first, let me say that I am not a great programmer, just reusing/modifying googled code.
I have created a macro in Excel that copies some data from its Excel file to an existing Word file.
Now, I would like to change a few field properties of the Word file ... you know, such as Author, Revision, Keywords ... from the same macro, using values in the worksheet.
I have searched google with no much success, can somebody explain me whether it is possible and give me (or pointing to) some examples.
Many thanks.
I play a bit with BuiltInDocumentProperties, for example
<code>Dim propertylist as DocumentProperties
Set propertylist = myDoc.BuiltinDocumentProperties
Set propertylist.Name("Author") = pssa50.Sheets("Header").Range("D22").Value
where,<code>of course,</code> myDoc is the reference to my Word file and pssa50 <code>is the reference to my Excel file</code></code>
first, let me say that I am not a great programmer, just reusing/modifying googled code.
I have created a macro in Excel that copies some data from its Excel file to an existing Word file.
Now, I would like to change a few field properties of the Word file ... you know, such as Author, Revision, Keywords ... from the same macro, using values in the worksheet.
I have searched google with no much success, can somebody explain me whether it is possible and give me (or pointing to) some examples.
Many thanks.
I play a bit with BuiltInDocumentProperties, for example
<code>Dim propertylist as DocumentProperties
Set propertylist = myDoc.BuiltinDocumentProperties
Set propertylist.Name("Author") = pssa50.Sheets("Header").Range("D22").Value
where,<code>of course,</code> myDoc is the reference to my Word file and pssa50 <code>is the reference to my Excel file</code></code>