatenate multiple results with a formula without using helper cells. And even then, the concatenate functionality is not very good because there are no options for inserting delimiters (or separators). This can be addressed by using a custom function added to your workbook (right click on worksheet tab, select View Code, then add a module to the worksheet and pasts the VBA code into the module and close the VBA window). This creates a user-defined function called ACONCAT that allows you to input a range of helper cells to concatenate and to specify a separator.

I used this formula in cell V3 and then dragged across to AJ3. This places successive matches in each column until no more matches are found and then blanks will be produced:
Excel Formula:
After confirming that blanks are produced (so all results are shown), the ACONCAT function is used to combine all of them.
Excel Formula:
=aconcat(V3:AJ3,", ")
VBA Code:
Function aconcat(a As Variant, Optional sep As String = "") As String
' Harlan Grove, Mar 2002, original version without conditional y<>""
' Kirk Rice, Apr 2022, added conditional y<>"" to ignore blanks in array a
    Dim y As Variant

    If TypeOf a Is Range Then
        For Each y In a.Cells
            If y <> "" Then
            aconcat = aconcat & y.Value & sep
            End If
        Next y
    ElseIf IsArray(a) Then
        For Each y In a
            If y <> "" Then
            aconcat = aconcat & y & sep
            End If
        Next y
        aconcat = aconcat & a & sep
    End If

    aconcat = Left(aconcat, Len(aconcat) - Len(sep))
End Function
Upvote 0
Can you clarify something, please? For the first row of data, is this the expected result you want?
Equipe Eventos, Auxiliar Eventos, Equipe Mov.Call, Equipe Recrutamento, Equipe Divulgação, Equipe CDC, Equipe Registro, Equipe Design, Equipe Hot, Equipe EXAFLIX​
Cell D3 contains 38 different numeric "text" strings (each consisting of 18 characters). It appears that you have a lookup table in columns T:U, and if we extract the first 15 characters of all of the ID's shown in column U and look for whether they can be found in cell D3, we discover that 10 of them match. Those are the 10 shown above. Is this what you want? If so, INDEX/MATCH will not work because MATCH returns only the first match. With your version of Excel (2019), an approach using INDEX/AGGREGATE is probably the best way, but there are some limitations that need to be addressed. Excel versions 2019 and prior do not have a convenient way to concatenate multiple results with a formula without using helper cells. And even then, the concatenate functionality is not very good because there are no options for inserting delimiters (or separators). This can be addressed by using a custom function added to your workbook (right click on worksheet tab, select View Code, then add a module to the worksheet and pasts the VBA code into the module and close the VBA window). This creates a user-defined function called ACONCAT that allows you to input a range of helper cells to concatenate and to specify a separator.

I used this formula in cell V3 and then dragged across to AJ3. This places successive matches in each column until no more matches are found and then blanks will be produced:
Excel Formula:
After confirming that blanks are produced (so all results are shown), the ACONCAT function is used to combine all of them.
Excel Formula:
=aconcat(V3:AJ3,", ")
VBA Code:
Function aconcat(a As Variant, Optional sep As String = "") As String
' Harlan Grove, Mar 2002, original version without conditional y<>""
' Kirk Rice, Apr 2022, added conditional y<>"" to ignore blanks in array a
    Dim y As Variant

    If TypeOf a Is Range Then
        For Each y In a.Cells
            If y <> "" Then
            aconcat = aconcat & y.Value & sep
            End If
        Next y
    ElseIf IsArray(a) Then
        For Each y In a
            If y <> "" Then
            aconcat = aconcat & y & sep
            End If
        Next y
        aconcat = aconcat & a & sep
    End If

    aconcat = Left(aconcat, Len(aconcat) - Len(sep))
End Function
Answering your questions in order: Yes the results I would like based on the 18 groups of numbers each with their corresponding identifier in left -> right order. so the answer is yes

But about the using
Excel Formula:
I don't understand very well, there are some things out of place, right? Would you mean this?
Excel Formula:
with the right columns, because in yours the parameters (line/columns) were a little to the right ?
I made one using yours without changing anything and then I made one changing just for the sake of clearing my doubt, but coming to ask directly because I'm on a path that I know very little

