I am recording my golf practice sessions. For each Day Of Month (1-31 rows) there are 3 columns - Long, Short, and Putting. In the Long & Short the number of golf balls hit is recorded. The time spent Putting is recorded. Practice on any day could include 1, 2, or all 3 categories. For example, there may only be putting practice - Long and Short are left blank and the time spent putting is entered in the Putting cell for the day. 1 practice day. Another day there may be Long and Putting - 2 categories, still counting as 1 practice day.
It would be easy to add a 4th column, "Session", and mark it with an "x", then do a COUNTA on the column.
Taking this opportunity to develop skills. Is it possible to do a COUNTIF such that if any one of the 3 columns has a value, then the day would count as a practice day.
Where N2:P33 - Range of 31 rows, 3 columns. N2 is cell in the first row of the Long column. O2 starts the Short column. P2 starts the Putting column.
Also tried =COUNTIF(N2:P33,SUM(N2:P2)>0)
It would be easy to add a 4th column, "Session", and mark it with an "x", then do a COUNTA on the column.
Taking this opportunity to develop skills. Is it possible to do a COUNTIF such that if any one of the 3 columns has a value, then the day would count as a practice day.
Where N2:P33 - Range of 31 rows, 3 columns. N2 is cell in the first row of the Long column. O2 starts the Short column. P2 starts the Putting column.
Also tried =COUNTIF(N2:P33,SUM(N2:P2)>0)