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G'day all - I found this code and modified it to apply to ReplyAll and Forward as well as just Reply, but I'm no programmer. I couldn't work out how to turn the ReplyCurrentMailAndAddSubject() function into a "ActOnCurrentMailAndAddSubject()" function based on which button is actually pressed, so I had to create three separate functions for each of the modes. This works fine, but it offends my neat personality type. There should be a way of doing this with much less code, yes?
This should be easy for the experts out there. I'm no programmer, just use what I can find then get back to work!
Also I can't use the VB HTML Maker on my work computer so I apologise in advance for the dodgy formatting below.
Option Explicit
Private WithEvents ReplyButton As Office.CommandBarButton
Private WithEvents ReplyAllButton As Office.CommandBarButton
Private WithEvents ForwardButton As Office.CommandBarButton
Private Sub Application_Startup()
Set ReplyButton = Application.ActiveExplorer.CommandBars.FindControl(, 354)
Set ReplyAllButton = Application.ActiveExplorer.CommandBars.FindControl(, 355)
Set ForwardButton = Application.ActiveExplorer.CommandBars.FindControl(, 356)
End Sub
Private Sub ReplyButton_Click(ByVal Ctrl As Office.CommandBarButton, _
CancelDefault As Boolean)
CancelDefault = ReplyCurrentMailAndAddSubject
End Sub
Private Sub ReplyAllButton_Click(ByVal Ctrl As Office.CommandBarButton, _
CancelDefault As Boolean)
CancelDefault = ReplyAllCurrentMailAndAddSubject
End Sub
Private Sub ForwardButton_Click(ByVal Ctrl As Office.CommandBarButton, _
CancelDefault As Boolean)
CancelDefault = ForwardCurrentMailAndAddSubject
End Sub
Private Function ReplyCurrentMailAndAddSubject() As Boolean
Dim obj As Object
Dim oMail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim oReply As Outlook.MailItem
Dim oReplyAll As Outlook.MailItem
Dim oForward As Outlook.MailItem
Const FIX_SUBJECT As String = "[your special text here]"
Select Case True
Case TypeOf Application.ActiveWindow Is Outlook.Inspector
Set obj = Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
Case Else
With Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection
If .Count Then
Set obj = .Item(1)
End If
End With
End Select
If TypeOf obj Is Outlook.MailItem Then
Set oMail = obj
Set oReply = oMail.Reply
If InStr(1, oReply.Subject, FIX_SUBJECT, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
oReply.Subject = FIX_SUBJECT & oReply.Subject
End If
ReplyCurrentMailAndAddSubject = True
End If
End Function
Private Function ReplyAllCurrentMailAndAddSubject() As Boolean
Dim obj As Object
Dim oMail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim oReply As Outlook.MailItem
Dim oReplyAll As Outlook.MailItem
Dim oForward As Outlook.MailItem
Const FIX_SUBJECT As String = "[your special text here]"
Select Case True
Case TypeOf Application.ActiveWindow Is Outlook.Inspector
Set obj = Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
Case Else
With Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection
If .Count Then
Set obj = .Item(1)
End If
End With
End Select
If TypeOf obj Is Outlook.MailItem Then
Set oMail = obj
Set oReplyAll = oMail.ReplyAll
If InStr(1, oReplyAll.Subject, FIX_SUBJECT, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
oReplyAll.Subject = FIX_SUBJECT & oReplyAll.Subject
End If
ReplyAllCurrentMailAndAddSubject = True
End If
End Function
Private Function ForwardCurrentMailAndAddSubject() As Boolean
Dim obj As Object
Dim oMail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim oReply As Outlook.MailItem
Dim oReplyAll As Outlook.MailItem
Dim oForward As Outlook.MailItem
Const FIX_SUBJECT As String = "[your special text here]"
Select Case True
Case TypeOf Application.ActiveWindow Is Outlook.Inspector
Set obj = Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
Case Else
With Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection
If .Count Then
Set obj = .Item(1)
End If
End With
End Select
If TypeOf obj Is Outlook.MailItem Then
Set oMail = obj
Set oForward = oMail.Forward
If InStr(1, oForward.Subject, FIX_SUBJECT, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
oForward.Subject = FIX_SUBJECT & oForward.Subject
End If
ForwardCurrentMailAndAddSubject = True
End If
End Function
This should be easy for the experts out there. I'm no programmer, just use what I can find then get back to work!
