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- Jul 5, 2020
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I initially looked on the web and found a fancy resizer that used a Class Module. I tried it, but it failed to run on my Excel 2002. But even had I gotten it to work, it would have resized in both dimensions. I only want the user to be able to lengthen and shorten the height of the form. So I stopped looking and created a simple one with up and down buttons. I ended up with two versions:
The buttons are labels with these properties:
.Caption = q or p
.Font = Wingdings 3
.Height = 13
.SpecialEffect = fmSpecialEffectRaised
.TextAlign = fmTextAlignCenter
.Width = 21 or 18
.TabStop = True
I store all sorts of settings in the user's Registery. Sort order, form location, form height, etc. Long ago I got the code from:
But the link went dead. [If anyone can figure out the replacement, please post.] You can, of course, save all these settings in the WorkBook, but in my case the application has no WorkSheets, only lots of forms and Access tables.
Up top for the form height:
Private Const MinHeight As Single = 312.75
In the Initialize routine:
In the form's Module:
In a regular Module:
I did find one quirk when implementing this. I had named the frame and all the controls in it the same. When one form with them was over another form that also had these same named buttons, the buttons and frame caption on the under-form disappeared.
I'm open to comments.
The buttons are labels with these properties:
.Caption = q or p
.Font = Wingdings 3
.Height = 13
.SpecialEffect = fmSpecialEffectRaised
.TextAlign = fmTextAlignCenter
.Width = 21 or 18
.TabStop = True
I store all sorts of settings in the user's Registery. Sort order, form location, form height, etc. Long ago I got the code from:
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But the link went dead. [If anyone can figure out the replacement, please post.] You can, of course, save all these settings in the WorkBook, but in my case the application has no WorkSheets, only lots of forms and Access tables.
Up top for the form height:
Private Const MinHeight As Single = 312.75
In the Initialize routine:
VBA Code:
SetFormHeight Me, ListBox1, "RecordTransferHeight"
In the form's Module:
VBA Code:
' ~~~~~~~~ Form Length Changing ~~~~~~~~
Private Sub bnLengthen_Click()
AdjustFormHeight 25
End Sub
Private Sub bnShorten_Click()
AdjustFormHeight -25
End Sub
Private Sub AdjustFormHeight(Incr As Integer)
AdjustHeightSub Incr, MinHeight, Me, ListBox1, "RecordTransferHeight"
ListBox2.Height = ListBox1.Height
frmForm.Top = Me.Height - 60
lblDivider.Height = Me.Height - 264
bnClose.Top = Me.Height - 53
End Sub
In a regular Module:
VBA Code:
' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ adjusting form height ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sub SetFormHeight(myForm As Object, myListBox As Control, KeyName As String)
' myListBox can be TextBox or iGrid
' if there is more than one ListBox, after this set their lengths to the first
Dim H As String
H = QueryKey("Software\BondCalc\Settings", KeyName)
If H <> "" Then
myListBox.Height = myListBox.Height + (H - myForm.Height)
myForm.Height = H
End If
End Sub
Sub AdjustHeightSub(Incr As Integer, MinHeight As Single, myForm As Object, myListBox As Control, KeyName As String)
If Incr = 0 Then Exit Sub
If myForm.Height + Incr < MinHeight Then
Incr = MinHeight - myForm.Height
End If
myForm.Height = myForm.Height + Incr
myListBox.Height = myListBox.Height + Incr
SaveRegKeyValue KeyName, myForm.Height
End Sub
I did find one quirk when implementing this. I had named the frame and all the controls in it the same. When one form with them was over another form that also had these same named buttons, the buttons and frame caption on the under-form disappeared.
I'm open to comments.