3Equipe Eventos869353363815411757869353363815411757Equipe Eventos869353363815411757
4869353363815411758Auxiliar Eventos869353363815411758
5869353363815411754Equipe Mov.Call869353363815411754
6869353363815411756Equipe Recrutamento869353363815411756
7869353363815411755Equipe Divulgação869353363815411755
8869353363815411752Equipe CDC869353363815411752
9869353363815411753Equipe Registro869353363815411753
10973715650528833598Equipe Suporte973715650528833598
11869353363807010855Equipe Design869353363807010855
12869353363807010854Equipe Hot869353363807010854
13896811812132110336Equipe EXAFLIX896811812132110336
14962805646099640340Equipe Jornalismo962805646099640340
15993257880927076392Equipe Games993257880927076392
Cell Formulas

But yes, based on the 18-character set, if they match the exact 18 in table T then it will point out that the one on the left in table S is its counterpart.

= Equipe Eventos
and so susceptibly
Upvote 0
In post #1, you show the Equipe list in column T and the corresponding IDs in column U...which is what my formula assumes. In your most recent post #4, that same information is in columns S and T, so some adjustment to the formula will be needed if the structure of the table has changed. The other difference shown in the formula in post #4 involves this expression: (ROW($S$3:$S$15)-ROW($S$3)+1).
It does not matter which column you reference here, but I will recommend that you should use a column related to your lookup table. The only purpose of this part of the formula is to create an array that looks like {1;2;3;...last index of lookup table}. You can accomplish this by using any of the columns.

Could you repost a mini-sheet showing what the results should look like for row 3...just manually type what the results are and where you would like them to appear...without worrying about any formulas. I still do not completely understand what is to be returned by the formula(s)?
Upvote 0
****, sorry, you based on the first one, I'm sorry, it's just that I made some adjustments and for some reason I can't find the button to edit the post anymore. Here's how I'm currently using it

