Hi all.
i have a beast of a macro/VBA code where i have tried to dissect it. The purpose of this macro is once you highlight the input folder, It extracts data according to the spreadsheet you select (this s/s are allocated in folders according to years). By this the VBA code picks up the folder name and picks out the year and puts this into table. In essence helping to create a time series of data. But the issue i have it misses 2005 and it doesnt save the file once created as it says memory used is too much please use excel x64.
The folders are listed as
i have a beast of a macro/VBA code where i have tried to dissect it. The purpose of this macro is once you highlight the input folder, It extracts data according to the spreadsheet you select (this s/s are allocated in folders according to years). By this the VBA code picks up the folder name and picks out the year and puts this into table. In essence helping to create a time series of data. But the issue i have it misses 2005 and it doesnt save the file once created as it says memory used is too much please use excel x64.
The folders are listed as
1997 | 2005 | 2012 |
1998 | 2006 | 2013 |
1999 | 2006s4 | 2014 |
2000 | 2007 | 2015 |
2001 | 2008 | 2016 |
2002 | 2009 | 2017 |
2003 | 2010 | 2018 |
2004 | 2011 | 2019 |
2004s1 | 2011 soc00 | 2020 |
VBA Code:
Private Sub CreateTimeseries_Click()
'macro starts here matches the paremeters tab to understand end users requirements
'Notes down file name, tabs and variables then check its on paremeters tab. 13 on B2, the code adds 3 to this and then loops to find each variable and to match the columns
Dim FileName, SheetName, VariableName, VariableCol As String
Dim Count, LastRow As Integer
FileName = Sheets("Start").Cells(2, 1).value 'filename at cell A2
SheetName = Sheets("Start").Cells(3, 1).value 'Selecting tabs at cell A3
VariableName = Sheets("Start").Cells(4, 1).value 'Variables you have selected A4
VariableCol = 0
LastRow = 3 + Sheets("Parameters").Cells(2, 2).value 'parameters sheets links to 13 and then adds 3
For Count = 4 To LastRow 'ends up doing a count 4 to 16 to determine what variables you selected matches the paremeters
If VariableName = Sheets("Parameters").Cells(Count, 2).value Then 'does the variable match the column in parameters when it matches goes to next criteria
VariableCol = Sheets("Parameters").Cells(Count, 3).value 'if matches the number of columns in number in "col" grab the column number
Exit For
End If
Next Count
If FileName <> "" And SheetName <> "" And VariableName <> "" And VariableCol <> 0 Then 'double checking every critera is filled
Module1.CreateTimeseries FileName, SheetName, VariableName, VariableCol 'opens up module
End If
End Sub
VBA Code:
Function Initialise() As Boolean
' Sets global constants.
' Values are mainly read from the parameters sheet, although some come from the Start sheet
' Folder names depend on the location of this workbook.
Dim Text As String
Dim Count, Pos, LastPos1, LastPos2 As Integer
Initialise = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' gets the path for the file name then adds "\"
'programme file is the name of the macro workbook
ThisFolder = ActiveWorkbook.path 'The file location of the macro you are using
ThisFolder = ThisFolder & "\" 'adds a baackslash to the file location of the macro
ProgramFile = ActiveWorkbook.Name 'name of the macro file you are using
'****input folder details*******
'Folder name containing the files to be imported
'Input input folder from user if folder not given in cell J15 of Start sheet
InputFolder = Sheets("Start").Range("C25").value 'value in the inputfolder
If InputFolder = Empty Then 'if not empty this ends, otherwise you are prompted again to enter input folder
InputFolder = GetDirectory
If InputFolder = "" Then Exit Function
Sheets("Start").Range("C25").value = InputFolder
End If
'Append \ on to workfolder name if it does not already have a \
InputFolder = InputFolder & IIf("\" = Right(InputFolder, 1), "", "\")
'****Output folder details*******
'Folder name to where files are to be output
'Output Output folder from user if folder not given in cell J15 of Start sheet
OutputFolder = Sheets("Start").Range("C28").value 'Grabs the output folder
If OutputFolder = Empty Then 'if nothing there you get prompted to eneter details
OutputFolder = GetDirectory
If OutputFolder = "" Then Exit Function
Sheets("Start").Range("C28").value = OutputFolder
End If
'Append \ on to workfolder name if it does not already have a \
OutputFolder = OutputFolder & IIf("\" = Right(OutputFolder, 1), "", "\") 'adds a \ to the output file
LowerYear = Sheets("Start").Range("C25").value 'this is equal to the input file name?
