I have to create charts from calendar tables in Excel 2007 but the calendar has to be 12 months running. I January the calendar table reads the months Jan thru Dec across the columns. I February the table reads Feb thru Jan.
JAN FEB MAR .... DEC for the first chart
FEB MAR APR .... JAN for the 2nd chart
MAR APR MAY .... FEB for the 3rd chart, etc.
I currently modify table 1 to create table 2 by moving JAN to the last column on the right where DEC is and then move the whole table to the left so that the same columns and rows are used in table 2 so that the charts auto complete.
Is there some way to automate this movement with a macro or function or something? I make it work manually but automatic would sure be easier.
JAN FEB MAR .... DEC for the first chart
FEB MAR APR .... JAN for the 2nd chart
MAR APR MAY .... FEB for the 3rd chart, etc.
I currently modify table 1 to create table 2 by moving JAN to the last column on the right where DEC is and then move the whole table to the left so that the same columns and rows are used in table 2 so that the charts auto complete.
Is there some way to automate this movement with a macro or function or something? I make it work manually but automatic would sure be easier.