Function MyExtract(MyText As String, ItemNo As Integer, FrontOrBack As String, Optional MySeparator As String) As String
' This function will scan a string containing at least TWO words, each separated
' by a specified character and extract one of the words. It can extract the word
' (or SubString) counting from either the Back or Front of the text.
' []
Dim LenText As Integer, n As Integer, CountSpaces As Integer
Dim MySt As Integer, MyFin As Integer, MyStep As Integer, Mk1 As Integer, Mk2 As Integer
' MySeparator was an optional parameter
If Len(MySeparator) = 0 Then MySeparator = " "
LenText = Len(MyText)
' You cannot extract a word if length is LT 3 chars
If LenText < 3 Then
MyExtract = "*"
GoTo MyEndBit
End If
' set the direction in which the text is examined
If UCase(FrontOrBack) = "F" Then
MySt = 2
MyFin = LenText - 1
MyStep = 1
MyFin = 2
MySt = LenText - 1
MyStep = -1
End If
' identify the position of characters matching the separator
For n = MySt To MyFin Step MyStep
If Mid(MyText, n, 1) = MySeparator Then
CountSpaces = CountSpaces + 1
If CountSpaces = ItemNo - 1 Then Mk1 = n
If CountSpaces = ItemNo Then Mk2 = n
End If
Next n
If CountSpaces = 0 Then
MyExtract = "*"
GoTo MyEndBit
End If
If UCase(FrontOrBack) = "B" Then
n = Mk1
Mk1 = Mk2
Mk2 = n
End If
If Mk2 = 0 Then Mk2 = LenText + 1
Mk1 = Mk1 + 1
MyExtract = Mid(MyText, Mk1, Mk2 - Mk1)
End Function