Help!! Need macro to get data from 100000+ row CSV file

Sebastian K.

New Member
Jul 19, 2011

I've got a massive CSV data file, containing data loggings from a process.

I need to import specific data ranges to a worksheet.
What I want to do is average x rows before importing it to my worksheet.

My VBA skills are not any where close to the level I need to write the code for such macro.:confused:
I hope some one in here can help me.

The data looks like this:
"Analog-Real._20_BF01";"28.06.2011 14:22:59";0;1;40722599293,0787
"Analog-Real._20_BF01";"28.06.2011 14:23:04";5,115741;1;40722599351,5394
"Analog-Real._20_BF01";"28.06.2011 14:23:09";5,05787;1;40722599410,0926
"Analog-Real._20_BF01";"28.06.2011 14:23:14";5,054977;1;40722599468,5417

The reason I want to average the data is that the logging sequence is 5sec. and to avoid "flooding" my worksheet, I need to reduce it to e.g. 1 minute intervals.

It's only the data from column 2 + 3 (time stamp + process value) that is of intrest.

Best regards
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You need to add a carriage return and a line feed between each set of data. It is chr(13) & chr(10). Or you can just use the built in constant vbCrLf.

DataPreview = DataPreview & PreviewLine & vbCrLf

I just realised that I forgot to set multi lines true ..... dooh:banghead:

Now it works with the originally code.
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How to calculate loan payments in Excel?
Use the PMT function: =PMT(5%/12,60,-25000) is for a $25,000 loan, 5% annual interest, 60 month loan.
Looks good. I cleaned it up a little bit for you. This code should all go into the form code section. I simplified your file looping (this made your code a little shorter), and put the file handling into a true sub rather than a goto, return. I didn't make your whole form to test this, so no guarantees, but have a look. I also added a file exists check for some error handling. I know there could be more depending on how much someone is going to try and break this.

Option Explicit
Dim DataTotal As Single, i As Integer, j As Integer, fs As Object
Dim lnAvrg As Integer, x_dlim As String * 1
Dim LnSkip As Integer, DateSet As Boolean, FileToOpen As String
Dim SheetRef As String, SheetRow As Integer, SheetCol As Integer
Private Sub Cmd_ok_Click()
    lnAvrg = CInt(frm_1.txt_lnNum_1.Value)  ' Number of lines to average
    x_dlim = Left(frm_1.txt_dlim.Value, 1)          ' The delimiter character
    LnSkip = frm_1.txt_lnskip               ' Number of lines to skip at the beginning
    DateSet = False
    For j = 1 To 10
        If Not frm_1.Controls("Txt_" & j).Value = "" Then
            FileToOpen = frm_1.Controls("Txt_" & j).Value
            Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
            If fs.FileExists(FileToOpen) Then
                SheetCol = SheetCol + 1
                MsgBox "File: '" & FileToOpen & "' not found.", vbOKOnly & vbExclamation
            End If
        End If
    Next j
End Sub
Sub GetData()
    Dim LineCount As Integer, LnSpool As String, SingleLine As String, x() As String
    i = FreeFile
    Open FileToOpen For Binary Access Read As #i
        If LOF(i) > 0 Then
            'This loop skips a user determin number of headers
            If LnSkip > 0 Then
                LineCount = 0
                    Line Input #1, LnSpool
                    LineCount = LineCount + 1
                Loop Until EOF(i) Or LineCount = LnSkip
            End If
            While Not EOF(i)
                DataTotal = 0
                LineCount = 0
                    Line Input #i, SingleLine
                    x = Split(SingleLine, x_dlim, , vbTextCompare)
                ' Write the date from the first line to the spreadsheet
                    If Not DateSet Then
                        ThisWorkbook.Sheets(SheetRef).Cells(SheetRow, SheetCol) = x(1)
                        SheetRow = SheetRow + 1
                        DateSet = True
                    End If
                    ' Summarize the data value for the defined lines to be averaged
                    DataTotal = DataTotal + CSng(x(2))    ' The Csng function is used to ensure the preservation of the decimal number, in this case as single
                    LineCount = LineCount + 1
                Loop Until EOF(i) Or LineCount = lnAvrg
                ' Write the read data to the spreadsheet
                ' using the sheet, column and row reference obtained
                ThisWorkbook.Sheets(SheetRef).Cells(SheetRow, SheetCol) = DataTotal / LineCount
                SheetRow = SheetRow + 1
        End If
    Close #i
End Sub
Private Sub Cmd_ref_select_Click()
    Dim InputCell As Excel.Range
    On Error Resume Next
    ' Select the reference cell by using the inputbox method
    Set InputCell = _
        Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Select first input cell", _
        Title:="Cell reference", Type:=8)
    SheetRow = InputCell.Row             ' Row reference number for use when writing to the spreadsheet
    SheetCol = InputCell.Column          ' Column reference number for use when writing to the spreadsheet
    SheetRef = InputCell.Parent.Name    ' Sheet name for writing to the spreadsheet
    ' Fill the textbox with the address of the selected reference cell
    frm_1.Txt_CellRef.Text = InputCell.Parent.Name & "!" & InputCell.Address
End Sub