Also I can't use the VB HTML Maker on my work computer so I apologise in advance for the dodgy formatting below.
Option Explicit
Private WithEvents ReplyButton As Office.CommandBarButton
Private WithEvents ReplyAllButton As Office.CommandBarButton
Private WithEvents ForwardButton As Office.CommandBarButton
Private Sub Application_Startup()
Set ReplyButton = Application.ActiveExplorer.CommandBars.FindControl(, 354)
Set ReplyAllButton = Application.ActiveExplorer.CommandBars.FindControl(, 355)
Set ForwardButton = Application.ActiveExplorer.CommandBars.FindControl(, 356)
End Sub
Private Sub ReplyButton_Click(ByVal Ctrl As Office.CommandBarButton, _
CancelDefault As Boolean)
CancelDefault = ReplyCurrentMailAndAddSubject
End Sub
Private Sub ReplyAllButton_Click(ByVal Ctrl As Office.CommandBarButton, _
CancelDefault As Boolean)
CancelDefault = ReplyAllCurrentMailAndAddSubject
End Sub
Private Sub ForwardButton_Click(ByVal Ctrl As Office.CommandBarButton, _
CancelDefault As Boolean)
CancelDefault = ForwardCurrentMailAndAddSubject
End Sub
Private Function ReplyCurrentMailAndAddSubject() As Boolean
Dim obj As Object
Dim oMail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim oReply As Outlook.MailItem
Dim oReplyAll As Outlook.MailItem
Dim oForward As Outlook.MailItem
Const FIX_SUBJECT As String = "[your special text here]"
Select Case True
Case TypeOf Application.ActiveWindow Is Outlook.Inspector
Set obj = Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
Case Else
With Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection
If .Count Then
Set obj = .Item(1)
End If
End With
End Select
If TypeOf obj Is Outlook.MailItem Then
Set oMail = obj
Set oReply = oMail.Reply
If InStr(1, oReply.Subject, FIX_SUBJECT, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
oReply.Subject = FIX_SUBJECT & oReply.Subject
End If
ReplyCurrentMailAndAddSubject = True
End If
End Function
Private Function ReplyAllCurrentMailAndAddSubject() As Boolean
Dim obj As Object
Dim oMail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim oReply As Outlook.MailItem
Dim oReplyAll As Outlook.MailItem
Dim oForward As Outlook.MailItem
Const FIX_SUBJECT As String = "[your special text here]"
Select Case True
Case TypeOf Application.ActiveWindow Is Outlook.Inspector
Set obj = Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
Case Else
With Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection
If .Count Then
Set obj = .Item(1)
End If
End With
End Select
If TypeOf obj Is Outlook.MailItem Then
Set oMail = obj
Set oReplyAll = oMail.ReplyAll
If InStr(1, oReplyAll.Subject, FIX_SUBJECT, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
oReplyAll.Subject = FIX_SUBJECT & oReplyAll.Subject
End If
ReplyAllCurrentMailAndAddSubject = True
End If
End Function
Private Function ForwardCurrentMailAndAddSubject() As Boolean
Dim obj As Object
Dim oMail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim oReply As Outlook.MailItem
Dim oReplyAll As Outlook.MailItem
Dim oForward As Outlook.MailItem
Const FIX_SUBJECT As String = "[your special text here]"
Select Case True
Case TypeOf Application.ActiveWindow Is Outlook.Inspector
Set obj = Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
Case Else
With Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection
If .Count Then
Set obj = .Item(1)
End If
End With
End Select
If TypeOf obj Is Outlook.MailItem Then
Set oMail = obj
Set oForward = oMail.Forward
If InStr(1, oForward.Subject, FIX_SUBJECT, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
oForward.Subject = FIX_SUBJECT & oForward.Subject
End If
ForwardCurrentMailAndAddSubject = True
End If
End Function