I am living in Germany where the numbers are written (as currency) as such: 324,57€. This is analogous to 324.57€ in the American system. Recently I began using an app that calculates my costs in Amazon, and I am able to download reports that are very helpful to me. However, despite the fact that I can download them as csv. files, when I open the file it is already split into columns. Were this not the case and I needed to separate the columns manually, I could toggle the period and comma so that the data would appear in the German version. Unfortunately I cannot change the settings as to how the report is downloaded, so have been trying to change the data on my file after opening it. There is a way to change the Excel settings to switch everything to the US version, but this is cumbersome, as it would be a global change that would then negatively affect all of my existing files. I would love if any of you know how to toggle the period and comma within a file without having to change the base settings of Excel.