i think hesham want to make Excel 2003 Defult Excel on his PC, Follow this this hesham:
Step 1
Open the Windows registry by clicking "Start," selecting "Run," typing "regedit" into the "Open" box and clicking "OK."
<LI id=jsArticleStep2>Step 2
Navigate to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER>Software>Microsoft>Office>12.0>Excel" in the registry by clicking the arrow to the right of each of these folders.
<LI id=jsArticleStep3>Step 3
Right-click the "Options" key inside the "Excel" folder, point to "New" and select "DWORD Value." Type "NoReReg" over "New Value" to rename it.
<LI id=jsArticleStep4>Step 4
Right-click "NoReReg" and select "Modify." Type "1" into the "Data Value" box. Click "OK." Close the Windows registry.
<LI id=jsArticleStep5>Step 5
Open Microsoft Excel 2003. Click "Help" in the toolbar. Select "Detect and Repair" and click "Start." After "Detect and Repair" is complete, click "OK." Close Excel 2003