I am having a bit of trouble trying to figure out how to change the font color for certain letters in a cell based on the filled color from another tab.
This spreadsheet is an employee tracking schedule. Each employee has his/her own tab where they fill out their schedule. The format of the calendar is dates going across and months going down. The employee would put "v" for vacation, "w" for work from home, etc. There is a "group" tab where there is VBA script that consolidates all the employee tab by taking their first and last initials. The current script is consolidating all the tabs correctly however I would like to color code the initials based on the input. I have set conditional formatting for each of the cells on the individual employee tabs and would like to have the color coding on the "group" tab based on the filled color from the conditional formatting.
When the employee enters "v", the filled color for that cell turns red. I would like their initials for that date in the "group" tab to be red. If they enter "w", the filled color turns green and their initials will be green in the "group" tab.
For example:
John Smith is on vacation March 31st
Mary Williams is working from home on March 31st
On that date in the "group" tab, "JS MW" appears on the March 31st cell.
Hope this makes sense. I have attached the coding below. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Here is the current code:
I am having a bit of trouble trying to figure out how to change the font color for certain letters in a cell based on the filled color from another tab.
This spreadsheet is an employee tracking schedule. Each employee has his/her own tab where they fill out their schedule. The format of the calendar is dates going across and months going down. The employee would put "v" for vacation, "w" for work from home, etc. There is a "group" tab where there is VBA script that consolidates all the employee tab by taking their first and last initials. The current script is consolidating all the tabs correctly however I would like to color code the initials based on the input. I have set conditional formatting for each of the cells on the individual employee tabs and would like to have the color coding on the "group" tab based on the filled color from the conditional formatting.
When the employee enters "v", the filled color for that cell turns red. I would like their initials for that date in the "group" tab to be red. If they enter "w", the filled color turns green and their initials will be green in the "group" tab.
For example:
John Smith is on vacation March 31st
Mary Williams is working from home on March 31st
On that date in the "group" tab, "JS MW" appears on the March 31st cell.
Hope this makes sense. I have attached the coding below. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Here is the current code:
Function updatecounts()
'*This function recalculates the number of vacation days that each person
'*has taken or plans on taking.
Dim CurrCell As Range
Dim RepCell As Range
Dim x As Integer
Dim iNumPeople As Integer
Dim sInits() As String
Dim iLoopCount As Integer
Dim sCellNum As String
MousePointer = 11
Call readsheets
'*Loop through getting initials
iNumPeople = Me.Range("Q25")
ReDim Count(iNumPeople, 2) As Integer
ReDim sInits(iNumPeople) As String
Do While iLoopCount < iNumPeople
sCellNum = "Q" & 27 + iLoopCount
sInits(iLoopCount) = Me.Range(sCellNum)
iLoopCount = iLoopCount + 1
iLoopCount = 0
Do While iLoopCount < iNumPeople
For Each CurrCell In Me.Range("B7:AF18")
If InStr(CurrCell.Value, sInits(iLoopCount)) > 0 Then
If CurrCell.Font.Bold = True Then
Count(iLoopCount, 1) = Count(iLoopCount, 1) + 1
Count(iLoopCount, 2) = Count(iLoopCount, 2) + 1
End If
End If
'End If
Next CurrCell
iLoopCount = iLoopCount + 1
iLoopCount = 0
Do While iLoopCount < iNumPeople
sCellNum = "R" & 27 + iLoopCount
Me.Range(sCellNum).Value = Count(iLoopCount, 1)
sCellNum = "S" & 27 + iLoopCount
Me.Range(sCellNum).Value = Count(iLoopCount, 2)
iLoopCount = iLoopCount + 1
'*Check for too many days taken
For Each CurrCell In Me.Range("T27:T" & 27 + (iNumPeople - 1))
If CurrCell.Value > CurrCell.Offset(0, 1).Value Then
CurrCell.Font.Color = 255
CurrCell.Offset(0, -4).Font.Color = 255
CurrCell.Font.Bold = True
CurrCell.Offset(0, -4).Font.Bold = True
CurrCell.Font.Color = 0
CurrCell.Offset(0, -4).Font.Color = 0
CurrCell.Font.Bold = False
CurrCell.Offset(0, -4).Font.Bold = False
End If
Next CurrCell
MousePointer = vbDefault
End Function
Function readsheets()
'*Loop through getting initials
iNumPeople = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count
Dim sInits As String
Dim iPeopleCount As Integer
ReDim sSumm(iNumPeople, 5) As String
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("group time").Range("vacasched").ClearContents
iLoopCount = 1
Do While iLoopCount < iNumPeople
If ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(iLoopCount).Name <> "group time" Then
sInits = UCase(Left(ActiveSheet.Range("B4").Value, 1) & Left(ActiveSheet.Range("B3").Value, 1))
sSumm(iLoopCount, 1) = Trim(ActiveSheet.Range("B4").Value) & " " & Trim(ActiveSheet.Range("B3").Value) 'Full Name
sSumm(iLoopCount, 2) = sInits 'Initials
sSumm(iLoopCount, 3) = 0 'taken
sSumm(iLoopCount, 4) = 0 'planned
sSumm(iLoopCount, 5) = ActiveSheet.Range("AF3").Value + ActiveSheet.Range("AF4").Value ' allowed days
For Each CurrCell In ActiveSheet.Range("B7:AF18")
If InStr("V", UCase(CurrCell.Value)) And Not IsEmpty(CurrCell.Value) Then
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("group time").Cells(CurrCell.Row, CurrCell.Column).Value = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("group time").Cells(CurrCell.Row, CurrCell.Column).Value & " " & sInits
If CurrCell.Font.Bold = True Then
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("group time").Cells(CurrCell.Row, CurrCell.Column).Font.Bold = True
sSumm(iLoopCount, 3) = sSumm(iLoopCount, 3) + 1
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("group time").Cells(CurrCell.Row, CurrCell.Column).Font.Bold = False
sSumm(iLoopCount, 4) = sSumm(iLoopCount, 4) + 1
End If
End If
Next CurrCell
End If
iLoopCount = iLoopCount + 1
iLoopCount = 1
iPeopleCount = 0
Do While iLoopCount < iNumPeople
If Not sSumm(iLoopCount, 1) = " " Then
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("group time").Range("O" & Trim(Str(26 + iLoopCount))).Value = sSumm(iLoopCount, 1)
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("group time").Range("Q" & Trim(Str(26 + iLoopCount))).Value = sSumm(iLoopCount, 2)
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("group time").Range("R" & Trim(Str(26 + iLoopCount))).Value = sSumm(iLoopCount, 3)
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("group time").Range("S" & Trim(Str(26 + iLoopCount))).Value = sSumm(iLoopCount, 4)
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("group time").Range("T" & Trim(Str(26 + iLoopCount))).Value = "=R" & Trim(Str(26 + iLoopCount)) & " + S" & Trim(Str(26 + iLoopCount))
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("group time").Range("U" & Trim(Str(26 + iLoopCount))).Value = sSumm(iLoopCount, 5)
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("group time").Range("V" & Trim(Str(26 + iLoopCount))).Value = "=U" & Trim(Str(26 + iLoopCount)) & " - T" & Trim(Str(26 + iLoopCount))
iPeopleCount = iPeopleCount + 1
End If
iLoopCount = iLoopCount + 1
'*set number of people counter
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("group time").Range("Q25").Value = iPeopleCount
End Function