Help needed with VBA script to SAP Loop


New Member
May 29, 2014
Hello experts,

I am trying to write a vba script to script data from excel to SAP. The script below is to create multiple rows of information from Excel to one document in SAP. This example is for a Purchase order but would need to be able to do the same thing in various accounting transactions as well.

Could someone look at the script below and tell me where I am going wrong (Newbie here) I am getting the error" [TABLE="width: 63"]
[TD="width: 63"]Error # 13 was generated by VBAProject
Type mismatch[/TD]

The variable data in this script is PO# and QTY

Would truly appreciate some help!!

Here is the faulty script:
Option Explicit
#If Win64 Then
Private Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
#End If
Dim oSapGuiAuto As Object, oGuiApplication As Object, oConnection As Object, Session As Object
Dim lLastRow As Long, lDataRow As Long
Dim A As String, B As String, C As String, D As String, E As String, F As String, G As String, H As String
Dim I As String, J As String, K As String, L As String, M As String, N As String, O As String, sMessage As String
Dim sStartingTransaction As String, sContinue
Private Sub PlayBack_The_Script()
'called from the main sub - "Excel_Starts_Here"
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
'// ** Lines that begin Session.findById("wnd *
'// *** to use variable data in Spreadsheet Column 'A', change from .Text = "..." to .Text = A (no quotes)
'// *** to use variable data in Spreadsheet Column 'B', change from .Text = "..." to .Text = B ect.
Do Until Sheets("sap_data").Cells(A, C) = ""
Session.findById("wnd[0]/tbar[0]/okcd").Text = "/nme21n"
Session.findById("wnd[0]").sendVKey 0
Session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/subSUB0:SAPLMEGUI:0016/subSUB0:SAPLMEGUI:0030/subSUB1:SAPLMEGUI:1105/ctxtMEPO_TOPLINE-SUPERFIELD").Text = "50900"
Session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/subSUB0:SAPLMEGUI:0016/subSUB0:SAPLMEGUI:0030/subSUB1:SAPLMEGUI:1105/ctxtMEPO_TOPLINE-SUPERFIELD").caretPosition = 5
Session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/subSUB0:SAPLMEGUI:0013/subSUB2:SAPLMEVIEWS:1100/subSUB2:SAPLMEVIEWS:1200/subSUB1:SAPLMEGUI:1211/tblSAPLMEGUITC_1211/ctxtMEPO1211-EMATN[4,0]").Text = A
Session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/subSUB0:SAPLMEGUI:0013/subSUB2:SAPLMEVIEWS:1100/subSUB2:SAPLMEVIEWS:1200/subSUB1:SAPLMEGUI:1211/tblSAPLMEGUITC_1211/txtMEPO1211-MENGE[6,0]").Text = B
Session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/subSUB0:SAPLMEGUI:0013/subSUB1:SAPLMEVIEWS:1100/subSUB2:SAPLMEVIEWS:1200/subSUB1:SAPLMEGUI:1102/tabsHEADER_DETAIL/tabpTABHDT9/ssubTABSTRIPCONTROL2SUB:SAPLMEGUI:1221/ctxtMEPO1222-EKORG").Text = "1000"
Session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/subSUB0:SAPLMEGUI:0013/subSUB1:SAPLMEVIEWS:1100/subSUB2:SAPLMEVIEWS:1200/subSUB1:SAPLMEGUI:1102/tabsHEADER_DETAIL/tabpTABHDT9/ssubTABSTRIPCONTROL2SUB:SAPLMEGUI:1221/ctxtMEPO1222-EKGRP").Text = "10"
Session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/subSUB0:SAPLMEGUI:0013/subSUB2:SAPLMEVIEWS:1100/subSUB2:SAPLMEVIEWS:1200/subSUB1:SAPLMEGUI:1211/tblSAPLMEGUITC_1211/txtMEPO1211-MENGE[6,0]").caretPosition = 17
Session.findById("wnd[0]").sendVKey 0
Session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/subSUB0:SAPLMEGUI:0010/subSUB2:SAPLMEVIEWS:1100/subSUB2:SAPLMEVIEWS:1200/subSUB1:SAPLMEGUI:1211/tblSAPLMEGUITC_1211/ctxtMEPO1211-NAME1[15,0]").Text = "1000"
Session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/subSUB0:SAPLMEGUI:0010/subSUB2:SAPLMEVIEWS:1100/subSUB2:SAPLMEVIEWS:1200/subSUB1:SAPLMEGUI:1211/tblSAPLMEGUITC_1211/ctxtMEPO1211-NAME1[15,0]").caretPosition = 4
Session.findById("wnd[0]").sendVKey 0
Session.findById("wnd[0]").sendVKey 0
Session.findById("wnd[0]").sendVKey 0
Sheets("sap_data").Cells(A, 10).Value = Session.findById("wnd[0]/sbar").Text

A = A + 1


'//******END OF RECORDED SAP SCRIPT*********************************
' test for error and log off messages
If Session.ActiveWindow.Text = "Error" Then Err.Raise 99 ' error detected?