2UsuárioTempoCargosSeparadorHorasSeparadorQual a Equipe?IdIdsOn h3 what is the result i'm looking for: in the d3 has sets of 18 characteres EquipeID
3MGL229456993373519872161 Horas 16 Minutos 49 Segundos869353363609899042, 869353363622494315, 869353363635073066, 869353363635073071, 869353363647651886, 869353363647651889, 869353363656020030, 869353363656020033, 869353363656020035, 869353363668598799, 869353363668598801, 869353363677020210, 869353363677020212, 869353363677020215, 869353363677020219, 869353363714744337, 869353363794444395, 869353363807010852, 869353363815411754, 869353363815411755, 869353363832180797, 869353363844780126, 869353363861536791, 869353764727947324, 879479435332579329, 892270088286273586, 896811812132110336, 917381741084295198, 923768995981697114, 934915112270188555, 941733727610998804, 963086806784565328, 970862133929730138, 987429669550850118, 989523321014079488, 992073031348400138, 869353363609899038|||161|||Equipe Mov.Call229456993373519872<@229456993373519872>in the h3 should show something like (below)Equipe Eventos869353363815411757869353363815411757Equipe Eventos869353363815411757
4oyuric755287807337169017141 Horas 33 Minutos 9 Segundos869353363609899042, 869353363635073066, 869353363635073072, 869353363668598798, 869353363668598799, 869353363668598801, 869353363677020210, 869353363677020212, 869353363677020215, 869353363807010852, 869353363807010855, 869353363815411753, 869353363823816720, 869353363861536791, 869353764727947324, 879479406039531562, 892270088286273586, 896811812132110336, 934915112270188555, 970862133929730138, 978155147928674324, 869353363609899038|||141|||Equipe Registro755287807337169017<@755287807337169017>D3 ->Equipe Mov.Call, Equipe Divulgaçao, Equipe Exaflix869353363815411758Auxiliar Eventos869353363815411758
5lais bianchessi960299650810794004133 Horas 28 Minutos 38 Segundos869353363609899042, 869353363635073066, 869353363635073072, 869353363647651883, 869353363647651889, 869353363656020029, 869353363656020030, 869353363656020032, 869353363668598798, 869353363668598799, 869353363668598801, 869353363668598804, 869353363677020212, 869353363677020215, 869353363807010852, 869353363815411754, 869353764727947324, 892270088286273586, 901201959556616212, 941733727610998804, 988969269536649246, 869353363609899038|||133|||Equipe Mov.Call960299650810794004<@960299650810794004>D4 ->Equipe Registro, Equipe Design, Equipe Games869353363815411754Equipe Mov.Call869353363815411754
6! Ryo𝐾en961772149956309079127 Horas 41 Minutos 13 Segundos869353363609899040, 869353363609899042, 869353363609899044, 869353363635073066, 869353363635073068, 869353363635073069, 869353363647651889, 869353363656020029, 869353363656020031, 869353363656020034, 869353363668598798, 869353363668598799, 869353363668598802, 869353363677020210, 869353363677020212, 869353363677020214, 869353363677020215, 869353363731533894, 869353363807010852, 869353363815411754, 869353363815411757, 869353363874131972, 869353363886710784, 869353764727947324, 879479435332579329, 892270088286273586, 933510183257272321, 934915112270188555, 940077814516953088, 963086806784565328, 973715342046146590, 973715650528833598, 988969269536649246, 869353363609899038|||127|||Equipe Eventos961772149956309079<@961772149956309079>goes on and ongoes on and on869353363815411756Equipe Recrutamento869353363815411756
7Alves .мv858781483149819945124 Horas 40 Minutos 17 Segundos869353363609899040, 869353363635073068, 869353363647651880, 869353363656020033, 869353363668598799, 869353363677020210, 869353363677020212, 869353363677020214, 869353363677020215, 869353363794444395, 869353363807010852, 869353363815411758, 869353363832180800, 869353363886710784, 879479435332579329, 892270088286273586, 901201918481821697, 923768995981697114, 934915112270188555, 941733727610998804, 950958148557090836, 955288897632485427, 963086806784565328, 970862133929730138, 978155147928674324, 978779998502670416, 981030539815452672, 983118451012927518, 869353363609899038|||124|||Auxiliar Eventos858781483149819945<@858781483149819945>869353363815411755Equipe Divulgação869353363815411755
8Gaguinho.lz931988559970332704122 Horas 10 Minutos 24 Segundos869353363609899040, 869353363609899042, 869353363635073066, 869353363635073071, 869353363668598798, 869353363668598799, 869353363668598801, 869353363668598804, 869353363677020212, 869353363677020215, 869353363807010852, 869353363807010855, 869353363815411754, 869353764727947324, 879479406039531562, 892270088286273586, 896811812132110336, 901201955903406171, 934915112270188555, 973019878900531271, 992073031348400138, 869353363609899038|||122|||Equipe Mov.Call931988559970332704<@931988559970332704>869353363815411752Equipe CDC869353363815411752
