I am attempting to build an Access Inventory file in Acces and reviewing the inventory template I downloaded. The inventory items are displayed in a combobox linked to a table; when the item is not listed a new item must be added through the inventory detail form. Here is where I need some help I decipereing the macro that is initated when opened, the lines
Condition Action Arguments
SetTempVar NewData, Mid(Nz([OpenArgs]),Instr(Nz([OpenArgs]),"=")+1
Onerror Next,
[NewData]<>"" SetValue [Item]. [TempVars]![NewData]
I don't quite understand the Instr(Nz[OpenArgs]),"="),=1. I interpret that as searching for the "=" in the string, but why would I be looking for "=" in a new item? This probably a dumb question, but it baffles me. Can anyone enlighten me on this?
Condition Action Arguments
SetTempVar NewData, Mid(Nz([OpenArgs]),Instr(Nz([OpenArgs]),"=")+1
Onerror Next,
[NewData]<>"" SetValue [Item]. [TempVars]![NewData]
I don't quite understand the Instr(Nz[OpenArgs]),"="),=1. I interpret that as searching for the "=" in the string, but why would I be looking for "=" in a new item? This probably a dumb question, but it baffles me. Can anyone enlighten me on this?