Hello, Forum Friends!
I have a workbook consisting of several tabs with tables and a summary page.
On the summary page, I have the following IF statement that returns the correct data.
=IF(OR(D4="TBD",N4="No",F4="No data",AND(F4="Concept",L4<=$L$1),AND(F4="Definition",L4<=$L$1),AND(F4="Agile Planning",L4<=$L$1)),"N/A",IFNA(IF(T4="N", "Need Key Task",IF(VLOOKUP(D4,Table18[#All],26,FALSE)="Yes",VLOOKUP(D4,Table18[#All],29,FALSE),"Task Not Baselined")),"No data"))
BUT, I am not getting the result that I want with the IFNA function, I can’t wrap my head around what I am leaving out…
I am stuck getting the following results: if cell “26” AA = “Yes”, lookup D4 in table18, cell “29” AD= “I want to pull the date in cell AD if cell AA =yes”, if cell AA=”No”, ”Task Not Baselined”, empty=No data.
Any assistance with this would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
I have a workbook consisting of several tabs with tables and a summary page.
On the summary page, I have the following IF statement that returns the correct data.
=IF(OR(D4="TBD",N4="No",F4="No data",AND(F4="Concept",L4<=$L$1),AND(F4="Definition",L4<=$L$1),AND(F4="Agile Planning",L4<=$L$1)),"N/A",IFNA(IF(T4="N", "Need Key Task",IF(VLOOKUP(D4,Table18[#All],26,FALSE)="Yes",VLOOKUP(D4,Table18[#All],29,FALSE),"Task Not Baselined")),"No data"))
BUT, I am not getting the result that I want with the IFNA function, I can’t wrap my head around what I am leaving out…
I am stuck getting the following results: if cell “26” AA = “Yes”, lookup D4 in table18, cell “29” AD= “I want to pull the date in cell AD if cell AA =yes”, if cell AA=”No”, ”Task Not Baselined”, empty=No data.
Any assistance with this would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.