How do I pass a variable from one sub to another, I thought the 'ByRef' definition was meant to do this, but it hasn't worked.
The CONVERTPATH Sub converts a UNC path to a local drive number and vice versa when it is called from another sub.
How do you get the variable 'Path' to be passed between subs, and out of interest does the method work with a function?
The CONVERTPATH Sub converts a UNC path to a local drive number and vice versa when it is called from another sub.
How do you get the variable 'Path' to be passed between subs, and out of interest does the method work with a function?
CONVERTPATH "\\network\folder\folder\file.xlsm", True
MsgBox (Path) < 'Path' is blank in this sub, the value is not carried over
End Sub
Sub CONVERTPATH(ByRef Path As String, UNC As Boolean)
Dim PathDrive As String
Dim ConvDrive As String
Dim NetDrive1 As String
Dim NetDrive2 As String
Dim TWO As Integer
Dim ConvPath As String
If UNC = True Then
PathDrive = Replace(left(Path, InStr(1, Replace(Path, "\", "?", 1, 3), "\") - 1), "?", "\")
PathDrive = left(Path, InStr(1, Path, "\") - 1)
End If
Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Set objdrives = objNetwork.EnumNetworkDrives
strDrives = "Network drive Mappings:" & Chr(13)
NonFound = 0
For i = 0 To objdrives.Count - 1 Step 2
NetDrive1 = objdrives.Item(i)
NetDrive2 = objdrives.Item(i + 1)
If NetDrive1 = PathDrive Then
ConvDrive = NetDrive2
Exit For
ElseIf NetDrive2 = PathDrive Then
ConvDrive = NetDrive1
Exit For
NonFound = NonFound + 1
End If
TWO = 2
If (objdrives.Count / TWO) < NonFound + 1 Then MsgBox ("Drive in file path not recognised")
ConvPath = ConvDrive & Right(Path, Len(Path) - Len(PathDrive))
Path = ConvPath
End Sub