Element 1: Dynamic Table
How do I aggregate the sum of all table rows and equally allocate the monthly cost to the right month and criteria of the CF Model.
- The table has a "start", "end", "cost" & "category" column with multiple row entries.
- e.g. From "Apr.22" until "Jun.22", I have a TOTAL of "3'000 USD" as "marketing cost".
- I want to feed the table data into a cash flow model, based on criteria of category, date and amount
- The Cash Flow (CF) Model shows the monthly CF, whereas each column holds one month and first column shows the cashflow category, e.g. marketing, etc.
How do I aggregate the sum of all table rows and equally allocate the monthly cost to the right month and criteria of the CF Model.
- My difficulty is to divide and allocate the total amount across the relevant months in an aggregate.