9calango966333127716909118122 Horas 6 Minutos 11 Segundos869353363609899042, 869353363635073066, 869353363656020031, 869353363668598798, 869353363668598799, 869353363677020210, 869353363677020212, 869353363677020215, 869353363807010852, 869353363815411753, 869353363815411756, 869353363874131971, 869353764727947324, 892270088286273586, 934915112270188555, 963086806784565328, 973715650528833598, 978155147928674324, 991499849826578502, 869353363609899038|||122|||Equipe Recrutamento966333127716909118<@966333127716909118>869353363815411753Equipe Registro869353363815411753
10! HUNTER370612816291561474121 Horas 7 Minutos 14 Segundos869353363647651886, 869353363656020032, 869353363656020033, 869353363668598797, 869353363668598798, 869353363668598802, 869353363668598804, 869353363677020212, 869353363677020214, 869353363677020215, 869353363714744338, 869353363807010852, 869353363815411754, 869353363823816722, 869353363844780126, 879479412733665312, 892270088286273586, 923768995981697114, 933510165607632906, 963086806784565328, 970862133929730138, 988969269536649246, 989523321014079488, 992073031348400138, 869353363609899038|||121|||Equipe Mov.Call370612816291561474<@370612816291561474>973715650528833598Equipe Suporte973715650528833598
11! 𝘽𝙚𝙯𝙚𝙧𝙧𝙤👑906573722838761562120 Horas 4 Minutos 11 Segundos869353363609899042, 869353363635073066, 869353363656020031, 869353363656020035, 869353363656020037, 869353363668598797, 869353363668598798, 869353363668598799, 869353363668598802, 869353363677020210, 869353363677020212, 869353363677020214, 869353363677020215, 869353363794444395, 869353363807010852, 869353363815411754, 869353363815411759, 869353363823816720, 869353764727947324, 879479406039531562, 892270088286273586, 933510165607632906, 934915112270188555, 940077814516953088, 941733727610998804, 955288897632485427, 963086806784565328, 973715650528833598, 989523321014079488, 869353363609899038|||120|||Equipe Mov.Call906573722838761562<@906573722838761562>869353363807010855Equipe Design869353363807010855
12! Sr.Natsuzinho667095822101512194118 Horas 41 Minutos 54 Segundos869353363609899042, 869353363635073066, 869353363668598801, 869353363668598804, 869353363677020212, 869353363677020214, 869353363677020215, 869353363807010852, 869353363807010855, 869353363815411754, 869353363844780126, 869353764727947324, 886458500862054470, 892138408418377730, 892270088286273586, 896811812132110336, 901201926312566845, 934915112270188555, 941733727610998804, 945458390333784146, 945790336070983750, 955288897632485427, 962805646099640340, 963086806784565328, 970207907369078784, 970862133929730138, 977985735317655552, 978155147928674324, 989523321014079488, 992073031348400138, 869353363609899038|||118|||Equipe Mov.Call667095822101512194<@667095822101512194>869353363807010854Equipe Hot869353363807010854
13Guh ツ692180947990216725112 Horas 7 Minutos 58 Segundos869353363609899042, 869353363635073066, 869353363635073070, 869353363647651889, 869353363668598799, 869353363668598801, 869353363677020210, 869353363677020212, 869353363677020215, 869353363807010852, 869353363815411754, 869353764727947324, 892270088286273586, 896811812132110336, 901201926312566845, 934915112270188555, 935385249389608991, 978779998502670416, 989523321014079488, 992073031348400138, 869353363609899038|||112|||Equipe Mov.Call692180947990216725<@692180947990216725>896811812132110336Equipe EXAFLIX896811812132110336
14! Tsuna 希78706865507034728794 Horas 21 Minutos 39 Segundos869353363609899040, 869353363609899042, 869353363622494314, 869353363622494315, 869353363635073066, 869353363647651883, 869353363647651886, 869353363647651889, 869353363656020029, 869353363668598798, 869353363668598799, 869353363668598802, 869353363677020210, 869353363677020212, 869353363677020217, 869353363731533902, 869353363794444395, 869353363807010852, 869353363832180800, 869353363886710784, 869353363886710791, 869353363895107672, 879479435332579329, 892270088286273586, 906937079194325092, 941733727610998804, 991499849826578502, 992073031348400138, 869353363609899038|||94||| 787068655070347287<@787068655070347287>962805646099640340Equipe Jornalismo962805646099640340
15! bru 🍥79510791698985781281 Horas 11 Minutos 54 Segundos869353363668598801, 869353363677020210, 869353363677020212, 869353363677020217, 869353363807010852, 869353363815411753, 869353363832180797, 869353764727947324, 892270088286273586, 978155147928674324, 869353363609899038|||81|||Equipe Registro795107916989857812<@795107916989857812>993257880927076392Equipe Games993257880927076392
Cell Formulas

