Two ways to calculate a running total in Excel.
The first method is the sum of the cell in this row and the running total from above.
The second method is an expanding dynamic range.
The first method is the sum of the cell in this row and the running total from above.
The second method is an expanding dynamic range.
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Transcript of the video:
How to do a running total in Excel. So here at the bottom of this range we have the total.
And I want to see a running total.
How much are we so far, in this case, through the quarter.
The easiest way to do this is equal sum of the cell to the left of me, comma, the cell above me. Double click to copy that down.
And you can see how we slowly progress up to that 521.
Some people do a more advanced formula that's actually a lot slower to calculate, and not intuitive at all. Sum of B$5, that's the first item, down to B5.
Try and explain that to someone.
And this is a expanding range.
The hassle, it's not a problem with 13, but if you had hundreds of rows, it's adding up far more numbers than the previous method.
My friend, Charles Williams, the world's expert on spreadsheet speed will always recommend this one that just adds up two cells for each row. Much faster.
And I want to see a running total.
How much are we so far, in this case, through the quarter.
The easiest way to do this is equal sum of the cell to the left of me, comma, the cell above me. Double click to copy that down.
And you can see how we slowly progress up to that 521.
Some people do a more advanced formula that's actually a lot slower to calculate, and not intuitive at all. Sum of B$5, that's the first item, down to B5.
Try and explain that to someone.
And this is a expanding range.
The hassle, it's not a problem with 13, but if you had hundreds of rows, it's adding up far more numbers than the previous method.
My friend, Charles Williams, the world's expert on spreadsheet speed will always recommend this one that just adds up two cells for each row. Much faster.