If Session.ActiveWindow.Children.Count > 1 Then ' see if the collection item exists
sMessage = Session.ActiveWindow.Children.Item((Session.ActiveWindow.Children.Count - 1)).Text ' message found
If sMessage = "" Then sMessage = "OK"
Sheets("SAP_DATA").Cells(lDataRow, 17) = sMessage
Sheets("SAP_DATA").Cells(lDataRow, 17) = "OK" ' message - no error found
End If
If Session.ActiveWindow.Name = "wnd[1]" And Session.ActiveWindow.Text = "Log Off" Then
Sheets("SAP_DATA").Cells(lDataRow, 16) = "error"
End If
Exit Sub
Sleep (1000)
'return the error message 3/4/06 - ***
sMessage = "Error # " & Str(Err.Number) & " was generated by " _
& Err.Source & Chr(13) & Err.Description '& Err.HelpFile & Err.HelpContext
Sheets("SAP_DATA").Cells((lDataRow), 21) = sMessage

On Error Resume Next
If Session.ActiveWindow.Type = "GuiModalWindow" Then
Sheets("SAP_DATA").Cells(lDataRow, 18) = Session.ActiveWindow.Text & " " & Session.ActiveWindow.PopupDialogText '3/16/2006 - *** - additional message to return
Sheets("SAP_DATA").Cells(lDataRow, 18) = Session.ActiveWindow.Text
End If
If Session.ActiveWindow.Children.Count > 1 Then
Sheets("SAP_DATA").Cells(lDataRow, 19) = Session.ActiveWindow.Children.Item((Session.ActiveWindow.Children.Count - 1)).Text
End If

If Session.ActiveWindow.SystemFocus Is Nothing Then
' ------------
If sStartingTransaction = "SESSION_MANAGER" Then sStartingTransaction = ""
' 12/15/04 test and close window[1] - ***
If Session.ActiveWindow.Name = "wnd[1]" Then
If Session.ActiveWindow.Name <> "wnd[0]" Then '3/17/06 - ***
AppActivate "Microsoft Excel"
MsgBox " Lost SAP focus "
ContinueOrCancel 'ask

Session.findById("wnd[0]/tbar[0]/okcd").Text = "/n" & sStartingTransaction
End If
End If
' ------------
Sheets("SAP_DATA").Cells(lDataRow, 20) = Session.ActiveWindow.SystemFocus.Text
If Session.ActiveWindow.Name = "wnd[3]" Then
Session.findById("wnd[3]/tbar[0]/btn[0]").press 'auto ackn error
Session.findById("wnd[2]/tbar[0]/btn[12]").press ' hit cancel
'********** test before pressing the cancel key on window [1]- *** 12/15/04
Sleep (10)
End If
If Session.ActiveWindow.Name = "wnd[2]" Then
Session.findById("wnd[2]/tbar[0]/btn[0]").press 'auto ackn error
'********** test before pressing the cancel key on window [1]- *** 12/15/04
Sleep (10)
End If
If Session.ActiveWindow.Name = "wnd[1]" Then
If Session.ActiveWindow.Children.Count > 0 Then ' 3/16/06 - ***
If Session.ActiveWindow.Text = "Information" Then ' blow off the message
Resume '***This retries the keystroke that caused the error***3/5/2004
End If
End If
Session.findById("wnd[1]/tbar[0]/btn[12]").press ' pound on that cancel key
End If

