i have few flowchart shapes in excel sheet. which i use for label designing purpose. but i don't want to allow user to copy paste selected shape object in same worksheet.
The reasons for not allowing copy paste to users are as follows:
1) on shape copy paste the name of shape is not getting changed
2) with two shapes with same name, i can not target shape selection with .onaction "macro" assigned to shape.
Excepting following solutions:
1) either to disable shape copy paste and allow shape formatting or
2) rename pasted shape with unique name.
3) any better solution from your end.
Help is highly appreciated. Thank You in advance.
VBA Code:
Application.copyObjectsWithCells = False
Application.CutCopyMode = False

The reasons for not allowing copy paste to users are as follows:
1) on shape copy paste the name of shape is not getting changed
2) with two shapes with same name, i can not target shape selection with .onaction "macro" assigned to shape.
Excepting following solutions:
1) either to disable shape copy paste and allow shape formatting or
2) rename pasted shape with unique name.
3) any better solution from your end.
Help is highly appreciated. Thank You in advance.