'Extract year from filename
' finds the number of times "\" appears in the text and loops it
LastPos1 = 1
LastPos2 = 1
For Count = 1 To 20
Pos = InStr(LastPos1 + 1, LowerYear, "\") '
If Pos = 0 Then Exit For
LastPos2 = LastPos1
LastPos1 = Pos
Next Count
LowerYear = Mid(LowerYear, LastPos2 + 1, 4) 'extracts the year from file name by finding the "\" position in the filename
UpperYear = Sheets("Parameters").Range("D4").value 'links to "last year" in parameter tab
FirstRow = Sheets("Parameters").Range("E4").value 'links to "First Row" in parameter tab D4 cell
FolderExtension2004 = Sheets("Parameters").Range("F4").value 'links to "Folder Extension" in parameter tab -S1
FolderExtension2006 = Sheets("Parameters").Range("F5").value 'links to "Folder Extension" in parameter tab - S4
FolderExtension2011 = Sheets("Parameters").Range("F6").value 'links to "Folder Extension" in parameter tab -sOC (2010)
KeyRow = Sheets("Parameters").Range("G4").value 'The row (G4) and column (G5) of the cell that contains the upper left 6 ----------- not too sure about the 6,9,12
KeyCol = Sheets("Parameters").Range("G5").value 'corner of the table of key information. G6 contains the number of rows in the key table. 9
KeyLength = Sheets("Parameters").Range("G6").value '12
RemoveLinks = False
If "YES" = UCase(Sheets("Parameters").Range("H4").value) Then
RemoveLinks = True
End If
MaxRows = Sheets("Parameters").Range("I4").value ',AX ROWS = 1000
Initialise = True
VBA Code:
Sub CreateTimeseries(FileName, SheetName, VariableName, VariableCol)
Dim Count, Year, Row, Col, LastRow, Pos, HeadingColour, TitleColour, AddYear As Integer
Dim CellColour, CellPattern, CellIndex As Integer
Dim Name, LowerYearText, Folder, Text As String
'goes to intialise function
If Not Initialise Then Exit Sub
Sheets("Output").Select 'once the variables have been determined add file year been extracted from below it comes to this point
Cells.Select ' highlights everything and deletes it
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
Range("A1").Select 'deletes everything and selects cell A1
On Error GoTo Error1
Workbooks.Open FileName:=InputFolder & "\" & FileName 'OPENS THE DESIGNATED WORKBOOK
On Error GoTo 0
Cells(MaxRows, 3).Select 'ROW 10000 col c
Selection.End(xlUp).Select 'goes up to last data in col c
LastRow = ActiveCell.Row
LowerYearText = Format(LowerYear, "0")
' Copy across heading rows from table file to output sheet
TitleColour = Cells(1, 1).Interior.ColorIndex
HeadingColour = Cells(FirstRow - 1, 1).Interior.ColorIndex
For Count = 1 To FirstRow - 1
Col = Columns("A:A").ColumnWidth
Cells(Count, 1).Copy
Columns("A:A").ColumnWidth = Col
Cells(Count, 1).Select
ActiveSheet.Paste 'code above copies A1 over
Windows(FileName).Activate ' go back to the designated
Col = Columns("B:B").ColumnWidth 'copyover col b
Cells(Count, 2).Copy 'the count comes from above
Columns("B:B").ColumnWidth = Col
Cells(Count, 2).Select
Next Count
'***************adds 1,2,3 years*************************************
If LowerYear < 2004 Then
If UpperYear >= 2004 And UpperYear < 2006 Then
AddYear = 1
ElseIf UpperYear >= 2006 And UpperYear < 2011 Then
AddYear = 2
ElseIf UpperYear >= 2011 Then
AddYear = 3
AddYear = 0
End If
ElseIf LowerYear >= 2004 And LowerYear < 2006 Then
If UpperYear >= 2006 And UpperYear < 2011 Then
AddYear = 1
ElseIf UpperYear >= 2011 Then
AddYear = 2
AddYear = 0
End If
ElseIf LowerYear >= 2006 And LowerYear < 2011 Then
If UpperYear >= 2011 Then
AddYear = 1
AddYear = 0
End If
AddYear = 0
End If
'****************this code adds the subsequent years*************************************************
For Count = LowerYear To UpperYear + AddYear 'first year and last year then adds 1,2, or 3 depending what years fall on the above if statement?
