I have a list that is based on the header names of columns and am able to hide all but the selected column in the list based on the current coding I have. However, this only works for one selection from the list at a time. I would like to be able to select multiple column titles from the list and all of the selected columns remain visible while the rest are hidden.
I attempted to combine code that would let me select multiple items from the list with the existing code that allows me to hide all but the selected column title, but that does not work. Please see below for the current code I'm using.
I also realized that my current ShowHideColumns work isn't going to work because the list would need to have it "contain" and not "equal" a certain value and the current code has it hiding all but the column selected in the list. If two are on the list, then that code would contradict
I attempted to combine code that would let me select multiple items from the list with the existing code that allows me to hide all but the selected column title, but that does not work. Please see below for the current code I'm using.
I also realized that my current ShowHideColumns work isn't going to work because the list would need to have it "contain" and not "equal" a certain value and the current code has it hiding all but the column selected in the list. If two are on the list, then that code would contradict
VBA Code:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Cells.CountLarge > 1 Then Exit Sub 'only handling single-cell updates
HandleMultiSelect Target 'call the first action
ShowHideColumns Target '...then the next action
End Sub
Sub HandleMultiSelect(Target As Range)
'do your multi-select list handling here
Dim rngDropdown As Range
Dim oldValue As String
Dim newValue As String
Dim DelimiterType As String
DelimiterType = ", "
Dim DelimiterCount As Integer
Dim TargetType As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim arr() As String
If Destination.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
On Error Resume Next
Set rngDropdown = Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeAllValidation)
On Error GoTo exitError
If rngDropdown Is Nothing Then GoTo exitError
TargetType = 0
TargetType = Destination.Validation.Type
If TargetType = 3 Then ' is validation type is "list"
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
newValue = Destination.Value
oldValue = Destination.Value
Destination.Value = newValue
If oldValue <> "" Then
If newValue <> "" Then
If oldValue = newValue Or oldValue = newValue & Replace(DelimiterType, " ", "") Or oldValue = newValue & DelimiterType Then ' leave the value if there is only one in the list
oldValue = Replace(oldValue, DelimiterType, "")
oldValue = Replace(oldValue, Replace(DelimiterType, " ", ""), "")
Destination.Value = oldValue
ElseIf InStr(1, oldValue, DelimiterType & newValue) Or InStr(1, oldValue, newValue & DelimiterType) Or InStr(1, oldValue, DelimiterType & newValue & DelimiterType) Then
arr = Split(oldValue, DelimiterType)
If Not IsError(Application.Match(newValue, arr, 0)) = 0 Then
Destination.Value = oldValue & DelimiterType & newValue
Destination.Value = ""
For i = 0 To UBound(arr)
If arr(i) <> newValue Then
Destination.Value = Destination.Value & arr(i) & DelimiterType
End If
Next i
Destination.Value = Left(Destination.Value, Len(Destination.Value) - Len(DelimiterType))
End If
ElseIf InStr(1, oldValue, newValue & Replace(DelimiterType, " ", "")) Then
oldValue = Replace(oldValue, newValue, "")
Destination.Value = oldValue
Destination.Value = oldValue & DelimiterType & newValue
End If
Destination.Value = Replace(Destination.Value, Replace(DelimiterType, " ", "") & Replace(DelimiterType, " ", ""), Replace(DelimiterType, " ", "")) ' remove extra commas and spaces
Destination.Value = Replace(Destination.Value, DelimiterType & Replace(DelimiterType, " ", ""), Replace(DelimiterType, " ", ""))
If Destination.Value <> "" Then
If Right(Destination.Value, 2) = DelimiterType Then ' remove delimiter at the end
Destination.Value = Left(Destination.Value, Len(Destination.Value) - 2)
End If
End If
If InStr(1, Destination.Value, DelimiterType) = 1 Then ' remove delimiter as first characters
Destination.Value = Replace(Destination.Value, DelimiterType, "", 1, 1)
End If
If InStr(1, Destination.Value, Replace(DelimiterType, " ", "")) = 1 Then
Destination.Value = Replace(Destination.Value, Replace(DelimiterType, " ", ""), "", 1, 1)
End If
DelimiterCount = 0
For i = 1 To Len(Destination.Value)
If InStr(i, Destination.Value, Replace(DelimiterType, " ", "")) Then
DelimiterCount = DelimiterCount + 1
End If
Next i
If DelimiterCount = 1 Then ' remove delimiter if last character
Destination.Value = Replace(Destination.Value, DelimiterType, "")
Destination.Value = Replace(Destination.Value, Replace(DelimiterType, " ", ""), "")
End If
End If
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
End Sub
Sub ShowHideColumns(Target As Range)
If Target.Column = 3 And Target.Row = 8 Then
If Target.Value = [D10].Value Then
Application.Columns("F:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("D:E").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [F10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:E").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("H:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("F:G").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [H10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:G").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("J:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("H:I").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [J10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:I").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("L:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("J:K").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [L10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:K").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("N:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("L:M").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [N10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:M").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("P:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("N:O").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [P10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:O").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("R:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("P:Q").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [R10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:Q").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("T:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("R:S").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [T10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:S").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("V:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("T:U").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [V10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:U").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("X:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("V:W").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [X10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:W").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("Z:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("X:Y").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [Z10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:Y").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("AB:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("Z:AA").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [AB10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:AA").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("AD:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("AB:AC").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [AD10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:AC").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("AF:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("AD:AE").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [AF10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:AE").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("AH:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("AF:AG").