So basically what this code does is calculates the discount by category when we quote somebody. Right now when I click the button it will calculate all the price discounts based on the category and entered list price. There are 11 discounts in each category depending on qty purchased.
When I run this macro it places all 11 price breaks on the quote. I am looking to add a function where the user can choose how many price breaks to display. So if they want 3 to display on the quote they enter 3 and when they click the button only three price breaks copy over to the quote 1 instead of all 11 which is happening now. I tried a few things but cant get it to work. Any ideas would be very much appreciated!
When I run this macro it places all 11 price breaks on the quote. I am looking to add a function where the user can choose how many price breaks to display. So if they want 3 to display on the quote they enter 3 and when they click the button only three price breaks copy over to the quote 1 instead of all 11 which is happening now. I tried a few things but cant get it to work. Any ideas would be very much appreciated!
VBA Code:
Sub CalcPrices()
Dim Quantity(40) As String
Dim Price(40) As Single
Dim LengthCol, PriceCol, IncreaseCol, Row, n As Integer
Dim ListPrice As Single
ListPrice = Range("I17").Value
Range("PreviewListPrice") = ListPrice
Worksheets("Quote 1").Range("QuoteListPrice") = Range("PreviewListPrice")
'Load Quantity Brackets and corresponding discounts
Dim DiscountCol As Integer
If Range("InputDiscountCatagory") = "International OEM (3000)" Then
DiscountCol = 2
ElseIf Range("InputDiscountCatagory") = "Auth. Domestic Non-Stocking Dist. (4000)" Then
DiscountCol = 3
ElseIf Range("InputDiscountCatagory") = "Domestic OEM (5000)" Then
DiscountCol = 4
ElseIf Range("InputDiscountCatagory") = "Auth. Domestic Stocking Dist. (6000)" Then
DiscountCol = 5
ElseIf Range("InputDiscountCatagory") = "User (7000)" Then
DiscountCol = 6
ElseIf Range("InputDiscountCatagory") = "Non-Stocking Dist. (8000)" Then
DiscountCol = 7
ElseIf Range("InputDiscountCatagory") = "International Rep/Dist (9000)" Then
DiscountCol = 8
End If
Dim BracketCol As Integer
Dim Bracket(40) As String
Dim Discount(40) As Single
BracketCol = 1
Row = 2
n = 0
Do While ActiveSheet.Cells(Row, BracketCol) <> "&END&"
Bracket(n) = ActiveSheet.Cells(Row, BracketCol)
Discount(n) = ActiveSheet.Cells(Row, DiscountCol)
Row = Row + 1
n = n + 1
Bracket(n) = "&END&"
' Calculate Net Prices
Dim NetPrice(15) As Single
Dim Disc As Single
n = 0
Do While Bracket(n) <> "&END&"
Disc = Discount(n) / 100
NetPrice(n) = ListPrice * (1 - Disc)
n = n + 1
'Display brackets and net prices
'Dim PriceCol As Integer
Sheets("Quote 1").Activate
Row = 17
BracketCol = 10
PriceCol = 11
n = 0
Do While Bracket(n) <> "&END&" 'And n + 1 < 12
Worksheets("Quote 1").Range("QuoteQuantityBrackets")(n + 1) = Bracket(n)
Worksheets("Quote 1").Range("QuoteNetPrices")(n + 1) = NetPrice(n)
'ActiveSheet.Cells(Row, BracketCol) = Bracket(n)
'ActiveSheet.Cells(Row, PriceCol) = NetPrice(n)
'Row = Row + 1
n = n + 1
End Sub