Thanks but that means I have to change the formula every time I change the filteri would normally use countif
1- Inspection Plan Log.xlsx
A B C 3 Row Labels Sum of Stk 4 Oil 1 0 4 5 Oil 2 1 6 Oil 3 0 7 Oil 4 2 8 Oil 5 14 9 Oil 6 0 10 Oil 7 5 11 Oil 8 0 12 Grand Total 22 Sheet2
Cell Formulas Range Formula C4 C4 =COUNTIF(B4:B11,">0")
but what if the column needs to be measured by two values. A greater than and a less than value?Due to the limited amount of information i am working in the blind here, your original request mentioned nothing of filters. You could make the range implicit using for exampleor just leave the $ out of the formula and put in max range to countExcel Formula:=COUNTIF($B$4:$B$11,">0")
Then use COUNTIFS, which allows for multiple criteria.but what if the column needs to be measured by two values. A greater than and a less than value?