And I already manually put the answer as you asked, what is my goal, one of the goals at least
Upvote 0
Cell D3 contains this list of ID's:
869353363609899042, 869353363622494315, 869353363635073066, 869353363635073071, 869353363647651886, 869353363647651889, 869353363656020030, 869353363656020033, 869353363656020035, 869353363668598799, 869353363668598801, 869353363677020210, 869353363677020212, 869353363677020215, 869353363677020219, 869353363714744337, 869353363794444395, 869353363807010852, 869353363815411754, 869353363815411755, 869353363832180797, 869353363844780126, 869353363861536791, 869353764727947324, 879479435332579329, 892270088286273586, 896811812132110336, 917381741084295198, 923768995981697114, 934915112270188555, 941733727610998804, 963086806784565328, 970862133929730138, 987429669550850118, 989523321014079488, 992073031348400138, 869353363609899038

The lookup table appears to be in columns R:S, shown here:
869353363815411000Equipe Eventos
869353363815411000Auxiliar Eventos
869353363815411000Equipe Mov.Call
869353363815411000Equipe Recrutamento
869353363815411000Equipe Divulgação
869353363815411000Equipe CDC
869353363815411000Equipe Registro
973715650528833000Equipe Suporte
869353363807010000Equipe Design
869353363807010000Equipe Hot
896811812132110000Equipe EXAFLIX
962805646099640000Equipe Jornalismo
993257880927076000Equipe Games

I have shown in color how the contents of cell D3 match to certain items in the lookup table column R, and the corresponding Equipe items from column S are returned. But in your manually filled in example, you indicate that only three items should match: Equipe Mov.Call, Equipe Divulgaçao, Equipe Exaflix
Why is that, when the first 7 items in the lookup table have the same ID? Should not all of these be considered matches?
Equipe Eventos, Auxiliar Eventos, Equipe Mov.Call, Equipe Recrutamento, Equipe Divulgação, Equipe CDC, Equipe Registro, Equipe Design, Equipe Hot, Equipe EXAFLIX​
Here is the right side of the worksheet:
Cell Formulas

And here is the left side:
2UsuárioTempoCargosSeparadorHorasSeparadorQual a Equipe?
3MGL229456993373519872161 Horas 16 Minutos 49 Segundos869353363609899042, 869353363622494315, 869353363635073066, 869353363635073071, 869353363647651886, 869353363647651889, 869353363656020030, 869353363656020033, 869353363656020035, 869353363668598799, 869353363668598801, 869353363677020210, 869353363677020212, 869353363677020215, 869353363677020219, 869353363714744337, 869353363794444395, 869353363807010852, 869353363815411754, 869353363815411755, 869353363832180797, 869353363844780126, 869353363861536791, 869353764727947324, 879479435332579329, 892270088286273586, 896811812132110336, 917381741084295198, 923768995981697114, 934915112270188555, 941733727610998804, 963086806784565328, 970862133929730138, 987429669550850118, 989523321014079488, 992073031348400138, 869353363609899038|||161|||Equipe Eventos, Auxiliar Eventos, Equipe Mov.Call, Equipe Recrutamento, Equipe Divulgação, Equipe CDC, Equipe Registro, Equipe Design, Equipe Hot, Equipe EXAFLIX
4oyuric755287807337169017141 Horas 33 Minutos 9 Segundos869353363609899042, 869353363635073066, 869353363635073072, 869353363668598798, 869353363668598799, 869353363668598801, 869353363677020210, 869353363677020212, 869353363677020215, 869353363807010852, 869353363807010855, 869353363815411753, 869353363823816720, 869353363861536791, 869353764727947324, 879479406039531562, 892270088286273586, 896811812132110336, 934915112270188555, 970862133929730138, 978155147928674324, 869353363609899038|||141|||Equipe Eventos, Auxiliar Eventos, Equipe Mov.Call, Equipe Recrutamento, Equipe Divulgação, Equipe CDC, Equipe Registro, Equipe Design, Equipe Hot, Equipe EXAFLIX
Cell Formulas
F3:F4F3=--LEFT(B3,SEARCH(" Horas",B3)-1)
H3:H4H3=aconcat(V3:AJ3,", ")
Upvote 0
Cell D3 contains this list of ID's:
869353363609899042, 869353363622494315, 869353363635073066, 869353363635073071, 869353363647651886, 869353363647651889, 869353363656020030, 869353363656020033, 869353363656020035, 869353363668598799, 869353363668598801, 869353363677020210, 869353363677020212, 869353363677020215, 869353363677020219, 869353363714744337, 869353363794444395, 869353363807010852, 869353363815411754, 869353363815411755, 869353363832180797, 869353363844780126, 869353363861536791, 869353764727947324, 879479435332579329, 892270088286273586, 896811812132110336, 917381741084295198, 923768995981697114, 934915112270188555, 941733727610998804, 963086806784565328, 970862133929730138, 987429669550850118, 989523321014079488, 992073031348400138, 869353363609899038