I've just given it a breef try ..... but there are a few problems.

1: It freezes once the last entered file has been imported.
2: The time stamp is now missing
3: When the next file is imported the sheetrow count is not reset
which means I get 3 staggered columns instead of 3 parallel.
This one is an easy fix ;)

I'll give it som work tomorrow to se if I can get "right"

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I've just given it a breef try ..... but there are a few problems.

1: It freezes once the last entered file has been imported.
2: The time stamp is now missing
3: When the next file is imported the sheetrow count is not reset
which means I get 3 staggered columns instead of 3 parallel.
This one is an easy fix ;)

I'll give it som work tomorrow to se if I can get "right"


Looks like I was a bit fast on the bugs ...... It didn't freeze but it just takes a while :eek2:

I did a few changes and the code now looks like this:

Option Explicit
Dim DataTotal As Single, i As Integer, j As Integer, fs As Object
Dim LnAvrg As Integer, x_dlim As String * 1
Dim LnSkip As Integer, DateSet As Boolean, FileToOpen As String
Dim SheetRef As String, SheetRow As Integer, SheetCol As Integer, ColRef As Integer, RowRef As Integer
Dim Col_Var, x_DataVar As Integer, DataTime As String, DataAvg As Variant
Dim TxtBox, DataPreview As String
Dim File_1, File_2, File_3, File_4, File_5, File_6, File_7, File_8, File_9, File_10 As String
Private Sub Cmd_1_Click()
    File_1 = Application _
        .GetOpenFilename("Text Files (*.txt;*.csv), *.txt;*.csv")
    Txt_1.Text = File_1
End Sub
Private Sub Cmd_10_Click()
    File_10 = Application _
        .GetOpenFilename("Text Files (*.txt;*.csv), *.txt;*.csv")
    Txt_10.Text = File_10
End Sub
Private Sub Cmd_2_Click()
    File_2 = Application _
        .GetOpenFilename("Text Files (*.txt;*.csv), *.txt;*.csv")
    Txt_2.Text = File_2
End Sub
Private Sub Cmd_3_Click()
    File_3 = Application _
        .GetOpenFilename("Text Files (*.txt;*.csv), *.txt;*.csv")
    Txt_3.Text = File_3
End Sub
Private Sub Cmd_4_Click()
    File_4 = Application _
        .GetOpenFilename("Text Files (*.txt;*.csv), *.txt;*.csv")
    Txt_4.Text = File_4
End Sub
Private Sub Cmd_5_Click()
    File_5 = Application _
        .GetOpenFilename("Text Files (*.txt;*.csv), *.txt;*.csv")
    Txt_5.Text = File_5
End Sub
Private Sub Cmd_6_Click()
    File_6 = Application _
        .GetOpenFilename("Text Files (*.txt;*.csv), *.txt;*.csv")
    Txt_6.Text = File_6
End Sub
Private Sub Cmd_7_Click()
    File_7 = Application _
        .GetOpenFilename("Text Files (*.txt;*.csv), *.txt;*.csv")
    Txt_7.Text = File_7
End Sub
Private Sub Cmd_8_Click()
    File_8 = Application _
        .GetOpenFilename("Text Files (*.txt;*.csv), *.txt;*.csv")
    Txt_8.Text = File_8
End Sub
Private Sub Cmd_9_Click()
    File_9 = Application _
        .GetOpenFilename("Text Files (*.txt;*.csv), *.txt;*.csv")
    Txt_9.Text = File_9
End Sub
Private Sub Cmd_cancel_Click()
    Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub Cmd_ok_Click()
    LnAvrg = CInt(Frm_1.Txt_LnNum_1.Value)  ' Number of lines to average
    x_dlim = Left(Frm_1.Txt_Dlim.Value, 1)  ' The delimiter character
    LnSkip = Frm_1.Txt_LnSkip               ' Number of lines to skip at the beginning
    SheetCol = ColRef
    DateSet = False
    For j = 1 To 10
        If Not Frm_1.Controls("Txt_" & j).Value = "" Then
            FileToOpen = Frm_1.Controls("Txt_" & j).Value
            Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
            If fs.FileExists(FileToOpen) Then
               If j = 1 Then
                    x_DataVar = 1
                    SheetCol = SheetCol + 1
                    x_DataVar = 2
                    SheetCol = SheetCol + 1
                    x_DataVar = 2
                    SheetCol = SheetCol + 1
                End If
                MsgBox "File: '" & FileToOpen & "' not found.", vbOKOnly & vbExclamation
            End If
        End If
    Next j
End Sub

