How to count a number of consecutive cells with 1 in row that is intermittently interrupted with blank

Adamu Mani

New Member
Oct 28, 2019
Good day all,
My excel skills are very poor. I have a situation where I want compute the average number of times a student attends class consecutively over a period of say a semester. Rows represent individual students and the columns are days. In the cells are either 1 if students attends or blank if he does'nt. I want return the average number of days each student attends without break. I also want to know the average number of days a student is consecutively absent.
I checked the platform for a similar situation but I did not identify any.

Thank you for your help.

Excel Facts

Move date out one month or year
Use =EDATE(A2,1) for one month later. Use EDATE(A2,12) for one year later.
Here are a pair of User Defined Functions (UDF) you can try after you install them in your workbook.

To install the UDF:
1. With your workbook active press Alt and F11 keys. This will open the VBE window.
2. In the project tree on the left of the VBE window, find your project and click on it.
3. On the VBE menu: Insert>Module
4. Copy the UDF from your browser window and paste it into the white space in the VBE window.
5. Close the VBE window and Save the workbook. If you are using Excel 2007 or a later version do a SaveAs and save it as a macro-enabled workbook (.xlsm file extension).
6. Use the UDF as you would any native Excel function.
7. Make sure you have enabled macros whenever you open the file or the code will not run.

Below the UDFs is an example so you can see how to apply them.
Rich (BB code):
Function AvgConsecOnes(R As Range) As Double
'assumes R is a row of cells filled with either 0 or 1
' find average number of consecutive 1's in R
Dim S As Long, V As Variant, CtOnes As Long, G As Long
V = R.Value
ReDim A(1 To UBound(V, 2))
CtOnes = Application.CountIf(R, 1)
For i = LBound(V, 2) To UBound(V, 2)
    If V(1, i) = 1 Then
        If i = UBound(V, 2) Then G = G + 1
        S = S + 1
        If S > 0 Then G = G + 1
        S = 0
    End If
Next i
If G > 0 Then
    AvgConsecOnes = CtOnes / G
    AvgConsecOnes = 0
End If
End Function
Function AvgConsecZeros(R As Range) As Double
'assumes R is a row of cells filled with either 0 or 1
' find average number of consecutive 0's in R
Dim S As Long, V As Variant, A() As Long, CtZeros As Long, G As Long
V = R.Value
ReDim A(1 To UBound(V, 2))
CtZeros = Application.CountIf(R, 0)
For i = LBound(V, 2) To UBound(V, 2)
    If V(1, i) = 0 Then
        If i = UBound(V, 2) Then G = G + 1
        S = S + 1
        If S > 0 Then G = G + 1
        S = 0
    End If
Next i
If G > 0 Then
    AvgConsecZeros = CtZeros / G
    AvgConsecZeros = 0
End If
End Function
Excel Workbook
Upvote 0
Dear Joe,
Thank you so much for the UDF and the step-by-step guide on how to implement it.
I am very grateful.

Adamu Mani.
Upvote 0
Here is another way to write the UDF's that JoeMo posted...
Function AvgConsecOnes(R As Range) As Double
  Dim Sum As Long, Txt As String
  Txt = Application.Trim(Replace(Join(Application.Index(R.Value, 1, 0), ""), 0, " "))
  Sum = Len(Replace(Txt, " ", ""))
  AvgConsecOnes = Sum / UBound(Split(Txt & " "))
End Function

Function AvgConsecZeros(R As Range) As Double
  Dim Sum As Long, Txt As String
  Txt = Application.Trim(Replace(Join(Application.Index(R.Value, 1, 0), ""), 1, " "))
  Sum = Len(Replace(Txt, " ", ""))
  AvgConsecZeros = Sum / UBound(Split(Txt & " "))
End Function

Actually, in thinking about it, these two UDF's can be combined into a single UDF by adding an extra argument allowing the programmer to specify 0 or 1 as the number to be averaged...
Function AvgConsec(R As Range, ZeroOrOne As Long) As Double
  Dim Sum As Long, Txt As String
  Txt = Application.Trim(Replace(Join(Application.Index(R.Value, 1, 0), ""), 1 - ZeroOrOne, " "))
  Sum = Len(Replace(Txt, " ", ""))
  AvgConsec = Sum / UBound(Split(Txt & " "))
End Function
Note the change in the function's name. To use it to average the 1's...


To average the 0's...

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Upvote 0
.. or just use standard worksheet functions?