If Session.ActiveWindow.Name = "wnd[0]" Then
'test for starting at the menu
If sStartingTransaction = "SESSION_MANAGER" Or sStartingTransaction = "" Then 'avoid an error 3/17/06 - ***
If Session.ActiveWindow.Text <> "SAP Easy Access" Then Session.findById("wnd[0]/tbar[0]/btn[12]").press ' hit cancel
Session.findById("wnd[0]/tbar[0]/okcd").Text = "/n" '3/17/06 - ***
Session.findById("wnd[0]/tbar[0]/okcd").Text = "/n" & sStartingTransaction
End If
ContinueOrCancel 'ask
End If 'Session.ActiveWindow.Name = "wnd[0]"
End If 'Session.ActiveWindow.SystemFocus Is Nothing
Exit Sub
End Sub
Sub Run_SAP_Script()
' *** abc abc February 12, 2004 |
' changed error handling to ignore informational messages 3/5/04|
' replaced Look routine with Sleep. 1/22/07 |
' Activate Scripting |
Set oSapGuiAuto = GetObject("SAPGUI") ' |
Set oGuiApplication = oSapGuiAuto.GetScriptingEngine ' |
If (oConnection Is Nothing) Then ' |
Set oConnection = oGuiApplication.Children(0) ' |
End If ' |
If (Session Is Nothing) Then ' |
Set Session = oConnection.Children(0) ' |
End If ' |
If (Session Is Nothing) Then Exit Sub ' |
sStartingTransaction = '|
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Rows("1:1").Select '3/4/06 - ***
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown ' give it a blank row to find and delete
lLastRow = Sheets("SAP_DATA").UsedRange.Rows.Count
If lLastRow = 0 Then lLastRow = 1 ' run at least once
' Shrink Excel and move it out of the way
Application.WindowState = xlMinimized
' Try one
lDataRow = 2
'Give the user a chance to verify
If lDataRow < lLastRow Then
AppActivate "Microsoft Excel"
Application.WindowState = xlMaximized
sContinue = MsgBox("First Transaction is complete... Continue Processing?", vbOKCancel)
If sContinue = vbOK Then ' User chose Yes.
Application.WindowState = xlMinimized
' Run the script
For lDataRow = 3 To lLastRow
Next lDataRow
End If ' - run all transactions
End If ' lDataRow < lLastRow
' Cleanup
Set Session = Nothing
Set oConnection = Nothing
Set oGuiApplication = Nothing
Set oSapGuiAuto = Nothing
Application.WindowState = xlMaximized
MsgBox "Done"
End Sub

Private Sub Read_Spreadsheet()
A = Trim(Sheets("SAP_DATA").Cells(lDataRow, 1))
B = Trim(Sheets("SAP_DATA").Cells(lDataRow, 2))
C = Trim(Sheets("SAP_DATA").Cells(lDataRow, 3))
D = Trim(Sheets("SAP_DATA").Cells(lDataRow, 4))
E = Trim(Sheets("SAP_DATA").Cells(lDataRow, 5))
F = Trim(Sheets("SAP_DATA").Cells(lDataRow, 6))
G = Trim(Sheets("SAP_DATA").Cells(lDataRow, 7))
H = Trim(Sheets("SAP_DATA").Cells(lDataRow, 8))
I = Trim(Sheets("SAP_DATA").Cells(lDataRow, 9))
J = Trim(Sheets("SAP_DATA").Cells(lDataRow, 10))
K = Trim(Sheets("SAP_DATA").Cells(lDataRow, 11))
L = Trim(Sheets("SAP_DATA").Cells(lDataRow, 12))
M = Trim(Sheets("SAP_DATA").Cells(lDataRow, 13))
N = Trim(Sheets("SAP_DATA").Cells(lDataRow, 14))
O = Trim(Sheets("SAP_DATA").Cells(lDataRow, 15))

End Sub

Private Sub ContinueOrCancel()
' -------------------------------------------------------------------
sContinue = MsgBox("Do you want to Continue?", vbRetryCancel)
If sContinue = vbRetry Then ' User chose Yes.
MsgBox "recycle SAP transaction (Green Arrow back) to " & sStartingTransaction
lDataRow = lLastRow '
End If
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------

End Sub
Hi and welcome to the MrExcel Message Board.

The error is from Excel rather than SAP. It is trying to say that it cannot perform some action as the variables are of the wrong type. It can multiply the character 1 by the figure 1 but it cannot do things like multiply "A1" by 1, for instance.

I am guessing that you did not create the original part of the script but just added your ME21N transaction into someone else's existing script? So I am going to assume that the pre-existing script is probably OK.

The additional code does look a bit suspect. For instance, I would not expect it to be inside a Do Until loop because the main script has a loop built in.

The only bit of Excel arithmetic in there is the A=A+1 step. Is that supposed to be incrementing a Material Number? What format are your Material Numbers in? The variable A is intended to be read from the spreadsheet as far as I can see and not be calculated.

I also have a slight problem with this line, apart from the fact that I think the loop may be unnecessary: Do Until Sheets("sap_data").Cells(A, C) = ""

Cells() requires two numbers to give a cell reference, e.g. Cells(2,3) meaning Range("C2").

Sorry, I can't actually run the script because I don't have access to SAP.
Upvote 0
Hello Rick,

Thanks for the reply. you were right about the arithmetic error, I don't know how I missed that...

