How protect file but not ask for a password


Well-known Member
Jan 6, 2012
Office Version
  1. 365
  2. 2010
  1. Windows
I created a macro-workbook that contains userforms. Once the user answer the questions on the userform, depending what was entered will determine what protected worksheet the information will added to but everytime this file opens up it asks for a password, shown in the image. How can I prevent this from even showing up and still run the userforms and still protect any sheet from being modified? Thanks.


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Last used cell?
Press Ctrl+End to move to what Excel thinks is the last used cell.
It sounds like you have protected the workbook with a password. If that is the case, unprotect the workbook and restrict the protection to the individual worksheets.
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Maybe I am doing something wrong because when I try to unprotect workbook. All I did was protected the worksheets with code.
VBA Code:
Sub Protect_All_Sheets()

   For Each Worksheet In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
   Exit Sub

End Sub

Sub Unprotect_All_Sheets()

   For Each Worksheet In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
   Exit Sub

End Sub

Option Explicit
Dim wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheets, ws1 As Worksheets
Dim WeekNum As Integer
Dim DateRangeFrom As Date, DateRangeTo As Date
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim UserName As String

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
    Set wb = ThisWorkbook
    Call Unprotect_All_Sheets
End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
    Call Unprotect_All_Sheets
    Set wb = ThisWorkbook
    Call Protect_All_Sheets
End Sub
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Manually unprotect the workbook.
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Does it matter what machine I created this on? In other words, if I created this on my desktop at work and then try to work on it on my laptop at home, does this matter? I have office 365 at work and office 2010 at home.
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That shouldn’t matter.
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Is there instructions how to do this manually. Every video I looked up did not work. When I made the changes shown on the video, I close the workbook. It then asks me if I want to save changes, I clicked yes. I then reopened the workbook and it still asks me for a password. Step by step instructions preferred.
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Try the following:
-hold down the ALT key and press the F11 key to open the Visual Basic Editor
-click 'Tools' in the menu at the top
-click 'VBAProjects Properties
-click the 'Protection' tab
-check if a password has been entered and delete it if it exists. Also uncheck the 'Lock Project....' box if it is checked.

If there is no password, perhaps you could upload a copy of your file (de-sensitized if necessary) to a site such as or Once you do that, mark it for 'Sharing' and you will be given a link to the file that you can post here.
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Would the code I added to this board, would that have anything to do with this problem?
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The code you posted protects and unprotects the worksheets not the workbook. Upload your file if you can.
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