Col = 3 + Count - LowerYear
Year = Count
Range(Cells(1, Col), Cells(2, Col)).Interior.ColorIndex = TitleColour
Cells(2, Col).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlContinuous
'Cells(2, Col).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).Weight = xlSolid
Cells(2, Col).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).Weight = xlMedium
Cells(2, Col).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
Range(Cells(3, Col), Cells(FirstRow - 1, Col)).Interior.ColorIndex = HeadingColour
Cells(FirstRow - 1, Col).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlContinuous
Cells(FirstRow - 1, Col).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).Weight = xlThin
'******************If 2004,2006, amd 2011 adds "**"******************************************
If Count >= 2004 Then
' There are two sets of data for 2004, 2006 and 2011 ---------- this code must add the extra column for 2004,2006.2011
If Count = 2004 Then
Cells(FirstRow - 1, Col) = Year & "**"
ElseIf Count = 2006 Then
Cells(FirstRow - 1, Col) = Year & "**"
ElseIf Count = 2011 Then
Cells(FirstRow - 1, Col) = Year & "**"
Year = Count - 1
Cells(FirstRow - 1, Col) = Year
End If
Cells(FirstRow - 1, Col) = Year
End If
Cells(FirstRow - 1, Col).HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
'****displays messages***********************
Text = "Processing year: " & Year & " "
Display_Message Text 'displays status on bar
'*******finding year in filename****************
Pos = InStr(1, FileName, LowerYearText) 'find year in filename
Name = Left(FileName, Pos - 1) & Format(Year, "0") & Right(FileName, 1 + Len(FileName) - (Pos + Len(LowerYearText)))
Pos = InStr(1, InputFolder, LowerYearText)
If Count = 2004 Then
Folder = Left(InputFolder, Pos - 1) & Format(Year, "0") & FolderExtension2004 & Right(InputFolder, 1 + Len(InputFolder) - (Pos + Len(LowerYearText)))
ElseIf Count = 2006 Then
Folder = Left(InputFolder, Pos - 1) & Format(Year, "0") & FolderExtension2006 & Right(InputFolder, 1 + Len(InputFolder) - (Pos + Len(LowerYearText)))
ElseIf Count = 2011 Then
Folder = Left(InputFolder, Pos - 1) & Format(Year, "0") & FolderExtension2011 & Right(InputFolder, 1 + Len(InputFolder) - (Pos + Len(LowerYearText)))
Folder = Left(InputFolder, Pos - 1) & Format(Year, "0") & Right(InputFolder, 1 + Len(InputFolder) - (Pos + Len(LowerYearText)))
End If
On Error GoTo Error2
Workbooks.Open FileName:=Folder & "\" & Name
GoTo Continue1
'***opens up the file ^^^************
On Error GoTo 0
RetVal = MsgBox("Unable to open table: " & Name & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Continue with the next year?", vbYesNo)
If RetVal = vbNo Then
Display_Message ""
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo 0
GoTo Continue2
'***********opens the file and then copies over the data*******************************************
For Row = FirstRow To LastRow
Application.StatusBar = Text & Format(100 * ((Row - 1) / LastRow), "0") & "%"
If 0 = Count - LowerYear Then
Range(Cells(Row, 1), Cells(Row, 2)).Copy
Cells(Row, 1).Select
End If
CellColour = Cells(Row, Val(VariableCol)).Interior.ColorIndex
CellPattern = Cells(Row, Val(VariableCol)).Interior.Pattern
CellIndex = Cells(Row, Val(VariableCol)).Interior.PatternColorIndex
Cells(Row, Col).Interior.ColorIndex = CellColour
Cells(Row, Col).Interior.Pattern = CellPattern
Cells(Row, Col).Interior.PatternColorIndex = CellIndex
Cells(Row, Col).FormulaR1C1 = "='[" & Name & "]" & SheetName & "'!R" & Row & "C" & VariableCol
Next Row
If RemoveLinks Then
Range(Cells(FirstRow, Col), Cells(LastRow, Col)).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=False
End If
'*************^^^^^^^^^^^^copies over the data and paste value special^^^^^^^^^**************************
If Count = UpperYear + AddYear Then
Range(Cells(KeyRow, KeyCol), Cells(KeyRow + KeyLength - 1, KeyCol)).Copy
Cells(KeyRow, Col + 2).Select
Columns(Col + 2).ColumnWidth = 21.3
End If
Next Count
'**** goes to the next one**************