The inner loop however is intentional, what I am trying to accomplish is to create all of the variable data in column A to write to one document rather than a seperate doc per row.

I changed to be as below, however it is still not working, any other ideas? The Do Until is confusing me

Session.findById("wnd[0]/tbar[0]/okcd").Text = "/nme21n"
Session.findById("wnd[0]").sendVKey 0
Do Until Sheets("sap_data").Cells(2, 1) = ""
Session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/subSUB0:SAPLMEGUI:0016/subSUB0:SAPLMEGUI:0030/subSUB1:SAPLMEGUI:1105/ctxtMEPO_TOPLINE-SUPERFIELD").Text = "50900"
Session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/subSUB0:SAPLMEGUI:0016/subSUB0:SAPLMEGUI:0030/subSUB1:SAPLMEGUI:1105/ctxtMEPO_TOPLINE-SUPERFIELD").caretPosition = 5
Session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/subSUB0:SAPLMEGUI:0013/subSUB2:SAPLMEVIEWS:1100/subSUB2:SAPLMEVIEWS:1200/subSUB1:SAPLMEGUI:1211/tblSAPLMEGUITC_1211/ctxtMEPO1211-EMATN[4,0]").Text = A
Session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/subSUB0:SAPLMEGUI:0013/subSUB2:SAPLMEVIEWS:1100/subSUB2:SAPLMEVIEWS:1200/subSUB1:SAPLMEGUI:1211/tblSAPLMEGUITC_1211/txtMEPO1211-MENGE[6,0]").Text = B
Session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/subSUB0:SAPLMEGUI:0013/subSUB1:SAPLMEVIEWS:1100/subSUB2:SAPLMEVIEWS:1200/subSUB1:SAPLMEGUI:1102/tabsHEADER_DETAIL/tabpTABHDT9/ssubTABSTRIPCONTROL2SUB:SAPLMEGUI:1221/ctxtMEPO1222-EKORG").Text = "1000"
Session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/subSUB0:SAPLMEGUI:0013/subSUB1:SAPLMEVIEWS:1100/subSUB2:SAPLMEVIEWS:1200/subSUB1:SAPLMEGUI:1102/tabsHEADER_DETAIL/tabpTABHDT9/ssubTABSTRIPCONTROL2SUB:SAPLMEGUI:1221/ctxtMEPO1222-EKGRP").Text = "10"
Session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/subSUB0:SAPLMEGUI:0013/subSUB2:SAPLMEVIEWS:1100/subSUB2:SAPLMEVIEWS:1200/subSUB1:SAPLMEGUI:1211/tblSAPLMEGUITC_1211/txtMEPO1211-MENGE[6,0]").caretPosition = 17
Session.findById("wnd[0]").sendVKey 0
Session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/subSUB0:SAPLMEGUI:0010/subSUB2:SAPLMEVIEWS:1100/subSUB2:SAPLMEVIEWS:1200/subSUB1:SAPLMEGUI:1211/tblSAPLMEGUITC_1211/ctxtMEPO1211-NAME1[15,0]").Text = "1000"
Session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/subSUB0:SAPLMEGUI:0010/subSUB2:SAPLMEVIEWS:1100/subSUB2:SAPLMEVIEWS:1200/subSUB1:SAPLMEGUI:1211/tblSAPLMEGUITC_1211/ctxtMEPO1211-NAME1[15,0]").caretPosition = 4
Session.findById("wnd[0]").sendVKey 0
Session.findById("wnd[0]").sendVKey 0
Session.findById("wnd[0]").sendVKey 0
Sheets("sap_data").Cells(A, 10).Value = Session.findById("wnd[0]/sbar").Text



Upvote 0

A bit more information about the "it is still not working" would be helpful. Put yourself in my position, I don't know how much you know about Excel or SAP, I don't know exactly what you are trying to do, I don't have a copy of SAP so I can't check very much and I can't see any error messages or see at what point things stop working.

However, pressing on regardless :)

If you are trying to put all the spreadsheet rows on one screen then you will need some changes. The master script works like this:
Do While Data Exists
         Get the next data row
         Run your script
                 Call ME21N
                 Update one row 
                 End and Save ME21N
         End your script
If you go with the Do Until logic then you will need to step through the spreadsheet rows in your part of the script and also increment the row numbers on the ME21N screen. They are the numbers in the square brackets. (e.g. /tblSAPLMEGUITC_1211/txtMEPO1211-MENGE[6,0]").Text = B) The SAP Wizard should be able to show you how they change.
Last edited:
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