Hi guys,
So I'm trying to write a macro to add a row of 3 ActiveX checkboxes to multiple rows in a sheet, and link each individual checkbox to a unique cell. I can add the checkboxes easy enough, but when I go to link them they all link to the same 3 cells. I think I need to use the .LinkedCell function with a variable but everything I try either gives me an error or gets ignored. Here is what I have so far
What I have now adds 7 rows of 3 checkboxes but links each column to F3, G3, H3 respectfully, what I need is to have one go to F3, one to G3, one to H3, then on the next row F4, G4, H4, etc through the For statement. Basically I need to add 1 to each LinkedCell row reference in each loop through the For statement.
I'm sorry if this post is too long or confusing. Any help is greatly appreciated. This has been driving me crazy.
Thank you!
So I'm trying to write a macro to add a row of 3 ActiveX checkboxes to multiple rows in a sheet, and link each individual checkbox to a unique cell. I can add the checkboxes easy enough, but when I go to link them they all link to the same 3 cells. I think I need to use the .LinkedCell function with a variable but everything I try either gives me an error or gets ignored. Here is what I have so far
Sub AddAXCB()
ActiveSheet.DrawingObjects.Delete 'optional to delete all objects on sheet while testing
STL = 40 'starting top location
SLL = 108 'starting left location
RD = 15 'row depth, used to designate spacing between top and bottom CBs
Y = 7 'total number of rows
For x = 1 To Y
'first column
With ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Add(ClassType:="Forms.CheckBox.1", Link:=False, _
DisplayAsIcon:=False, Left:=SLL, Top:=STL, Width:=12, Height:=12)
.LinkedCell = "F3"
End With
'second column
With ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Add(ClassType:="Forms.CheckBox.1", Link:=False, _
DisplayAsIcon:=False, Left:=SLL + 20, Top:=STL, Width:=12, Height:=12)
.LinkedCell = "G3"
End With
'third column
With ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Add(ClassType:="Forms.CheckBox.1", Link:=False, _
DisplayAsIcon:=False, Left:=SLL + 40, Top:=STL, Width:=12, Height:=12)
.LinkedCell = "H3"
End With
Next x
End Sub
What I have now adds 7 rows of 3 checkboxes but links each column to F3, G3, H3 respectfully, what I need is to have one go to F3, one to G3, one to H3, then on the next row F4, G4, H4, etc through the For statement. Basically I need to add 1 to each LinkedCell row reference in each loop through the For statement.
I'm sorry if this post is too long or confusing. Any help is greatly appreciated. This has been driving me crazy.
Thank you!