i have the following code which is able to save within excel a csv addint tilda characters to each appropriate cell and doing a .SaveCopyAs to a new filename.
i am trying within the same vba code to open this new file and replace the tilda and comma(since it adds it to the new filen) with just a tilda.
However when i tried to save it, the file has a bunch of unreadable characters.
I added these lines;
I am seeing characters like "PK!kã^€Ç[Content_Types].xml ¢( ¬TËNÃ0¼#ñ‘¯(vá€jÚ# °µ·©c[^SÚ¿g“–
P ö'±wfvìq8o\1ÃD6øJœËž(Ðë`¬ŸTâõå¾¼"
i am trying within the same vba code to open this new file and replace the tilda and comma(since it adds it to the new filen) with just a tilda.
However when i tried to save it, the file has a bunch of unreadable characters.
VBA Code:
With fd
.Title = "Choose your file to add tilde character"
.AllowMultiSelect = False
.InitialFileName = "F:\"
.Filters.Add "Filter", "*.xlsx"
'Find last row of data and loop from A-P and Ad ~ to end of cell, then save it with the tilda, then reopn #2 and replace ~, with just ~
'Dim i As Long
'For i = 1 To Workbooks.Count
' Debug.Print Workbooks(i).FullName
'Next i
Set destWbk = ActiveWorkbook
If .Show = True Then
MsgBox "Please select OK to start the process", vbOKOnly, "Starting"
MyPath = .SelectedItems(1)
Position = InStr(1, MyPath, "xlsx", vbBinaryCompare)
Set srcWbk = Workbooks.Open(.SelectedItems(1))
lr = srcWbk.Sheets("Your Jira Issues").Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
Set trng = srcWbk.Sheets("Your Jira Issues").Range("A1:P" & lr)
Set drng = destWbk.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & 1)
trng.Copy drng
'Close the workbook that we copied the data from
Workbooks(2).Close SaveChanges:=False
Set srcWkb = Nothing
'Get the last row that has data and add in the tilda character to each cell on each line
lr = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For r = 1 To lr
Cells(r, "A") = Cells(r, "A") & "~"
Cells(r, "B") = Cells(r, "B") & "~"
Cells(r, "C") = Cells(r, "C") & "~"
Cells(r, "D") = Cells(r, "D") & "~"
Cells(r, "E") = Cells(r, "E") & "~"
Cells(r, "F") = Cells(r, "F") & "~"
Cells(r, "G") = Cells(r, "G") & "~"
Cells(r, "H") = Cells(r, "H") & "~"
Cells(r, "I") = Cells(r, "I") & "~"
Cells(r, "J") = Cells(r, "J") & "~"
Cells(r, "K") = Cells(r, "K") & "~"
Cells(r, "L") = Cells(r, "L") & "~"
Cells(r, "M") = Cells(r, "M") & "~"
Cells(r, "N") = Cells(r, "N") & "~"
Cells(r, "O") = Cells(r, "O") & "~"
Cells(r, "P") = Cells(r, "P") & "~"
Next r
'This is the new name of the file as a .csv
DestFileName = Mid(MyPath, 1, (Position - 1)) & "csv"
strOutputFileName = Mid(MyPath, 1, (Position - 2)) & "2.csv"
Application.ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs Filename:=DestFileName
Application.ActiveWorkbook.Saved = True
'Open the csv file and find replace tilda and comma with just tilda then close it
Open DestFileName For Binary As #1
txtData = Space$(LOF(1))
Get #1, , txtData
Close #1
strData() = Split(txtData, vbCrLf)
For i = LBound(strData) To UBound(strData)
Debug.Print strData(i) ' Replace(txtData, "~,", "~")
Next i
End If
End With
I added these lines;
VBA Code:
Open DestFileName For Input As #1
Do Until VBA.EOF(1)
Line Input #1, strContents
Debug.Print strContents
Close #1
I am seeing characters like "PK!kã^€Ç[Content_Types].xml ¢( ¬TËNÃ0¼#ñ‘¯(vá€jÚ# °µ·©c[^SÚ¿g“–
P ö'±wfvìq8o\1ÃD6øJœËž(Ðë`¬ŸTâõå¾¼"
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