I need to grab some public data from a website, but the data in question is only accessible if the user clicks in an link that opens a new IE window with the desired data. Despite being newbie to Excel / VBA I managed to do a rudimentary code able to click on the link that opens the window with the desired data. Here is my code:
So far everything is working fine.
Now I need a code to select the new opened window and save the source code of it's webpage to a local *.txt file. I have tried some examples, including queries to the first page that shows the desired data too, but none worked. The only way I found to grab the data was saving the source code of the second web page to disk and parsing it.
Can someone help me?
Public Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As LongPtr)
Sub NavigateClick()
Dim Browser As Object
Dim URL As String
Dim nTabs As Integer
Set Browser = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
URL = "this *.asp webpage contains the link to be clicked"
Browser.Navigate (URL)
Browser.Visible = True
Loop Until Browser.ReadyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE 'Waits for the load of the web page containing the link to be clicked
Sleep 1000
For nTabs = 0 To 25 'For loop to select the link
SendKeys "{TAB}"
Sleep 50
Next nTabs
SendKeys "{ENTER}" 'click on the link
Loop Until Browser.ReadyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE
Application.Wait DateAdd("s", 2, Now) 'Wait for new IE window that contains the source code to be saved to local file
Browser.Quit 'Close the first IE window
Set Browser = Nothing 'Frees memory
End Sub
So far everything is working fine.
Now I need a code to select the new opened window and save the source code of it's webpage to a local *.txt file. I have tried some examples, including queries to the first page that shows the desired data too, but none worked. The only way I found to grab the data was saving the source code of the second web page to disk and parsing it.
Can someone help me?