So i was given this question by my teacher and i solved it.
1. Copy the data onto a new worksheet.
2. It has been decided to offer a place if an applicant has a PASS in ANY THREE SUBJECTS for
the next academic year. Modify the formula to cater for the new rule.
HINT: There are 4 possibilities: (P,P,P,F), (F,P,P,P), (P, F,P,P) and (P,P,F,P). You will need to
Use both AND and OR Logical operators.
3. Change data for all possibilities and check each row’s outcome thoroughly
the solution is =IF(OR(AND(G33="Pass",H33="Pass",I33="Pass",J33="Pass"),AND(G33="Pass",H33="Pass",I33="Pass",J33="Fail"),AND(G33="Fail",H33="Pass",I33="Pass",J33="Pass"),AND(G33="Pass",H33="Fail",I33="Pass",J33="Pass"),AND(G33="Pass",H33="Pass",I33="Fail",J33="Pass")), "Yes","No")
however, the question is how would i make this shorter
and can u explain why it works
1. Copy the data onto a new worksheet.
2. It has been decided to offer a place if an applicant has a PASS in ANY THREE SUBJECTS for
the next academic year. Modify the formula to cater for the new rule.
HINT: There are 4 possibilities: (P,P,P,F), (F,P,P,P), (P, F,P,P) and (P,P,F,P). You will need to
Use both AND and OR Logical operators.
3. Change data for all possibilities and check each row’s outcome thoroughly
the solution is =IF(OR(AND(G33="Pass",H33="Pass",I33="Pass",J33="Pass"),AND(G33="Pass",H33="Pass",I33="Pass",J33="Fail"),AND(G33="Fail",H33="Pass",I33="Pass",J33="Pass"),AND(G33="Pass",H33="Fail",I33="Pass",J33="Pass"),AND(G33="Pass",H33="Pass",I33="Fail",J33="Pass")), "Yes","No")
however, the question is how would i make this shorter
and can u explain why it works