<b>Attendance</b><br /><br /><table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="font-family:Arial,Arial; font-size:8pt; background-color:#ffffff; padding-left:2pt; padding-right:2pt; "> <colgroup><col style="font-weight:bold; width:30px; " /><col style="width:71px;" /><col style="width:49px;" /><col style="width:49px;" /><col style="width:49px;" /><col style="width:49px;" /><col style="width:49px;" /><col style="width:49px;" /><col style="width:49px;" /><col style="width:49px;" /><col style="width:49px;" /><col style="width:56px;" /><col style="width:86px;" /><col style="width:99px;" /></colgroup><tr style="background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; font-weight:bold; font-size:8pt; "><td > </td><td >A</td><td >B</td><td >C</td><td >D</td><td >E</td><td >F</td><td >G</td><td >H</td><td >I</td><td >J</td><td >K</td><td >L</td><td >M</td></tr><tr style="height:21px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >1</td><td style="font-size:10pt; "> </td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">Day1</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">Day2</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">Day3</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">Day4</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">Day5</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">Day6</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">Day7</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">Day8</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">Day9</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">Day10</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:right; ">Avg Here</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:right; ">Avg Away</td></tr><tr style="height:21px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >2</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">Student1</td><td style="font-size:10pt; "> </td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">1</td><td style="font-size:10pt; "> </td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">1</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">1</td><td style="font-size:10pt; "> </td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">1</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">1</td><td style="font-size:10pt; "> </td><td style="font-size:10pt; "> </td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:right; ">1.666666667</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:right; ">1.25</td></tr><tr style="height:21px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >3</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">Student2</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">1</td><td style="font-size:10pt; "> </td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">1</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">1</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">1</td><td style="font-size:10pt; "> </td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">1</td><td style="font-size:10pt; "> </td><td style="font-size:10pt; "> </td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">1</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:right; ">1.5</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:right; ">1.333333333</td></tr><tr style="height:21px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >4</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">Student3</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">1</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">1</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">1</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">1</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">1</td><td style="font-size:10pt; "> </td><td style="font-size:10pt; "> </td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">1</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">1</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">1</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:right; ">4</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:right; ">2</td></tr><tr style="height:21px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >5</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">Student4</td><td style="font-size:10pt; "> </td><td style="font-size:10pt; "> </td><td style="font-size:10pt; "> </td><td style="font-size:10pt; "> </td><td style="font-size:10pt; "> </td><td style="font-size:10pt; "> </td><td style="font-size:10pt; "> </td><td style="font-size:10pt; "> </td><td style="font-size:10pt; "> </td><td style="font-size:10pt; "> </td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:right; ">NA</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:right; ">10</td></tr><tr style="height:21px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >6</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">Student5</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">1</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">1</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">1</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">1</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">1</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">1</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">1</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">1</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">1</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:center; ">1</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:right; ">10</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:right; ">NA</td></tr></table><br /><table style="font-family:Arial; font-size:10pt; border-style: groove ;border-color:#00ff00;background-color:#fffcf9; color:#000000; "><tr><td ><b>Spreadsheet Formulas</b></td></tr><tr><td ><table border = "1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" style="font-family:Arial; font-size:9pt;"><tr style="background-color:#cacaca; font-size:10pt;"><td >Cell</td><td >Formula</td></tr><tr><td >L2</td><td >=IFERROR(SUM<span style=' color:008000; '>(B2:K2)</span>/COUNTIFS<span style=' color:008000; '>(B2:K2,1,A2:J2,"<>1")</span>,"NA")</td></tr><tr><td >M2</td><td >=IFERROR(COUNTBLANK<span style=' color:008000; '>(B2:K2)</span>/COUNTIFS<span style=' color:008000; '>(B2:K2,"",A2:J2,"<>")</span>,"NA")</td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br />Excel tables to the web - Excel Jeanie Html 4
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Upvote 0
.. or just use standard worksheet functions?



<colgroup><col style="font-weight:bold; width:30px; "><col style="width:71px;"><col style="width:49px;"><col style="width:49px;"><col style="width:49px;"><col style="width:49px;"><col style="width:49px;"><col style="width:49px;"><col style="width:49px;"><col style="width:49px;"><col style="width:49px;"><col style="width:56px;"><col style="width:86px;"><col style="width:99px;"></colgroup><tbody>
[TD="bgcolor: [URL=]#cacaca[/URL] , align: center"]1[/TD]

[TD="align: center"]Day1[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]Day2[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]Day3[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]Day4[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]Day5[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]Day6[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]Day7[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]Day8[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]Day9[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]Day10[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]Avg Here[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]Avg Away[/TD]

[TD="bgcolor: [URL=]#cacaca[/URL] , align: center"]2[/TD]

[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]

[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]

[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]

[TD="align: right"]1.666666667[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]1.25[/TD]

[TD="bgcolor: [URL=]#cacaca[/URL] , align: center"]3[/TD]

[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]

[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]

[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]

[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]1.5[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]1.333333333[/TD]

[TD="bgcolor: [URL=]#cacaca[/URL] , align: center"]4[/TD]

[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]

[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]4[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]2[/TD]

[TD="bgcolor: [URL=]#cacaca[/URL] , align: center"]5[/TD]

[TD="align: right"]NA[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]10[/TD]

[TD="bgcolor: [URL=]#cacaca[/URL] , align: center"]6[/TD]

[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]10[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]NA[/TD]


Spreadsheet Formulas



Excel tables to the web - Excel Jeanie Html 4

Thanks Peter,
It really did.
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