How to Change Mouse Cursor


Board Regular
Feb 28, 2003
Hi All,

There is a small problem,
I want to cahnge the mouse cursor in excel through VBA
as i di in VB
Screen.Mousepointer = vbHourGlass
How can i do this foe excel in VBA

Thanks in Advance as i know
i will get the answer immediately.

Thanks agin

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Use the Cursor property of the Application object like this:

Application.Cursor = xlWait

Other possible settings are xlNorthwestArrow, xlIBeam and xlDefault (to reset it).
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... and an example I found somewhere a while ago

Sub ChangeMousePointer()
'Illustrates the various mouse pointer shapes. _
Note that because the Cursor property is not automatically reset _
when the macro stops running, you need to reset the mouse pointer _
by setting the Cursor property to the xlNormal value before your macro stops.
    ' Display dialog box indicating mouse pointer will change.
    MsgBox "Click OK to display mouse pointer as hourglass."

    ' Display mouse pointer as hourglass.
    Application.Cursor = xlWait

    ' Wait so mouse pointer change will be noticeable.
    Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("0:0:03")
    MsgBox "Click OK to display mouse pointer as arrow."

    ' Display mouse pointer as arrow
    Application.Cursor = xlNorthwestArrow

    ' Wait so mouse pointer change will be noticeable.
    Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("0:0:03")

    MsgBox "Click OK to display mouse pointer as I-beam."

    ' Display mouse pointer as I-beam.
    Application.Cursor = xlIBeam

    ' Wait so mouse pointer change will be noticeable.
    Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("0:0:03")

    MsgBox "Click OK to return mouse pointer to normal."

    ' Return mouse pointer to normal display.
    Application.Cursor = xlNormal

End Sub
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Can you change the cursor when over a specific range or cell


Would you know how you can check if the mouse is over a particular cell so you can chnage the cursor (or range of cells). There is no standard event - is there another way to trap this or the ability to create / define a new event to trap this. It is possible as I have seen this before - the mouse cursor does chnage in Excel anyhow but how to you surface this event

Tahnks in advance
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This is an old thread but I have a slightly different approach using a class module instead of just changing the cursor in VBA in each module. Number one advantage of the class approach is its automatic restoration of the cursor in case of a fatal code error.

' DESCRIPTION: Class Module clshourglassXL
'This class not only provides the SetCursor method, which provides a 
' convenient method of setting the hourglass cursor, but it automatically
' restores the cursor when the class object is destroyed.
'Although you can call the Restore method to restore the cursor, it is not
' necessary.  Using clsHourglassXL guarantees the cursor will be restored
' when the subroutine terminates, even if the subroutine terminates due 
' to an unhandled run-time error!
' Adapted from Access VBA
'    cCursor.setCursor
'     OR
'    cCursor.Restore
' Changes the cursor hourglass
'Declare your clsHourglassXL object within a subroutine:
'Sub Eyeglass()
'    Dim cCursor As New clsHourGlassXL
'    cCursor.SetCursor
'    cCursor.Beam
'    cCursor.Arrow
'     'Perform lengthy tasks here
'     cCursor.Restore
' End Sub
Option Explicit
#Const DEBUG_ = False                  ' Set to False for Release version or True for Development
Private Const C_MODULE_NAME = "clsHourGlassXL"
Private mintOldPointer As Integer ' Save Current Pointer State
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    On Error Resume Next
    '  Save current mouse pointer
    mintOldPointer = Application.Cursor
    '  Change to hourglass
    Application.Cursor = xlWait 'vbHourGlass
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Const C_PROC_NAME = "Class_Terminate"
End Sub
Public Sub SetCursor()
Const C_PROC_NAME = "SetCursor"
    ' Set mouse pointer to hourglass/wait state.
    Application.Cursor = xlWait
End Sub
Public Sub Restore()
Const C_PROC_NAME = "Restore"
    ' Return mouse pointer to normal display.
    Application.Cursor = xlDefault
End Sub
Public Sub Beam()
Const C_PROC_NAME = "Beam"
    ' Set mouse pointer to IBeam display.
    Application.Cursor = xlIBeam
End Sub
Public Sub Arrow()
Const C_PROC_NAME = "Arrow"
    ' Set mouse pointer to NorthWestArrow display.
    Application.Cursor = xlNorthwestArrow
End Sub
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