Sub GetData()
    Dim LineCount As Integer, LnSpool As String, SingleLine As String, x() As String
    i = FreeFile
    SheetRow = RowRef
    Open FileToOpen For Binary Access Read As #i
        If LOF(i) > 0 Then
            'This loop skips a user determin number of headers
            If LnSkip > 0 Then
                LineCount = 0
                    Line Input #1, LnSpool
                    LineCount = LineCount + 1
                Loop Until EOF(i) Or LineCount = LnSkip
            End If
            While Not EOF(i)
                DataTotal = 0
                LineCount = 0
                    Line Input #i, SingleLine
                    x = Split(SingleLine, x_dlim, , vbTextCompare)
                    ' This nested If statements determin if it is time or data to be used
                    ' When it is time, only the time from the first line is used
                    ' When it is data it summarises the data value for the defined lines to be averaged
                    If x_DataVar = 1 Then
                        If LineCount = 0 Then DataTime = x(x_DataVar)  'This aquires the time stamp for the data set
                    ElseIf x_DataVar > 1 Then DataTotal = DataTotal + CSng(x(x_DataVar))    ' The Csng function is used to ensure the preservation of the decimal number, in this case as single
                    End If
                    LineCount = LineCount + 1
                Loop Until EOF(i) Or LineCount = LnAvrg
                ' This With statement writs the read data to the spreadsheet
                ' using the sheet, column and row reference obtained
                With ThisWorkbook.Sheets(SheetRef)
                    ' This If statement determins if it is time or data before writing it to the cells accordingly
                    If x_DataVar > 1 Then DataAvg = DataTotal / LineCount Else: DataAvg = DataTime
                    .Cells(SheetRow, SheetCol) = DataAvg
                    SheetRow = SheetRow + 1
                End With
        End If
    Close #i
End Sub

Private Sub Cmd_preview_Click()
    i = FreeFile
    Open File_1 For Binary Access Read As #i
        If LOF(i) > 0 Then
            DataPreview = ""
            LineCount = 0
                Line Input #i, PreviewLine
                DataPreview = DataPreview & PreviewLine & Chr(13)
                LineCount = LineCount + 1
            Loop Until EOF(i) Or LineCount = 10
        End If
    Close #i
    Frm_2.Txt_preview.Text = DataPreview
End Sub
Private Sub Cmd_ref_select_Click()
    Dim InputCell As Excel.Range
    On Error Resume Next
    ' Select the reference cell by using the inputbox method
    Set InputCell = _
        Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Select first input cell", _
        Title:="Cell reference", Type:=8)
    RowRef = InputCell.Row             ' Row reference number for use when writing to the spreadsheet
    ColRef = InputCell.Column          ' Column reference number for use when writing to the spreadsheet
    SheetRef = InputCell.Parent.Name   ' Sheet name for writing to the spreadsheet
    ' Fill the textbox with the address of the selected reference cell
    Frm_1.Txt_CellRef.Text = InputCell.Parent.Name & "!" & InputCell.Address
End Sub

Any comments are still highly appreciated.
This code will be a work in progress for quite some time as I will use it to improve my VBA skills.

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