I have a formula that includes text and a date, but Excel gives me the date in its serial number format (which I expected) but I don't know how to go about changing that when it is in a cell with other characters.
Here is my formula:
=IF(X9="","",IF(X9<1,"0% vested",IF(AND(X9>1,X9<2),"25% vested on " & DATE(YEAR(B9)+1,MONTH(B9),DAY(B9)),IF(AND(X9>2,X9<3),"50% vested on " & DATE(YEAR(B9)+2,MONTH(B9),DAY(B9)),IF(X9>3,DATE(YEAR(B9)+3,MONTH(B9),DAY(B9)),"Not 100% vested")))))
and the result:
50% vested on 37817
I would like it to say "50% vested on 7/15/2003" or something of that nature.
Thanks for the help!
Here is my formula:
=IF(X9="","",IF(X9<1,"0% vested",IF(AND(X9>1,X9<2),"25% vested on " & DATE(YEAR(B9)+1,MONTH(B9),DAY(B9)),IF(AND(X9>2,X9<3),"50% vested on " & DATE(YEAR(B9)+2,MONTH(B9),DAY(B9)),IF(X9>3,DATE(YEAR(B9)+3,MONTH(B9),DAY(B9)),"Not 100% vested")))))
and the result:
50% vested on 37817
I would like it to say "50% vested on 7/15/2003" or something of that nature.
Thanks for the help!