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [AH10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:AG").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("AJ:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("AH:AI").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [AJ10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:AI").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("AL:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("AJ:AK").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [AL10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:AK").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("AN:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("AL:AM").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [AN10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:AM").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("AP:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("AN:AO").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [AP10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:AO").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("AR:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("AP:AQ").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [AR10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:AQ").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("AT:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("AR:AS").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [AT10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:AS").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("AV:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("AT:AU").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [AV10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:AU").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("AX:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("AV:AW").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [AX10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:AW").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("AZ:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("AX:AY").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [AZ10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:AY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("BB:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("AZ:BA").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [BB10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:BA").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("BD:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("BB:BC").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [BD10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:BC").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("BF:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("BD:BE").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [BF10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:BE").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("BH:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("BF:BG").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [BH10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:BG").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("BJ:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("BH:BI").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [BJ10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:BI").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("BL:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("BJ:BK").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [BL10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:BK").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("BN:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("BL:BM").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [BN10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:BM").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("BP:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("BN:BO").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [BP10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:BO").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("BR:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("BP:BQ").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [BR10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:BQ").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("BT:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("BR:BS").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [BT10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:BS").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("BV:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("BT:BU").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [BV10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:BU").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("BX:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("BV:BW").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [BX10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:BW").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("BZ:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("BX:BY").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [BZ10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:BY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("CB:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("BZ:CA").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [CB10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:CA").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("CD:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("CB:CC").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [CD10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:CC").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("CF:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("CD:CE").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [CF10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:CE").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("CH:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("CF:CG").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [CH10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:CG").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("CJ:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("CH:CI").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [CJ10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:CI").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("CL:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("CJ:CK").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [CL10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:CK").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("CN:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("CL:CM").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [CN10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:CM").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("CP:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("CN:CO").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [CP10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:CO").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("CR:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("CP:CQ").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [CR10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:CQ").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("CT:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("CR:CS").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [CT10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:CS").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("CV:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("CT:CU").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [CV10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:CU").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("CX:CY").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("CV:CW").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = [CX10].Value Then
Application.Columns("D:CW").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("CX:CY").Hidden = False
ElseIf Target.Value = "SHOW ALL" Then
Application.Columns("ZZ").Hidden = True
Application.Columns("D:CY").Hidden = False
End If
End If
End Sub