I am trying to make my excel sheet copy an entire row of data to a new sheet if the column contains a certain criteria. Specifically:
on the worksheets named: All results 1882-1900, All results 1900-1950, and All results 1950-2000
If Column F contains W then copy the whole row to a sheet named Wins
I have tried altering the code on several tutorials of the exact same thing and for the life of me I can't get it to work. Can anyone tell me how to properly write this code and put it in the excel sheet so it works?
I am trying to make my excel sheet copy an entire row of data to a new sheet if the column contains a certain criteria. Specifically:
on the worksheets named: All results 1882-1900, All results 1900-1950, and All results 1950-2000
If Column F contains W then copy the whole row to a sheet named Wins
I have tried altering the code on several tutorials of the exact same thing and for the life of me I can't get it to work. Can anyone tell me how to properly write this code and put it in the excel sheet so it works?