The lookup table appears to be in columns R:S, shown here:
869353363815411000Equipe Eventos
869353363815411000Auxiliar Eventos
869353363815411000Equipe Mov.Call
869353363815411000Equipe Recrutamento
869353363815411000Equipe Divulgação
869353363815411000Equipe CDC
869353363815411000Equipe Registro
973715650528833000Equipe Suporte
869353363807010000Equipe Design
869353363807010000Equipe Hot
896811812132110000Equipe EXAFLIX
962805646099640000Equipe Jornalismo
993257880927076000Equipe Games

I have shown in color how the contents of cell D3 match to certain items in the lookup table column R, and the corresponding Equipe items from column S are returned. But in your manually filled in example, you indicate that only three items should match: Equipe Mov.Call, Equipe Divulgaçao, Equipe Exaflix
Why is that, when the first 7 items in the lookup table have the same ID? Should not all of these be considered matches?
Equipe Eventos, Auxiliar Eventos, Equipe Mov.Call, Equipe Recrutamento, Equipe Divulgação, Equipe CDC, Equipe Registro, Equipe Design, Equipe Hot, Equipe EXAFLIX​
Here is the right side of the worksheet:
Cell Formulas

And here is the left side:
2UsuárioTempoCargosSeparadorHorasSeparadorQual a Equipe?
3MGL229456993373519872161 Horas 16 Minutos 49 Segundos869353363609899042, 869353363622494315, 869353363635073066, 869353363635073071, 869353363647651886, 869353363647651889, 869353363656020030, 869353363656020033, 869353363656020035, 869353363668598799, 869353363668598801, 869353363677020210, 869353363677020212, 869353363677020215, 869353363677020219, 869353363714744337, 869353363794444395, 869353363807010852, 869353363815411754, 869353363815411755, 869353363832180797, 869353363844780126, 869353363861536791, 869353764727947324, 879479435332579329, 892270088286273586, 896811812132110336, 917381741084295198, 923768995981697114, 934915112270188555, 941733727610998804, 963086806784565328, 970862133929730138, 987429669550850118, 989523321014079488, 992073031348400138, 869353363609899038|||161|||Equipe Eventos, Auxiliar Eventos, Equipe Mov.Call, Equipe Recrutamento, Equipe Divulgação, Equipe CDC, Equipe Registro, Equipe Design, Equipe Hot, Equipe EXAFLIX
4oyuric755287807337169017141 Horas 33 Minutos 9 Segundos869353363609899042, 869353363635073066, 869353363635073072, 869353363668598798, 869353363668598799, 869353363668598801, 869353363677020210, 869353363677020212, 869353363677020215, 869353363807010852, 869353363807010855, 869353363815411753, 869353363823816720, 869353363861536791, 869353764727947324, 879479406039531562, 892270088286273586, 896811812132110336, 934915112270188555, 970862133929730138, 978155147928674324, 869353363609899038|||141|||Equipe Eventos, Auxiliar Eventos, Equipe Mov.Call, Equipe Recrutamento, Equipe Divulgação, Equipe CDC, Equipe Registro, Equipe Design, Equipe Hot, Equipe EXAFLIX
Cell Formulas
F3:F4F3=--LEFT(B3,SEARCH(" Horas",B3)-1)
H3:H4H3=aconcat(V3:AJ3,", ")
R:S No, S:T because if you use the R table, it won't get the correct 18 characters, because EXCEL keeps rounding, so I used R to put a ' (single quotes) at the beginning of the 18 numbers to that it didn't do that rounding, and so in column T I use the right to get the 18 characters from right to left, for that reason you're thinking that more than just 3 are located there, because these ids are tags, the tags were created around the same day or even on the same day causing many of their numbers to be the same to some extent, but if you notice, in the table I sent R is just for a function of T, where T is the right one for the search, your search is showing more than the 3 shown in my manual because you ended up using the wrong table, which is the R, while the correct one with the 18 characters without rounding is the T

For example, in D3, you yourself pointed there, coloring, only 3 options were found (but for some reason you only colored 15 of the 18 set of numbers) but if you search manually with the naked eye or then for example using CTRL+F from browsing and trying to find Team events = 869353363815411757, it will not show there in those D3 sets, and when played in excel it will but it is not really there
Last edited:
Upvote 0
I just changed one thing and it worked fine!
in the 15 on the (search(left)), i put in 18 and worked

