Option Explicit
#If VBA7 Then
Private Declare PtrSafe Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" _
Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As LongPtr)
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" _
Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
#End If
Private Enum VariantTypes
VTx_Empty = vbEmpty '(0) Uninitialized
VTx_Array = vbArray '(8192)
VTx_ByRef = &H4000 '(16384) Is an indirect pointer to the Variant's data
End Enum
Type VariantStruct 'NOTE - the added "X_..." prefixes force the VBE Locals window to display the elements in
'their correct adjacency order:
A_VariantType As Integer '(2 bytes) See the VariantTypes Enum, above.
B_Reserved(1 To 6) As Byte '(6 bytes)
C_Data As LongLong '(8 bytes) NOTE: for an array-Variant, its Data is a pointer to the array.
End Type
Type ArrayStruct 'NOTE - the added "X_..." prefixes force the VBE Locals window to display the elements in
'their correct adjacency order:
A_DimCount As Integer '(aka cDim) 2 bytes: The number of dimensions in the array.
B_FeatureFlags As Integer '(aka fFeature) 2 bytes: See the FeatureFlags Enum, below.
C_ElementSize As Long '(aka cbElements) 4 bytes: The size of each element in the array.
D_LockCount As Long '(aka cLocks) 4 bytes: The count of active locks on the array.
E_DataPtr As Long '(aka pvData) 4 bytes: A pointer to the first data element in the array.
F_BoundsInfoArr As LongLong '(aka rgsabound) 8 bytes, min.: An info-array of SA_BoundInfo elements (see below)
' that contains bounds data for each dimension of the safe-array. There is one
' SA_BoundInfo element for each dimension in the array. F_BoundsInfoArr(0) holds
' the information for the right-most dimension and F_BoundsInfoArr[A_DimCount - 1]
' holds the information for the left-most dimension. Each SA_BoundInfo element is
' 8 bytes, structured as follows:
End Type
Function ArrayDims(SomeArray As Variant) As Long 'Cast the array argument to an array-Variant (if it isn't already)
'for a uniform reference-interface to it.
'Returns the number of dimensions of the specified array.
'AUTHOR: Peter Straton
'CREDIT: Adapted from wqw's post at:
' https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67016151/how-to-get-array-dimensionarray-parameter-pass-error
Dim DataPtrOffset As Integer
Dim DimCount As Integer '= ArrayStruct.A_DimCount (2 bytes)
Dim VariantType As Integer '= VariantStruct.A_VariantType (2 bytes)
Dim VariantDataPtr As LongLong '= VariantStruct.C_Data (8 bytes). See note about array-Variants' data, above.
'Check the Variant's type
Call CopyMemory(VariantType, SomeArray, LenB(VariantType))
If (VariantType And VTx_Array) Then
'It is an array-type Variant, so get its array data-pointer
Dim VariantX As VariantStruct 'Unfortunately, in VB/VBA, you can't reference the size of a user-defined
'data-Type element without instantiating one.
DataPtrOffset = LenB(VariantX) - LenB(VariantX.C_Data) 'Takes advantage of C_Data being the last element
Call CopyMemory(VariantDataPtr, ByVal VarPtr(SomeArray) + DataPtrOffset, LenB(VariantDataPtr))
If VariantDataPtr <> 0 Then
If (VariantType And VTx_ByRef) Then
'The passed array argument was not an array-Variant, so this function-call's cast to Variant type
'creates an indirect reference to the original array, via the Variant parameter. So de-reference
'that pointer.
Call CopyMemory(VariantDataPtr, ByVal VariantDataPtr, LenB(VariantDataPtr))
End If
If VariantDataPtr <> 0 Then
'Now have a legit Array reference, so get and return its dimension-count value
Call CopyMemory(DimCount, ByVal VariantDataPtr, LenB(DimCount))
End If
End If
End If
ArrayDims = DimCount
End Function 'ArrayDims
Sub Demo_ArrayDims()
'Demonstrates the functionality of the ArrayDims function using a 1-D, 2-D and 3-D array of various types
Dim Test2DArray As Variant
Dim Test3DArray() As Long
Debug.Print 'Blank line
Debug.Print ArrayDims(Array(20, 30, 400)) 'Test 1D array
Test2DArray = [{0, 0, 0, 0; "Apple", "Fig", "Orange", "Pear"}]
Debug.Print ArrayDims(Test2DArray)
ReDim Test3DArray(1 To 3, 0 To 1, 1 To 4)
Debug.Print ArrayDims(Test3DArray)
End Sub