I want to activate a window to edit the content. However, when I use
the program keeps running forever. What can I do?
VBA Code:
'open Aggregated Files
Workbooks.Open FileName:= _
"J:\recoding\report_002\P09P05\Aggregated Files.xlsx", UpdateLinks:=0
'open D001A
Workbooks.Open FileName:= _
"J:\recoding\report_002\P09P05\List of RI match with D001A in 2021Q2 SEV.xlsx", UpdateLinks:=0
'copy RI from D001A
Windows("List of RI match with D001A in 2021Q2 SEV.xlsx").Activate
'paste new quarter content to old quarter file and close the new quarter file
Windows("Aggregated Files.xlsx").Activate
Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
Windows("List of RI match with D001A in 2021Q2 SEV.xlsx").Close
Windows("Aggregated Files.xlsx").Close