3MGL229456993373519872161 Horas 16 Minutos 49 Segundos869353363609899042, 869353363622494315, 869353363635073066, 869353363635073071, 869353363647651886, 869353363647651889, 869353363656020030, 869353363656020033, 869353363656020035, 869353363668598799, 869353363668598801, 869353363677020210, 869353363677020212, 869353363677020215, 869353363677020219, 869353363714744337, 869353363794444395, 869353363807010852, 869353363815411754, 869353363815411755, 869353363832180797, 869353363844780126, 869353363861536791, 869353764727947324, 879479435332579329, 892270088286273586, 896811812132110336, 917381741084295198, 923768995981697114, 934915112270188555, 941733727610998804, 963086806784565328, 970862133929730138, 987429669550850118, 989523321014079488, 992073031348400138, 869353363609899038|||161|||Equipe Mov.Call229456993373519872<@229456993373519872>in the h3 should show something like (below)Equipe Eventos869353363815411757869353363815411757Equipe Eventos869353363815411757Equipe Mov.CallEquipe DivulgaçãoEquipe EXAFLIX  
Cell Formulas
Upvote 0
if you use the R table, it won't get the correct 18 characters, because EXCEL keeps rounding, so I used R to put a ' (single quotes) at the beginning of the 18 numbers to that it didn't do that rounding,
I do not understand this point. R3 and T3 contain exactly the same value: 869353363815411000. Excel is only rounding the appearance of the number in R3, converting it to scientific notation, but the underlying number is still present. By adding a single quote (') in front, you are converting this number to a text string...which is fine, but unnecessary. The RIGHT function is a text function, and when a number is passed to it, the number will automatically be treated as a text string. So RIGHT(R3,10), if applied to the number 869353363815411000 in R3, would return 3815411000 as a text string. So the additional steps that you are talking about can be eliminated.
and so in column T I use the right to get the 18 characters from right to left, for that reason you're thinking that more than just 3 are located there
But if you get 18 characters from right to left, that is the entire number, or text representation of the number: 869353363815411000 has a string length of 18. Importantly, it ends with 000 and there are no numeric text strings in column D that contain there will be no matches. That is why I assumed your original formula, where you were taking 18 characters, must be a mistake. There are no common ID's between column D and columns R/T, and because of that, no matches will be found.
your search is showing more than the 3 shown in my manual because you ended up using the wrong table, which is the R, while the correct one with the 18 characters without rounding is the T
This is not correct. As described above, there is no difference between using column R or column T.

I cannot reproduce your results in post #9. Are you using different numbers in column R? The result in cell V3 shows a blank because no matches are found:
3869353363609899042, 869353363622494315, 869353363635073066, 869353363635073071, 869353363647651886, 869353363647651889, 869353363656020030, 869353363656020033, 869353363656020035, 869353363668598799, 869353363668598801, 869353363677020210, 869353363677020212, 869353363677020215, 869353363677020219, 869353363714744337, 869353363794444395, 869353363807010852, 869353363815411754, 869353363815411755, 869353363832180797, 869353363844780126, 869353363861536791, 869353764727947324, 879479435332579329, 892270088286273586, 896811812132110336, 917381741084295198, 923768995981697114, 934915112270188555, 941733727610998804, 963086806784565328, 970862133929730138, 987429669550850118, 989523321014079488, 992073031348400138, 869353363609899038869353363815411000Equipe Eventos869353363815411000 
4869353363815411000Auxiliar Eventos869353363815411000
5869353363815411000Equipe Mov.Call869353363815411000
6869353363815411000Equipe Recrutamento869353363815411000
7869353363815411000Equipe Divulgação869353363815411000
8869353363815411000Equipe CDC869353363815411000
9869353363815411000Equipe Registro869353363815411000
10973715650528833000Equipe Suporte973715650528833000
11869353363807010000Equipe Design869353363807010000
12869353363807010000Equipe Hot869353363807010000
13896811812132110000Equipe EXAFLIX896811812132110000
14962805646099640000Equipe Jornalismo962805646099640000
15993257880927076000Equipe Games993257880927076000
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